Sir James Black, OM

  • ️Tue Mar 23 2010

Black was called the father of analytical pharmacology and was said to have relieved more human suffering than thousands of doctors could have done in careers spent at the bedside. Certainly, no man on earth earned more for the international pharmaceutical industry.

Yet though he became joint winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1988, Black derived little personal financial benefit from his discoveries. Among businessmen he had a reputation as an irascible maverick and this prickly independence, combined with an antipathy to big institutions, led him to flounce out of jobs whenever he felt corporate short-sightedness was getting in the way of research.

Black became involved in drug research during the 1950s when, as an academic physiologist at Glasgow University's Veterinary School, he became interested in the harmful effects which adrenalin – the stress hormone – can have on people suffering from heart disease.

At that time, scientists were searching for ways to treat the problem by increasing the oxygen supply to the heart when it was deprived of adequate blood because of a narrowing of the arteries. Black suggested instead that a more effective method would be to develop drugs which would annul the effects of adrenalin on the heart, thereby decreasing the heart's demand for oxygen.

At that time the favoured research method in the pharmaceutical industry – known as "molecular roulette" – was to set teams of chemists to work in great secrecy and at huge expense, investigating and synthesising chemical compounds, with teams of hundreds of biologists to test the more promising looking ones to see which of them might do more good than harm.

Black pioneered an entirely new approach. Instead of hit-or-miss experimentation, he conceived the idea of drawing up precise biochemical specifications for new drugs, then purpose-building molecules accordingly.

The way forward, he argued, was to use mechanisms of the body's cells known as "receptors", structures on the surface of a cell to which hormones can bind, causing the cell to undergo a variety of chemical changes which can be harmful in certain individuals. As a treatment for heart disease, Black suggested, a synthetic compound similar to adrenalin might act as a false key, binding onto so-called beta-receptor sites and thereby preventing adrenalin from entering.

Black took his idea to ICI who invited him to join them in 1958. In 1964 his method yielded the discovery of propranolol, the first of a new class of so-called "beta-blockers". Propranolol is now commonly used to treat heart attacks, angina, high blood pressure and migraines and has benefited millions of people around the world.

The discovery of propranolol was hailed as the greatest breakthrough in the treatment of heart disease since the discovery of digitalis in the 18th century; it soon became the world's best-selling drug.

Meanwhile, Black had begun to investigate the possibilities of developing a similar agent to block the effects of histamine on the stomach and so reduce acid secretions which cause stomach ulcers. ICI was not interested so he resigned and took his ideas to the American pharmaceutical group Smith Kline French and worked on the proposition for nine years between 1964 and 1973.

The result – Black's second major discovery – was the anti-ulcer drug cimetidine. Launched in 1975 under the brand name Tagamet, cimetidine rapidly outsold propranolol and became the biggest selling prescription drug of any kind in the world, with annual sales of around $1 billion.

James Whyte Black, the son of a mining engineer, was born on June 14 1924 at Cowdenbeath, a small mining village in Fife, Scotland.

He went to Beath High School, an establishment housed on top of mine-workings and suffering badly from subsidence – propped up "like a drunk on crutches". The excellence of the teaching, however, more than compensated for the parlous state of the buildings. Aged only 15, Black won a residential scholarship to St Andrews to read Medicine.

But by the time he graduated in 1946, Black had decided against a career as a medical practitioner: "I found the way patients were treated was unacceptable," he explained. "Not cruelly or sadistically, but insensitively. They were just classes: a heart, a liver or a lung." He decided instead on a career in physiology and spent 12 years as an academic physiologist working successively at the universities of St Andrews and Malaya.

When he returned to Britain, he found a job as Senior Lecturer in Physiology at the University of Glasgow Veterinary School, where he built an advanced cardiovascular laboratory. Word spread and an eminent cardiac surgeon came to use it for his experiments. Inspired by the surgeon and by the death of his own father from a heart attack, Black turned his attention to the treatment of heart disease.

After his success in developing cimetidine, in 1973 Black resigned from Smith Kline French to take up as post as Professor and head of the department of Pharmacology at University College London. But inadequate funds for research defeated him, and in 1978 he returned to industry as director of therapeutic research at the Wellcome Research Laboratories.

Again things did not work out; he and his immediate boss, Sir John Vane, did not see eye to eye and in 1984 Black resigned to take up a post as Professor of Analytical Pharmacology at the Rayne Institute, part of King's College Hospital Medical School.

In 1988, with funding from the American pharmaceutical firm Johnson and Johnson, Black established his own laboratory, the James Black Foundation, where he directed a research group of 25 scientists. His later research was concerned with the development of drugs that inhibit gastrin, a hormone that stimulates gastric juice production and may play a role in causing stomach cancer.

Although genial and charming outside the lab, as a colleague Black could be peppery and emotional, capable of blowing his top at people he considered slow-witted or obstructive. Yet he was also a modest man, protective of his privacy, embarrassed by praise and with a deep aversion to "vulgar publicity".

When, in 1988, he learned that he had won the Nobel Prize (jointly with two American scientists), he was horrified: "It was like being kicked in the stomach; I was in an absolute funk. I went to the pub and contemplated my fate." He feared that the prize with its attendant publicity would end up persuading him he had something important to say, which he felt he had not, having always seen himself as a simple problem solver.

But Black's efforts to avoid the limelight failed to staunch the flow of awards and honours that came his way. As well as the Nobel Prize, he won the Wolf Prize for Medicine in 1982.

He was a Fellow of the Royal Society and in 1981 was knighted for services to medical research. In 2000 was appointed to the Order of Merit.

James Black's first wife, Hilary, died in 1986. He married secondly, in 1994, Professor Rona MacKie, who survives him, together with a daughter by his first marriage.