Die Homepage von Thomas Witzke: eigene Erstbeschreibungen
Erstbeschreibungen neuer Minerale, an denen ich beteiligt bin
WITZKE, T. (1999): Hydrowoodwardite, a new mineral of the hydrotalcite group from Königswalde near Annaberg, Saxony/Germany and other localities.- Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 75-86 |
PÖLLMANN, H.; WITZKE, T. & KOHLER, H. (1997): Kuzelite, [Ca4Al2(OH)12][(SO4) · 6 H2O], a new mineral from Maroldsweisach/Bavaria, Germany.- Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 423-432 |
WITZKE, T.; WEGNER, R.; DOERING, T.; PÖLLMANN, H. & SCHUCKMANN, W. (2000): Serrabrancaite, MnPO4 · H2O, a new mineral from the Alto Serra Branca pegmatite, Pedra Lavrada, Paraiba, Brazil.- American Mineralogist 85, 847-849 |
WITZKE, T.; STEINS, M.; DOERING, T.; SCHUCKMANN, W.; WEGNER, R. & PÖLLMANN, H. (im Druck): Fluornatromicrolite, (Na,Ca,Bi)2Ta2O6F, a new mineral from Quixaba, Paraiba, Brazil.- Canadian Mineralogist |
WITZKE, T. & RAADE, G. (2000): Zincowoodwardite, [Zn1-xAlx(OH)2][(SO4)x/2 (H2O)n], a new mineral of the hydrotalcite group.- Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 455-465 |
WITZKE, T.; STEINS, M.; DOERING, T. & KOLITSCH, U. (2000): Gottlobite, CaMg(VO4,AsO4)(OH), a new mineral from Friedrichroda, Thuringia, Germany.- Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Monatshefte, 444 -454 |
WITZKE, T.; ZHEN, S.; SEFF, K.; DOERING, T.; NASDALA, L. & KOLITSCH, U. (2001) Ronneburgite, K2MnV4O12, a new mineral from Ronneburg, Thuringia, Germany: Description and crystal structure.- American Mineralogist 86, 1081-1086 |
KRAUSE, W.; BERNHARDT, H.-J.; EFFENBERGER, H. & WITZKE, T. (2002): Schneebergite and nickelschneebergite from Schneeberg, Saxony, Germany: the first Bi-bearing members of the tsumcorite group.- European Journal of Mineralogy 14, 115-126 |
KRAUSE, W.; BERNHARDT, H.-J.; EFFENBERGER, H. & WITZKE, T. (2002): Schneebergite and nickelschneebergite from Schneeberg, Saxony, Germany: the first Bi-bearing members of the tsumcorite group.- European Journal of Mineralogy 14, 115-126 |
BIRCH, W.D.; KOLITSCH, U.; WITZKE, T.; NASDALA, L. & BOTTRIL, R.S. (2000): Petterdite, the Cr-dominant analogue of dundasite, a new mineral species from Dundas, Tasmania, Australia and Callenberg, Saxony, Germany.- Canadian Mineralogist 38, 1467-1476 |
WITZKE, T.; KOLITSCH, U.; KRAUSE, W.; WIECHOWSKI, A.; MEDENBACH, O.; KAMPF, A.R.; STEELE, I.M. & FAVREAU, G. (2006): Guanacoite, Cu2Mg2(Mg0.5Cu0.5)(OH)4(H2O)4(AsO4)2, a new arsenate mineral species from the El Guanaco Mine, near Taltal, Chile: Description and crystal structure.- European Journal of Mineralogy 18, 813-821 |
WITZKE, T.; KOLITSCH, U.; WARNSLOH, J.M. & GÖSKE, J. (2008): Wakefieldite-(La), LaVO4, a new mineral species from the Glücksstern Mine, Friedrichroda, Thuringia, Germany.- European Journal of Mineralogy 20, 1135-1139 |
RAADE, G.; GRICE, J.D.; ERAMBERT, M.; KRISTIANSSON, P. & WITZKE, T. (2008): Proshchenkoite-(Y), from Russia - a new mineral species in the vicanite group: descriptive data and crystal structure.- Mineralogical Magazine 75, 1071-1082 |
ATENCIO, D.; CHUKANOV, N.V.; NESTOLA, F.; WITZKE, T.; COUTINHO, J.M.V.; ZADOV, A.E.; CONTREIRA FILHO, R.R. & FÄRBER, G. (eingereicht): Mejillonesite, a new acid sodium, magnesium phosphate mineral from Mejillones, Antofagasta, Chile.- American Mineralogist |