Spanish American War Military Units - Unit Histories and Roster, 1898

  • ️Patrick McSherry
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Unit Profiles, Rosters, and Photos

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Orders of Battle:

US Order of Battle ||| Spanish Order of Battle in Cuba

Spanish Order of battle in the Philippines

Spanish Order of battle in Puerto Rico 

Unit profiles


 California Volunteer Heavy Artillery, Battery B

Connecticut in the Spanish American War

"First Troop," Pennsylvania Cavalry

Georgia Volunteer Light Artillery

"Governor's Troop," Pennsylvania Cavalry

Heavy Battery, South Carolina Volunteer Artillery

Independent Battalion, South Carolina Volunteer Infantry

Maine Volunteer Heavy Artillery

Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery, Light Battery A (Keystone Battery)

Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery, Light Artillery, Battery B

Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery, Light Artillery, Battery C

Separate Companies A and B, Indiana Volunteer Infantry

Sheridan Troop, Pennsylvania Cavalry ||| South Carolina Naval Militia

Vth Corp's (Parker's) Gatling Gun Detachment

1st Alabama Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st Arkansas Volunteer Infantry

 California Volunteer Heavy Artillery, Battery B

 1st California Volunteer Infantry

1st Connecticut Volunteer Artillery, Battery A

1st Connecticut Volunteer Artillery, Battery B

1st Connecticut Volunteer Artillery, Battery C ||| 1st Connecticut Volunteer Infantry

1st Delaware Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st Florida Volunteer Infantry

1st Georgia Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st Idaho Volunteer Infantry

1st Illinois Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st Kentucky Volunteer Infantry

1st Maine Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st Marine Battalion, USMC

1st Maryland Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery

1st Mississippi Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st Missouri Volunteer Infantry, Company E

1st Montana Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st Nebraska Volunteer Infantry

1st Nevada Volunteer Infantry Battalion 

1st New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry

 1st New Jersey Volunteer Infantry

1st New York Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st North Carolina Volunteer Infantry

1st North Dakota Volunteer Infantry

1st Ohio Volunteer Cavalry ||| 1st Ohio Volunteer Infantry

1st Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

1st Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry

1st South Carolina Volunteer Infantry |||  1st South Dakota Volunteer Infantry

1st Tennessee Volunteer Infantry

1st Territorial Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st Texas Volunteer Infantry

1st U.S. Cavalry ||| 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry ("Rough Riders)

1st U.S. Volunteer Engineeers

1st U.S. Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st Vermont Volunteer Infantry

1st Washington Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st Washington Volunteer Infantry Battalion

1st West Virginia Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

1st Wyoming Volunteer Infantry ||| 2nd Alabama Volunteer Infantry

2nd Arkansas Volunteer Infantry ||| 2nd Georgia Volunteer Infantry

2nd Illinois Volunteer Infantry

2nd Kentucky Volunteer Infantry

2nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry ||| 2nd Missouri Volunteer Infantry

2nd New Jersey Volunteer Infantry ||| 2nd New York Volunteer Infantry

2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry ||| 2nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry

2nd OregonVolunteer Infantry ||| 2nd South Carolina Volunteer Infantry

2nd Texas Volunteer Infantry, Co. K ||| 2nd U.S Artillery, Battery A

2nd U.S Artillery, Battery F ||| 2nd U.S. Infantry

2nd U.S Volunteer Cavalry ("Torrey's Rough Riders")

2nd U.S. Volunteer Engineers

2nd U.S. Volunteer Infantry

2nd U.S. Volunteer Engineers ||| 2nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

3rd Alabama Volunteer Infantry ||| 3rd Connecticut Volunteer Infantry

3rd Georgia Volunteer Infantry ||| 3rd Nebraska Volunteer Infantry

3rd New Jersey Volunteer Infantry

3rd New York Volunteer Infantry ||| 3rd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry

3rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry ||| 3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry

