Planetary Geology


  1. Angelo Pio Rossi
    1. Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen, Germany

  2. Stephan van Gasselt
    1. National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan

  • Presents a multi-disciplinary textbook on planetary geology
  • Provides an up-to-date interdisciplinary geoscience-focused overview of solid Solar System bodies and their evolution
  • Complemented by exercises and interactive material provided in a self-contained online repository

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About this book

This book provides an up-to-date interdisciplinary geoscience-focused overview of solid solar system bodies and their evolution, based on the comparative description of processes acting on them.

Planetary research today is a strongly multidisciplinary endeavor with efforts coming from engineering and natural sciences. Key focal areas of study are the solid surfaces found in our Solar System. Some have a direct interaction with the interplanetary medium and others have dynamic atmospheres. In any of those cases, the geological records of those surfaces (and sub-surfaces) are key to understanding the Solar System as a whole: its evolution and the planetary perspective of our own planet.

This book has a modular structure and is divided into 4 sections comprising 15 chapters in total. Each section builds upon the previous one but is also self-standing. The sections are: 

  • Methods and tools
  • Processes and Sources 
  • Integration and Geological Syntheses
  • Frontiers

The latter covers the far-reaching broad topics of exobiology, early life, extreme environments and planetary resources, all areas where major advancements are expected in the forthcoming decades and both key to human exploration of the Solar System.

The target readership includes advanced undergraduate students in geoscience-related topics with no specific planetary science knowledge; undergraduates in other natural science domains (e.g. physics, astronomy, biology or chemistry); graduates in engineering and space systems design who want to complement their knowledge in planetary science.

The authors’ backgrounds span a broad range of topics and disciplines: rooted in Earth geoscience, their expertise covers remote sensing and cartography, field mapping, impact cratering, volcanology and tectonics, sedimentology and stratigraphy exobiology and life in extreme environments, planetary resources and mining. Several generations of planetary scientists are cooperating to provide a modern view on a discipline developed from Earth during and through Space exploration.

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Table of contents (15 chapters)

  1. Methods and Tools

    1. Introduction

      • Angelo Pio Rossi, Stephan van Gasselt

      Pages 3-14

    2. Geologic Tools

      • Monica Pondrelli, Victor R. Baker, Ernst Hauber

      Pages 15-31

    3. Exploration Tools

      • Stephan van Gasselt, Angelo Pio Rossi, Damien Loizeau, Mario d’Amore

      Pages 33-53

    4. Ground Truth

      • Angelo Pio Rossi, Stephan van Gasselt

      Pages 71-100

  2. Processes and Sources

    1. Meteorites

      • Ansgar Greshake, Joerg Fritz

      Pages 103-121

  3. Integration and Geological Syntheses

  4. Frontiers

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Editors and Affiliations

  • Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen, Germany

    Angelo Pio Rossi

  • National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan

    Stephan van Gasselt

About the editors

Dr. Angelo Pio Rossi is a planetary scientist who received his doctoral degree at the Unviersity of D’Annunczio, Pescara, in 2004. He was appointed as Professor of Earth and Planetary Science at the Department of Physics & Earth Sciences at Jacobs University Bremen where he researches and teaches topics of Earth and planetary sciences. His main research interests are in planetary geology, remote sensing, terrestrial analogue studies, and impact cratering. He has been involved with ESA and NASA Mars missions. He has been publishing papers on topics of planetary geology and geomorphology and is a member of the editorial board of Planetary & Space Science and co-editor of the Springer/ISSI Space Sciences Series volume 59 on
Dust Devils.

Dr. Stephan van Gasselt received his doctoral degree on topics of Martian geomorphology at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany in 2007 and was appointed at National Chengchi University, Taiwan, where he teaches and researches on topics of Earth and planetary sciences with a focus on geology and geomorphology, He has been involved as Co-Investigator in a number of ESA missions. He is executive editor for the Elsevier journal GeoResJ.

The authors’ backgrounds span over a broad range of topics and disciplines: rooted in Earth geoscience, their expertise covers remote sensing and cartography, field mapping, impact cratering, volcanology and tectonics, sedimentology and stratigraphy exobiology and life in extreme environments, planetary resources and mining. Several generations of planetary scientists are
cooperating, to provide a modern view on a discipline developed from Earth during and through Space exploration.

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