STM32CubeMX: Graphical tool - STMicroelectronics - STMicroelectronics
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Expedite initialization of your overall system
Great tool for starting from scratch.
The STM32CubeMX tool makes hardware and
peripheral configuration easy, plus Nucleo
boards for development are cost effective. They
also offer a great variety of part selection.”
Key benefits
1- Accelerate your time to market
With its easy-to-use graphical interface, STM32CubeMX helps you to quickly configure hardware and software, and generate your C-code project for your STM32 platform.
2- Design flow flexibility
Whatever your software development flow and the IDE and toolchain you are using, particularly for most common ones (especially STM32CubeIDE, IAR, and Keil), STM32CubeMX will help you to quickly start and configure your project.
3- Absolutely free
Full STM32CubeMX functionality provided to you at no cost at all.
Just download it and start developing.
- Embedded finder: MCUs/MPUs, boards, examples
- Pinout, Peripherals & Middleware configuration
- Clock configuration
- Project generation for Keil, IAR & STM32CubeIDE
- Power consumption estimation
- Software package manager
- Embedded tutorial videos and documentation
Discover STM32CubeMX features
Finder, pinout/clock/peripheral/middleware configuration, project and code generation, power consumption calculation, software package manager.
Pinout configuration
Graphical interface to ease pinout placement and configuration for your overall system.
MCU, MPU, boards, pinout
Clock configuration
Visualization of the complete clock tree, clock configuration, and automatic solver to complete resolution based on your needs.
Clock configuration, clock setting resolver
Peripheral configuration
Configure graphically every peripheral to be initialized for your project and manage conflict versus hardware sharing.
Peripheral & middleware selection, configuration, pinout conflict solving
Add software packs
Manage additional software packs and their dependencies and add them to your project, then configure them just like other native peripherals or middleware.
Software package, CMSIS pack, components, dependency solving
Configure and generate the project
Tune the configuration of your project and select your target IDE toolchain before finally generating the C code and including all libraries in your project.
Project creation, code generation and initialization, IDEs