Depositing records

We are grateful to all those who have passed their archives onto us. The responsibility of Southampton Archives is to ensure the continued survival and accessibility of the Archives’ holdings for present and future users.

As is the case with all repositories, we operate a collecting policy.

Our collecting area is within the boundaries of the city of Southampton and material should be of historical interest to Southampton and worthy of long-term preservation.

Documents come in many different formats including but not exclusively: minute books, accounts, letters, diaries, charters, title deeds, newspapers, as well more visual sources such as maps, plans, photographs and films. We also take digital collections, both ‘born-digital’ material or items created as digital surrogates. What unites our collections is that they reflect the diversity of Southampton’s communities, the everyday lives and personal histories of the city’s residents, and tell the story of the development of Southampton through the ages.

We accept donations relating to:

  • Firms and businesses
  • Families and individuals
  • Societies, charitable societies, organisations
  • Community groups and associations
  • Non-conformist church records
  • Hospitals
  • Maritime
  • Photographic collections

We are recognised by the National Archives as a place of deposit for Southampton public records (that is court records e.g. coroners’, quarter sessions’, magistrates’ court, hospital records).

We are designated as Diocesan Record Office (DROs) for Church of England parishes within the boundaries of Southampton (also West End).

If you have documents that you think may be of interest to us and wish to donate please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss.