Undergraduate Programs |
Academic Teacher In Primary Education (Academic Teacher Training) |
Arabic Language And Culture |
Art History |
Artificial Intelligence |
Biology |
Biomedical Sciences |
Celtic Languages And Culture |
Chemistry |
College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Variant Farmacie) |
Communication And Information Sciences |
Computer |
Cultural Anthropology And Development Sociology |
Dutch Language And Culture |
Earth Sciences |
Economics And Business Economics |
Education (Part Time) |
Educational |
Educational Respectively. Hbo Bachelor Teacher Education |
Educational Sciences |
English Language And Culture |
Environmental Science |
Environmental Social Sciences |
French Language And Culture |
General Social Sciences |
German Language And Culture |
History |
Informatics |
Italian Language And Culture |
Jurisprudence |
Language And Cultuurstudies |
Law |
Liberal Arts And Sciences |
Linguistics |
Literary |
Management And Organization Science" |
Mathematics |
Mathematics And Applications |
Medicine |
Musicology |
Pharmacy |
Philosophy |
Physics And Astronomy |
Psychology |
Religion And Theology |
Roosevelt Academy |
Science, Technology And Innovation Management |
Social Geography |
Sociology |
Spanish Language And Culture |
The Portugal Language And Culture |
Theater, Film En Televisiewetenschap |
Theology |
Veterinary Medicine |
Graduate Programs |
American Studies |
Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Studies |
Animal Welfare |
Applied Ethics |
Art History of the Low Countries in its European Context |
Artificial Intelligence |
Arts and Culture |
Arts and Culture (research) |
Astrophysics |
Astrophysics and Space Research |
Biblical Studies |
Biological Sciences |
Biology and Biocomplexity |
Biology of Disease |
Biomedical Image Sciences |
Biomedical Sciences |
Business Informatics |
Cancer Genomics and Developmental Biology |
Chemical Sciences |
Cognitive Artificial Intelligence |
Communicatie en educatie van de natuurwetenschappen |
Comparative Literary Studies |
Comparative Women's Studies in Culture and Politics |
Computer Science |
Computing Science |
Conflict and Security Law |
Conflict Studies and Human Rights |
Criminology |
Cultural Anthropology: Sociocultural Transformations |
Cultural History |
Development and Socialisation in Childhood and Adolescence |
Development Studies |
Drug Innovation |
Earth Sciences |
Earth Structure and Dynamics |
Earth Surface and Water |
Earth, Life and Climate |
Economics of Competition and Regulation |
Economics of Public Policy and Management |
Economics: Education and Communication |
Educational Sciences: Learning in Interaction |
Energy Science |
Environmental Biology |
Environmental Sciences |
Epidemiology |
Epidemiology Postgraduate |
European Law |
Game and Media Technology |
Gender and Ethnicity |
Geographical Information Management and Applications (GIMA) |
Geographical Information Management and Applications (part-time) |
Geographical Sciences |
Global Criminology |
Health Sciences |
Historical and Comparative Studies of the Sciences and Humanities |
History |
History (research) |
History and Philosophy of Science |
Human Geography |
Human Geography and Planning |
Infection and Immunity |
Information Science |
Interdisciplinary Social Science |
International Business Law and Globalisation |
International Development Studies |
International Economics and Business |
International Human Rights and Criminal Justice |
International Relations |
Latin American and Caribbean Studies |
Law and Economics |
Legal Research |
lerarenopleiding informatica |
Linguistics (research) |
Linguistics: the Study of the Language Faculty |
Literary Studies (research) |
Mathematical Sciences |
Media and Performance Studies |
Media and Performance Studies |
Media Studies |
Media Studies (research), see |
Medieval Studies |
Meteorology, Physical Oceanography and Climate |
Methodology and Statistics of Behavioural and Social Sciences |
Migration, Ethnic Relations and Multiculturalism |
Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences |
Multidisciplinary Economics |
Musicology |
Nanomaterials: Chemistry and Physics |
Neuroscience and Cognition |
New Media & Digital Culture |
North American Studies |
Particle Physics |
Pharmaceutical Sciences |
Philosophy |
Philosophy (research) |
Physics and Climate Science |
Politics and Society in Historical Perspective |
Public International Law |
Research and Development in Science Education |
Research in Public Administration and Organizational Science |
Science and Business |
Science and Business Management |
Science and Innovation Management |
Science Education and Communication |
Science Teacher Education |
Scientific Computing |
Social and Health Psychology |
Social Policy and Social Interventions |
Social Sciences Education and Communication |
Sociology and Social Research |
Stochastics and Financial Mathematics |
Sustainable Development |
Technical Artificial Intelligence |
Theatre Studies |
Theology and Religious Studies |
Theoretical Physics |
Toxicology and Environmental Health |
Urban Geography |
Veterinary and Molecular Pathology |
Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics |
Veterinary Science |