The Numbers - Daily Box Office Chart for Tuesday January 23, 2001

See also: Jan 23, 2000 Daily Chart - Jan 16, 2001 Daily Chart

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  Movie TitleDistributorGross%YD%LWTheatersPer
Days In
1 (3) Cast Away 20th Century… $888,261 +17% -21% 3,061 $290 $183,618,085 33
2 (1) Save the Last Dance Paramount Pi… $887,850 +10% -29% 2,539 $350 $47,932,335 12
3 (4) Traffic USA Films $824,055 +13% -18% 1,571 $525 $48,242,624 28
4 (2) Snatch Sony Pictures $820,453 +7%   1,444 $568 $9,654,478 47
5 (5) Crouching Tiger, Hidden D… Sony Picture… $585,108 +10% -13% 837 $699 $38,957,143 47
6 (6) Finding Forrester Sony Pictures $508,232 +18% -28% 2,002 $254 $30,138,634 36
7 (9) What Women Want Paramount Pi… $497,335 +26% -26% 3,025 $164 $163,134,185 40
8 (8) Miss Congeniality Warner Bros. $487,120 +20% -18% 2,603 $187 $88,216,293 33
9 (7) The Pledge Warner Bros. $448,701 +8%   1,275 $352 $6,628,020 5
10 (10) Thirteen Days New Line $424,249 +9% -32% 2,034 $209 $20,487,205 30
11 (12) Chocolat Miramax $321,069 +16% +70% 658 $488 $13,413,092 40
12 (11) Double Take Walt Disney $307,660 -7% -39% 1,631 $189 $19,498,086 12
13 (13) The Gift Paramount Va… $272,368 +5%   805 $338 $4,045,301 36
14 (14) The Family Man Universal $216,315 +12% -41% 2,277 $95 $69,940,665 33
15 (16) O Brother, Where Art Thou? Walt Disney $187,545 +8% -5% 419 $448 $9,905,685 33
16 (17) Antitrust MGM $186,209 +17% -44% 2,433 $77 $9,031,165 12
17 (15) The Emperor's New Groove Walt Disney $161,208 -16% -36% 2,016 $80 $76,402,189 40
18 (18) Vertical Limit Sony Pictures $101,594 +25% -51% 1,323 $77 $65,747,019 47
19 (19) State and Main Fine Line $60,374 +13% -39% 462 $131 $5,271,987 33
20 (20) Dracula 2000 Miramax $48,649 -2% -63% 817 $60 $32,310,410 33
20 $8,234,355
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