The Numbers - Daily Box Office Chart for Friday August 13, 1999

See also: Aug 13, 1998 Daily Chart - Aug 6, 1999 Daily Chart

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  Movie TitleDistributorGross%YD%LWTheatersPer
Days In
1 (1) The Sixth Sense Walt Disney $7,620,000 +78% -5% 2,395 $3,182 $51,517,000 8
2 N Bowfinger Universal $5,830,000     2,700 $2,159 $5,830,000 1
3 (2) The Blair Witch Project Artisan $5,065,000 +90% -35% 2,412 $2,100 $97,445,000 31
4 (3) Runaway Bride Paramount Pi… $4,450,000 +72% -35% 3,212 $1,385 $88,634,000 15
5 (4) The Thomas Crown Affair MGM $2,950,000 +94% -27% 2,427 $1,215 $23,846,000 8
6 (6) Deep Blue Sea Warner Bros. $1,860,000 +66% -42% 2,710 $686 $52,302,000 17
7 (5) Inspector Gadget Walt Disney $1,750,000 +43% -28% 2,591 $675 $71,645,000 22
8 (7) Mystery Men Universal $1,460,000 +42% -56% 2,140 $682 $16,070,000 8
9 N Brokedown Palace 20th Century… $1,455,000     1,740 $836 $1,455,000 1
10 (9) The Haunting Dreamworks SKG $1,010,000 +53% -51% 2,239 $451 $81,341,000 22
11 (8) The Iron Giant Warner Bros. $1,000,000 +40% -41% 2,179 $459 $9,801,000 10
12 (10) American Pie Universal $820,000 +45% -28% 1,365 $601 $88,778,000 36
13 N Detroit Rock City New Line $750,000     1,802 $416 $750,000 1
14 (11) Star Wars Ep. I: The Phan… 20th Century… $415,000 +23% -30% 765 $542 $414,542,000 87
15 (12) Dick Sony Pictures $260,000 -14% -64% 1,522 $171 $4,995,000 10
15 $36,695,000
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