The Numbers - Daily Box Office Chart for Wednesday December 13, 2006

See also: Dec 13, 2005 Daily Chart - Dec 6, 2006 Daily Chart

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  Movie TitleDistributorGross%YD%LWTheatersPer
Days In
1 (1) Apocalypto Walt Disney $1,190,670 -11%   2,465 $483 $19,047,814 6
2 (2) The Holiday Sony Pictures $1,087,155 -5%   2,610 $417 $16,041,141 6
3 (3) Blood Diamond Warner Bros. $877,368 -1%   1,910 $459 $11,261,330 6
4 (4) Happy Feet Warner Bros. $752,335 +3% -15% 3,650 $206 $140,096,949 27
5 (5) Casino Royale Sony Pictures $736,891 +1% -29% 3,161 $233 $131,155,964 27
6 (6) The Nativity Story New Line $705,000 +21% +13% 3,083 $229 $17,740,000 13
7 (7) Déjà Vu Walt Disney $435,224 -4% -40% 2,742 $159 $54,322,857 22
8 (8) Borat 20th Century… $260,068 +3% -27% 1,594 $163 $121,006,653 41
9 (9) The Santa Clause 3: The E… Walt Disney $211,071 +10% -6% 2,226 $95 $77,763,045 41
10 (10) Unaccompanied Minors Warner Bros. $188,400 +1%   2,775 $68 $6,356,495 6
11 (11) Deck the Halls 20th Century… $181,090 -1% -35% 2,766 $65 $30,674,376 22
12 (12) Stranger Than Fiction Sony Pictures $124,916 +1% -38% 1,266 $99 $39,491,000 34
13 (13) Turistas 20th Century… $116,212 -5% -48% 1,570 $74 $6,323,097 13
- (-) The Polar Express Warner Bros. $46,461 n/c +86% 37 $1,256 $174,896,406 764
- (-) The History Boys Fox Searchlight $19,367 +2% +112% 8 $2,421 $557,917 23
- (-) Little Miss Sunshine Fox Searchlight $10,382 -11% -15% 136 $76 $59,247,372 141
- (-) Flicka 20th Century… $6,522 -13% -2% 303 $22 $20,726,288 55
- (-) The Last King of Scotland Fox Searchlight $4,038 +16% -22% 17 $238 $3,498,232 78
- (-) The Marine 20th Century… $3,741 -7% -45% 128 $29 $18,688,589 62
- (-) A Good Year 20th Century… $3,461 -19% -59% 138 $25 $7,375,910 34
- (-) Fast Food Nation Fox Searchlight $1,784 -20% -68% 58 $31 $953,902 27
21 $6,962,156
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