51st Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Company M Roll

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A Partial Roster of the

Contributed by Lori Fortner
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Below is a partial roster of the 51st Iowa Volunteer Infantry. Should you have rosters of other companies, please let us know!

The Roster:

Field and Staff
Company A ||| Company B ||| Company C ||| Company D

Company E ||| Company F ||| Company G ||| Company H
Company I ||| Company K ||| Company L ||| Company M

Field and Staff


John C. Loper, Col.

Company A


William R. Gibson, Capt.
Frank W. Kihlbom, 1st Lt.
Park A. Findley, 2nd Lt.


William E. Parvin, 1st Sgt.
S. S. Boylen, Quartermaster Sgt.
Charles St. George
Francis H. Lincoln
E. B. Smith
J. A. Graham


Ira J. Dresser
Charles Seibert
Harry W. Penn
Edward F. Conter
Edward F. Cornell
Lorin J. Roach
Edward R. Hutchins, Jr.
Samuel K. Earle
Richard McCarthy
Clarence M. Henderson
Imanual R. Koesling
Henry Paschal


John B. Findley
J. Craig Schramm


Joseph A. Edwards


Charles M. Beck


Arney, Harry L.
Armstrong, E. C.
Beard, William J.

Beck, Millard S.

Berry, Herbert L.
Brown, Arthur G.
Brock, William I -  Transferred to Company L
Brockway, F. L.
Bryne, John 
Bundy, Bert J.
Burroughs, Clyde
Charles E. Chambers
Chambers, Harry O.
Cheshire, Carey A.
Clark, George R.
Crosby, Joseph C.
Crowell, Charles G.
Eakin, John L.
Elder, Albert E
Erb, Oliver H.
Fulton, Clarence A.
George, Murray M.
Grove, Joseph B.
Guinan, Frederick
Guthrie, Arthur J.
Hart, Lyman A.
Harvey, Rufus H.
Haug, A. H.
Heindorff, Barney
Hilker, Ira C.
Hinsey, Clarence W.
Hibbs, Fred V.
Hime, Frank M.
Holmes, Ralph T.
Hutchison, W. E.
Jones, John J., Jr.
Kimmey, Earl R.
Lanterman, H. M.
Lindsay, John E.
Love, Max J.

Markham, Marlin

Marsh, Walter E.

Mason, Ralph
Mather, Benjamin C.

McCallister, C. L.
McClain, Willis H.
McClaskey, John W.
McKeon, John F.

Melosh, Edward
Merrill, William J
Miller, John R.
Montis, James
Ness, Bearnhart J.
Olson, Jacob
Patterson, B. H.

Price, W. B.
Price, Harry W.
Pomeroy, George J.
Quigley, Edward J.
Raffensparger, J. B.
Read, Homer W.
Scholes, J. W.

Scheier, William C.
Shewey, Charles H.
Sharp, George F.
Read, Homer W.
Slatten Amon M.

Smith, Otto H.
Spensley, M. B.
Steele, Edward M.
Swanson, John L.
Thomas, Andrew H.
Thompson, Charles W.
Taft, Silas
Tibbetts, Edwin F.
Toulouse, J. J.
Toulouse, J. H.

Wall, John E.
Wagner, Walter
West, Charles H.

Williams, Mark W.
Witmer, James C.

White Arthur A.
Whitman, George A.
Wood, Harry W.

Company M


Capt. Jesse W. Clark
1st Lt. Harry W. French
2nd Lt. Guy E. Logan


1st Sgt. John J. Shuey
Sgt. Charles. B Rose
Sgt. Carl Austin
Sgt Owen Hawkins
Sgt Henry Nordquist


Corp. Ed Logan
Corp. Ed M. Rose
Corp. Will H. Hiett
Corp. Will J. Jeffers
Lance Corp. Resolve Palmer
Lance Corp. Harry Cook


Muscian J. H. Kastman
Musician Ivan Elwood


Cook Ed Pitner
Cook Charles Wheeler


C. E. Arnold,  Clarinda
Binns, Chas. L., NY
Blue, Lee
Bolish, Fred
Briggs, Guy
Byers, Mont.
DeFrehn, Will
Evans, Evan J.
Fisher, Jesse C.
Gassner, Roy E.
Gillmore, John D.
Hallett, Adrian
Hysham, Verni
Ingram, F. Corydon
Jens, Chas
Jones, George
Kerrihard, Geo. M.
Kerrihard, W. R.
Lane, E E
Logan, Jas. M.
Lumb, Clarence
Lyon, J.F.
Markey, Jos I
Martin E. W., Clarinda, Iowa
Merritt, E. A.
Miller, M. S.
Moulton, Morse, St. Louis, MO
Murphy, Chas. H.
Nicoll, W. E.
Pace, E.O
Rathbone, E. D.
Reichow, Paul
Richards, Carl
Rogers, L. E.
Ross, Lloyd
Ross, Will
Smith, F. A.
Smith, Harry
Stafford C. A., Omaha, NE
Stevens, Harry
Swenson, H.L
Thomas, Bert
Throw, Etna
Throw, J. Frank
Tyson, Otis
Windsor, J. M.
Wolfe,, Frank
Zuber, Thos.

Regimental Staff:

Lane, H. C.  Regimental Commisary
Nixson, E. J. Sgt. Major
Young, Russell M. Hospital corps.


Belger, Chris - Roster of Company A

Markey, Joseph, "From Iowa to the Philippines a History of Company M. Fifty-First Iowa Infantry Volunteers"

Fortner, Lori - Roster of Company M

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