The Numbers - Daily Box Office Chart for Tuesday August 17, 1999

See also: Aug 17, 1998 Daily Chart - Aug 10, 1999 Daily Chart

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  Movie TitleDistributorGross%YD%LWTheatersPer
Days In
1 (1) The Sixth Sense Walt Disney $3,658,720 +3% -17% 2,395 $1,528 $76,866,243 12
2 (2) Bowfinger Universal $1,975,380 +7%   2,706 $730 $21,891,540 5
3 (4) Runaway Bride Paramount Pi… $1,728,372 +17% -37% 3,212 $538 $101,141,221 19
4 (3) The Blair Witch Project Artisan $1,711,073 +6% -50% 2,412 $709 $110,606,941 35
5 (5) The Thomas Crown Affair MGM $1,204,628 +24% -30% 2,427 $496 $33,148,031 12
6 (6) Deep Blue Sea Warner Bros. $772,066 +8% -44% 2,710 $285 $58,582,400 21
7 (7) Inspector Gadget Walt Disney $766,511 +13% -44% 2,591 $296 $77,383,726 26
8 (8) Mystery Men Universal $664,020 +9% -47% 2,142 $310 $20,597,160 12
9 (9) Brokedown Palace 20th Century… $624,395 +6%   1,740 $359 $5,083,650 5
10 (10) The Iron Giant Warner Bros. $471,153 +14% -41% 2,179 $216 $13,432,603 14
11 (11) American Pie Universal $400,780 +5% -41% 1,382 $290 $91,399,340 40
12 (12) The Haunting Dreamworks SKG $392,754 +7% -54% 2,239 $175 $84,397,107 26
13 (13) Detroit Rock City New Line $304,068 +16%   1,802 $169 $2,571,907 5
14 (14) Star Wars Ep. I: The Phan… 20th Century… $252,192 +18% -33% 771 $327 $416,112,048 91
15 (15) Tarzan Walt Disney $170,488 +12% -41% 944 $181 $164,394,775 63
16 (16) Austin Powers: The Spy Wh… New Line $141,866 +18% +24% 953 $149 $201,599,765 69
17 (17) Dick Sony Pictures $130,267 +10% -65% 1,522 $86 $5,786,769 14
18 (18) Big Daddy Sony Pictures $98,655 +12% -57% 1,011 $98 $157,888,110 54
19 (19) Eyes Wide Shut Warner Bros. $98,070 +23% -56% 732 $134 $53,678,445 33
20 (20) The Wood Paramount Pi… $59,781 -6% -47% 564 $106 $23,851,262 33
20 $15,625,239
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