3rd U.S Volunteer Cavalry

3rd U.S. Volunteer Engineers ||| 3rd U.S Volunteer Infantry

3rd Virginia Volunteer Infantry ||| 3rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

4th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry ||| 4th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry

4th Ohio Volunteer Infantry ||| 4th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry ||| 4th Texas Volunteer Infantry

4th U.S. Infantry  ||| 4th U.S. Cavalry ||| 4th Virginia Volunteer Infantry

4th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry ||| 5th Maryland Volunteer Infantry

5th Missouri Volunteer Infantry ||| 5th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

5th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry ||| 5th U.S. Volunteer Infantry, Co. H

5th U.S. Infantry, Co. M ||| 6th California Volunteer Infantry

6th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

6th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry ||| 6th Missouri Volunteer Infantry, Co A

6th Missouri  Volunteer Infantry, Co E ||| 6th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

6th U.S. Cavalry ||| 6th U.S. Volunteer Infantry

6th Virginia Volunteer Infantry ||| 7th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

8th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, Co. K

8th New York Volunteer Infantry

8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

8th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry ||| 8th U.S. Cavalry ||| 8th U.S. Infantry

9th Illinois Volunteer Infantry ||| 9th Masshusetts Volunteer Infantry

9th New York Volunteer Infantry

9th Ohio Volunteer Infantry ||| 9th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

9th U.S. Infantry  ||| 9th U.S. Volunteer Infantry ||| 10th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

10th U.S. Cavalry ||| 10th U.S. Volunteer Infantry

12th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry

12th New York Volunteer Infantry ||| 12th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

13th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry ||| 13th Pennsylania Volunteer Infantry

14th Pennsylania Volunteer Infantry ||| 15th Minnesota, Co. H

15th Pennsylania Volunteer Infantry ||| 16th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

18th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

18th U.S. Infantry ||| 20th Kansas Volunteer Infantry

 22nd New York Volunteer Infantry

22nd U.S. Infantry

23rd Kansas Volunteer Infantry

 23rd U.S. Infantry

27th Indiana Volunteer Light Artillery

32nd Michigan Volunteer Infantry

34th Michigan Volunteer Infantry ||| 35th Michigan Volunteer Infantry

47th New York Volunter Infantry ||| 49th Iowa Volunter Infantry

50th Iowa Volunter Infantry ||| 51st Iowa Volunteer Infantry

52nd Iowa Volunteer Infantry ||| 65th New York Volunteer Infantry

71st New York Volunteer Infantry

157th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

158th Indiana Volunteer Infantry ||| 159th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

160th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

161st Indiana Volunteer Infantry ||| 201st New York Volunteer Infantry

202nd New York Volunteer Infantry

The U.S. Volunteer Signal Corps

The Difficulties in the Formation of the Vth Corps

The Beginnings of the Coast Artillery and the Spanish American War - A Chronology

Black Participation in the Spanish American War


Talavera Battalion, Peninsular, Nr. 4 ||| Regimiento de Infanteria “Principe” No. 3

Regimiento de Infanteria "America" Nr. 14 ||| Hussars of Pavia, Cavalry Regiment Nr. 20

Batallon De Cazadores "La Patria" Nº 25 ||| Regimiento de Infanteria "Constitucion" Nº 29

Regimiento de Infanteria “Leon” No. 38 ||| Regimiento de Infanteria “Isabel la Catolica” No. 75

Instituto de Voluntarios de Puerto Rico ||| Principado de Asturias


Chanler's Rough Riders

 Unit Rosters:


