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■ CMストーリー ・『小さなことからHTT篇』 (15秒/30秒) ある寒い冬の日、モモコグミカンパニーさんが部屋の温度を上げようとすると、「HTTは小さなことから始めましょう!」と小さくなった林修さんが登場。リモコンの影から突如出現した小さな林修先生にモモコグミカンパニーさんは驚きます。小さな林修さんは、HTTと書かれた指し棒を使いながら空調のフィルター掃除が暖房の効果を高めるとモモコグミカンパニーさんに...
Promotional poster for Titus Androgynous “Madam, you are ugly. In the morning, I shall be sober.” Titus Androgynous is Shakespeare's first great tragedy. Contrary to popular belief, it is not about a...
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Do not liken us to yourself, Nam-Ek. It is we who scorn god and man. Az-Rel Az-Rel was a Kryptonian criminal. He and another criminal named Nadira were apprehended for their crimes and sentenced to the Phantom Zone. Many years later following the destruction of Krypton, Nadira and Az-Rel were part of a massive escape attempt from the Phantom Zone. While their leader, General Zod, and several of his associates prepared to displace the Earth into the Phantom Zone in revenge against Superman, Nadir
Rush (2013) Movie: A Deep Dive into Its Unique and Most Relevant Aspects Rush is a critically acclaimed sports drama film directed by Ron Howard, written by Peter...