Preparing Your Home for Emergency

Our homes are our safe spaces, and usually that holds true, but occasionally, an emergency can happen, and when it does, you want to be prepared, right? Well, here are a few things you can do to get your home (and your family) ready for any eventuality.
The Chill of Blackouts: Because Who Doesn’t Love Stumbling in the Dark?
Let’s start with the most common inconvenience: power outages. No electricity means no TV, no Wi-Fi, and a rapidly defrosting freezer—plus a golden opportunity for your cat to trip you up in the hallway. While blackouts might sound like something that only happens in remote cottages, they can (and do) occur in the suburbs too. So, spare yourself the joy of accidentally stepping on Lego in the dark by creating a power-cut survival kit. Stock it with flashlights, extra batteries, a battery-powered radio, and a healthy sense of humour. And if you really want to avoid the midnight Lego gauntlet, keep a pair of slippers near every bed. Your feet will thank you later.
In Praise of Emergency Lighting: Your Literal Guiding Light
Speaking of light, investing in some form of emergency lighting is hands-down one of the best ways to stop your home from becoming a pitch-black obstacle course during a power cut. There’s a veritable rainbow of options, from small plug-in night lights that snap to life when the power goes out, to swanky, wall-mounted LED systems that make your hallway look like an airport runway. Don’t be that person who hoards 57 tealights “just in case” and ends up playing accidental arsonist. Go for something reliable, fuss-free, and ideally rechargeable. Your wallpaper (and your insurance provider) will be eternally grateful.
Stocking Up: Beans, Biscuits, and the Occasional Luxury
It’s a universal truth that the moment a crisis looms, the masses rush out to buy obscene amounts of toilet roll and baked beans. But if you’re aiming for a more balanced approach, stock a few longer-lasting food items in your cupboards—think tinned soups, dried pasta, rice, and some treat-yourself biscuits. (Digestives, hobnobs... maybe even a cheeky packet of chocolate Bourbons if you’re feeling wild.) While you’re at it, keep a manual tin opener handy. Because trust me, there’s nothing more tragic than having 25 tins of beans and no way to open them. And if you’re the type who can’t function without a proper cuppa, stash some UHT milk and teabags in your emergency kit. At least when the world is falling apart, you’ll still have tea.

Water, Water Everywhere (Unless There’s a Drought)
In extreme situations, your water supply can also go AWOL. Whether it’s a burst main or an actual shortage, do yourself a favour and store a few large bottles of water in a cool, dark spot. A good rule of thumb: aim for at least two litres of drinking water per person per day, plus a bit extra for cooking and cleaning. And yes, this includes water for pets—because let’s not forget little Mittens or Fido in an emergency, or you’ll never hear the end of it.
Communication: More Than Just Screaming Out the Window
Mobile phones are marvellous—until the battery icon turns red and you discover you forgot your charger at your mate’s house. Keep an old-school corded telephone (the kind that doesn’t rely on mains electricity) if you still have a landline. If not, invest in a portable power bank or two for your mobile devices. In a pinch, you can even use your car’s charger—just don’t run the engine in an enclosed space unless you fancy seeing the afterlife sooner than planned.
Heating and Cooling: Because Shivering Or Sweating Is Never Stylish
Winters in Britain can be bitter (though let’s be honest, we’re pros at moaning about the weather regardless of the season). If you rely on electric heating, have a backup plan for staying warm—layered clothing, blankets, or a wood-burning stove if you’re fancy. And don’t forget about cooling solutions for those four days a year when the sun decides to roast us alive. A simple fan or two can do wonders—just pray the power doesn’t go out right when you need it most.
First Aid: the Kit You Hope You Never Need
Invest in a decent first aid kit and familiarise yourself with its contents. Plasters, painkillers, bandages, antiseptic cream—the works. You never know when a stubbed toe or a minor kitchen mishap might strike (especially if you’re chopping veggies by candlelight). Stash a small kit in your car as well, just to cover all bases.
As you can see, you don’t need a full-on bunker in the garden or a pantry full of enough food to last a lifetime to prepare your home for an emergency!