Crew Roster U.S.S. ABARENDA


Partial Crew Roster, USS ALVARADO

Crew Roster, U.S.S. AMPHITRITE

Crew Roster, U.S.S. ANNAPOLIS

Crew Roster, USS BALTIMORE ||| Crew Roster, USS BOSTON


Officers, USRC CALUMET ||| Crew Roster, U.S.S. CASTINE



Crew Roster, USS CONCORD ||| Roster, Connecticut Naval Militia


Crew Roster, USS DETROIT

Crew Roster, USS DIXIE

Crew Roster, USS DOLPHIN

Crew Roster, USS DuPONT

Crew Roster, USS EAGLE ||| Crew Roster, USS ERICSSON

Crew Roster, USS HARVARD

Partial Roster, USS HELENA ||| Partial Roster, USS HIST

 Crew Roster, USRC HUDSON

Crew of the USS INDIANA ||| Crew Roster, USRC LEVI WOODBURY

Officers, USRC LOUIS McLANE ||| Crew Roster, USS MAINE


Crew Roster USRC McCULLOCH ||| Crew of the USS MERRIMAC


NASHVILLE & MARBLEHEAD crews who cut the cables at Cienfuegos

Roster, Maryland Naval Militia ||| Marine Guard, USS NEW YORK

Roster, New York Naval Militia

Crew Roster, USS OLYMPIA ||| Crew Roster, USS OREGON

Crew Roster, USS PETREL ||| Crew Roster, USS RALEIGH

Officers, USRC RICHARD RUSH ||| Roster, South Carolina Naval Militia

Partial Crew Roster, Auxiliary Cruiser ST. LOUIS

Partial Crew Roster, Auxiliary Cruiser ST. PAUL


Partial Crew Roster, Gunboat WASP ||| Officers, USRC WILLIAM WINDOM


Partial Crew Roster, Auxiliary Cruiser YALE

U.S. Marine Contingent Serving Aboard the Auxiliary Cruiser YANKEE

Crew Roster, Auxiliary Cruiser YOSEMITE

Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery:, Battery A ||| Battery B ||| Battery C

First  Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry (Pennsyvania Volunteer Cavalry)

Georgia Volunteer Light Artillery

Governor's Troop, Pennsyvania Volunteer Cavalry

Sheridan Troop, Pennsyvania Volunteer Cavalry

Separate Companies A and B, Indiana Volunteer Infantry

Troop A, New York Volunteer Cavalry ||| Troop C, New York Volunteer Cavalry

Heavy Battery, South Carolina Volunteer Artillery

U.S. Volunteer Signal Corps

Vth Corp's (Parker's) Gatling Gun Detachment

1st Alabama Volunteer Infantry

1st Arkansas Volunteer Infantry

Stanford University Students - 1st California Volunteer Infantry, Co K

1st California Heavy Artillery, Battery B

1st Connecticut Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st Connecticut Volunteer Artillery

1st Florida Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st Idaho Volunteer Infantry

1st Illinois Volunteer Infantry

1st Kentucky Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st Maine Volunteer Infantry

1st Marine Battalion Members Serving Aboard USS HARVARD

1st Marine Battalion (Reinforced) ||| 1st Maryland Volunteer Infantry

1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery||| 1st Mississippi Volunteer Infantry

1st Missouri Volunteer Infantry, Company E ||| 1st Montana Volunteer Infantry

1st Nebraska Volunteer Infantry

1st Nevada Volunteer Infantry Battalion

1st New York Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st North Carolina Volunteer Infantry

1st North Dakota Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st Ohio Volunteer Cavalry

1st Ohio Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery

1st Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry, (with extra roster on Company I)

1st South Carolina Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st South Dakota Volunteer Infantry

1st Territorial Volunteer Infantry

1st Texas Volunteer Infantry ||| 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry ("Rough Riders")

1st U.S. Volunteer Engineers ||| 1st Vermont Volunteer Infantry

 1st West Virginia Volunteer Infantry

1st Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

2nd Alabama Volunteer Infantry

2nd Arkansas Volunteer Infantry

 2nd Missouri Volunter Infantry

2nd New Jersey National Guard ||| 2nd New York Volunteer Infantry

2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry ||| 2nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry

2nd South Carolina Volunteer Infantry ||| 2nd Tennesse Volunteer Infantry

2nd Texas Volunteer Infantry ||| 2nd U.S. Volunteer Engineers

2nd Virginia Volunteer Infantry

2nd West Virginia Volunteer Infantry ||| 2nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

