The Numbers - Daily Box Office Chart for Sunday October 15, 2006

See also: Oct 15, 2005 Daily Chart - Oct 8, 2006 Daily Chart

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  Movie TitleDistributorGross%YD%LWTheatersPer
Days In
1 (1) The Departed Warner Bros. $5,192,955 -36% -30% 3,017 $1,721 $56,985,185 10
2 (4) Open Season Sony Pictures $3,377,096 -32% -27% 3,687 $916 $59,267,065 17
3 (2) The Grudge 2 Sony Pictures $3,345,799 -55%   3,211 $1,042 $20,825,300 3
4 (3) Man of the Year Universal $2,931,005 -45%   2,516 $1,165 $12,299,380 3
5 (6) The Marine 20th Century… $1,924,537 -32%   2,545 $756 $7,138,774 3
6 (5) The Texas Chainsaw Massac… New Line $1,800,000 -40% -59% 2,820 $638 $30,192,411 10
7 (7) The Guardian Walt Disney $1,498,364 -43% -40% 3,044 $492 $41,132,922 17
8 (8) Employee of the Month Lionsgate $1,306,221 -42% -54% 2,579 $506 $19,581,504 10
9 (9) One Night with the King Rocky Mounta… $1,030,806 -30%   908 $1,135 $4,106,862 3
10 (10) Jackass: Number Two Paramount Pi… $917,085 -34% -51% 2,330 $394 $68,377,686 24
- (-) Little Miss Sunshine Fox Searchlight $216,668 -47% -34% 505 $429 $56,362,905 82
- (-) The Last King of Scotland Fox Searchlight $171,674 -37% +92% 104 $1,651 $1,270,711 19
- (-) Everyone's Hero 20th Century… $58,754 -15% -23% 216 $272 $14,129,701 31
- (-) The Devil Wears Prada 20th Century… $32,966 -42% -18% 161 $205 $124,315,405 108
14 $23,803,930
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