The Numbers - Daily Box Office Chart for Wednesday August 18, 2004

See also: Aug 18, 2003 Daily Chart - Aug 11, 2004 Daily Chart

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  Movie TitleDistributorGross%YD%LWTheatersPer
Days In
1 (1) AVP: Alien Vs. Predator 20th Century… $2,703,000 -16%   3,395 $796 $48,148,000 6
2 (2) The Princess Diaries 2: R… Walt Disney $2,590,000 -8% -69% 3,472 $746 $45,709,000 8
3 (3) Collateral Dreamworks SKG $1,696,000 -4% -41% 3,205 $529 $57,907,000 13
4 (4) The Bourne Supremacy Universal $1,013,000 -8% -35% 2,976 $340 $142,883,000 27
5 (5) The Village Walt Disney $825,000 -8% -50% 3,142 $263 $102,518,000 20
6 (7) The Manchurian Candidate Paramount Pi… $637,000 +2% -36% 2,612 $244 $49,896,000 20
7 (6) Yu-Gi-Oh Warner Bros. $611,000 -14%   2,411 $253 $11,687,000 6
8 (8) Little Black Book Sony Pictures $554,000 -5% -35% 2,445 $227 $16,384,000 13
9 (9) I, Robot 20th Century… $473,000 -1% -40% 2,178 $217 $135,406,000 34
10 (10) Spider-Man 2 Sony Pictures $424,530 -4% -43% 1,907 $223 $362,315,693 50
10 $11,526,530
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