3rd Alabama Volunteer Infantry ||| 3rd Connecticut Volunteer Infantry

3rd Kentucky Volunteer Infantry

3rd New Jersey Volunteer Infantry

3rd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry ||| 3rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry

3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry ||| 3rd U. S. Volunteer Cavalry

3rd U. S. Volunteer Engineers

3rd Virginia Volunteer Infantry ||| 3rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry

4th Illinois Volunteer Infantry ||| 4th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, Co E

4th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry ||| 4th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

4th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry 4th Tennessee Volunteer Infantry

4th Virginia Volunteer Infantry ||| 5th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

5th U.S. Volunteer Infantry, Co. H ||| 5th U.S. Infantry, Co. M

6th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry ||| 6th California Volunteer Infantry

6th Missouri Volunteer Infantry, Co E ||| 6th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

6th U.S. Volunteer Infantry ||| 6th Virginia Volunteer Infantry

7th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

Officers of the 8th Illinois National Guard ||| 8th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry

8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry ||| Dead of the 8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

8th U.S. Cavalry ||| 9th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry

9th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

9th U.S. Volunteer Infantry ||| 10th Ohio Volunteer Infantry

10th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

10 U.S. Cavalry ||| 10th U.S. Volunteer Infantry

11 U.S. Infantry ||| 12th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry

13th Minnesota (Names A-L)(Names M-Z)(Company E)

15th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry ||| 18th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry

20th Kansas Volunteer Infantry ||| 21st U.S. Infantry

Officers of the 22nd New York Volunteer Infantry ||| 23rd Kansas Volunteer Infantry

23rd U.S. Infantry ||| 24th U.S. Infantry ||| 27th Battery, Indiana Volunteer Artillery

32nd Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Co. H

35th Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Co. D ||| Officers of the 48th U.S.Volunteer Infantry

49th Iowa Volunteer Infantry ||| Officers of the 49th Vol. Infantry

51st Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Company M |||  71st New York Volunteer Infantry

157th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

158th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

159th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Co. B

160th Indiana Volunteer Infantry

203rd New York Volunteer Infantry

U.S. Volunteer Signal Corps

Capt. W. H. Cobb's Company, US Volunteers (Florida)

Members of Guy V. Henry Post, Camp #3, USWV, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Members of Fitzhugh Lee Camp #4, Dallas, Texas

Missouri Troops who received the federal service medal

Missouri Troops who received the Army Spanish Campaign service medal

Ohio Volunteers in the U.S. Hospital Corps

List of Soldiers Who Died at Camp Wikoff's Detention Camp

List of Soldiers Who Died at Camp Poland, Knoxville, Tennessee

Veterans Living in Buffalo Co., Nebraska in 1989


Osorio's Troops at Battle of Saratoga

Roster of Spanish Prisoners of War who Died at Portsmouth Navy Yard, Kittery, Maine


Chanler's Rough Riders

Unit Photos (with information, where possible)

Michigan National Guard ||| 3rd Nebraska, Co. D

1st West Virginia, Co. L ||| 1st Vermont, Co. F. ||| 6th U.S. Infantry, Co. K

 6th Ohio, Co. L  ||| 6th Missouri Volunteer Infantry, Co. C

 Veterans gathered at Artesia, NM on the 40th Anniversary of the War

Links to information on other units!
The 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry, "Rough Riders" (including roster), click here!
The 10th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, (diary of John Henry Asendorf), click here!
The 34th Michigan Volunteer Infantry, Co. F (including roster), click here!
The 49th Iowa Volunteer Infantry (in addition to that listed above), click here!
The 51st Iowa Volunteer Infantry, click here!
The 52nd Iowa Volunteer Infantry, click here!
Kansas Troops in the Spanish American War, click here!
Michigan National Guard in the Spanish American War,  click here!
Actual movie of the First California embarking aboard ship click here!

To visit the website bibliography, click here ||| For regimental history books, etc., click here
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