This model is a truncated dodecahedron that has
pentagonal cupolaic excavations in all twelve of its decagonal faces, followed
by 12 pentagonal antiprism excavations, and is
finally drilled by a central dodecahedron to
create a hole through the model which connects the antiprisms' bases. It has a
genus of 11.
Here's what part of the shape of the hole looks like. A dodecahedron
in the middle, with 2 of its 12 faces augmented with antiprisms
followed by cupolae. The full hole has all 12 faces augmented.
Start by putting together the inner section.
When the inner part is complete, start adding the outside parts. (You
do have a pair of tweezers, don't you?!).
Looked like it would be very difficult to finish this model nicely, but
I found a way that worked quite well. This picture shows you which
parts to leave till last, leaving a kind of zigzag pattern to finish
with. You can access all the tabs on what remains with tweezers
through various gaps, and leave the last five green traingles till the
very end. These should just close like lids.
You can see how big the model is here, along with Small Stella running
on the laptop, showing the same model.
Close-up view of finished model.
Another close-up view.