
T Third Street Bus

  • ️Jesse Schofield - left

The T Third Bus operates in the early mornings before the subway opens: on weekday mornings from 5am to 6am and weekend mornings from 5am to 8am.

Southbound to Sunnydale

From Stockton & Washington, south on Stockton, continue to 4th St, left on Channel, right on 3rd St to Bayshore, right on Visitacion, left on Rutland, left on Sunnydale, left on Bayshore to terminal.

Northbound to Balboa Park

From Bayshore & Sunnydale, north on Bayshore, continue to 3rd St, left on Channel, right on 4th St, right on King, left on 3rd St, continue to Kearny, left on Sutter, right on Stockton to last stop at Stockton & Washington.