The Numbers - Weekend Box Office Chart for July 2, 1982

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  Movie TitleDistributorGross%LWTheatersTheaters
Weekends In
1 (1) ET: The Extra-Terrestrial Universal $17,254,946 +29% 1,323 +108 $13,042 $86,920,785 4
2 (3) Firefox Warner Bros. $5,406,949 +5% 1,176 +285 $4,598 $25,691,648 3
3 (4) Rocky 3 MGM $5,400,555 +6% 1,317 +85 $4,101 $72,800,555 6
4 (2) Blade Runner Warner Bros. $5,312,317 -14% 1,325 +30 $4,009 $14,866,486 2
5 (6) Annie Sony Pictures $4,989,582 +10% 1,083 -19 $4,607 $25,588,401 7
6 (5) Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Paramount Pi… $4,524,623 n/c 1,250 -35 $3,620 $57,725,957 5
7 (7) Poltergeist MGM $4,257,743 +4% 1,060 +149 $4,017 $37,957,743 5
8 (8) The Thing Universal $2,973,027 -4% 910 +70 $3,267 $8,367,389 2
9 (10) Bambi Walt Disney $1,890,361 -10% 750 +242 $2,520 $5,723,384 2,082
10 (11) Author! Author! 20th Century… $1,876,533 +8% 504 -4 $3,723 $8,014,851 3
11 (12) The Sword and the Sorcerer Group 1 $1,612,303 +5% 309 -11 $5,218 $28,060,029 11
12 (13) Porky's 20th Century… $1,412,378 +16% 735 -27 $1,922 $98,702,185 16
13 (9) Megaforce 20th Century… $1,378,624 -41% 900 -293 $1,532 $4,871,590 2
14 (14) Grease 2 Paramount Pi… $701,036 -31% 650 -175 $1,079 $12,309,441 4
15 (17) Chariots of Fire Warner Bros. $462,382 +22% 322 +2 $1,436 $60,585,110 41
16 (20) Diner MGM $395,418 +136% 66 +31 $5,991 $2,371,964 14
17 N The Secret of Nimh MGM $386,530   88   $4,392 $386,530 1
18 (21) Conan the Barbarian Universal $373,499 +131% 203 +98 $1,840 $38,264,085 8
19 (19) Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior Warner Bros. $309,079 +3% 237 -9 $1,304 $10,533,103 7
20 (22) Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid Universal $149,453 +85% 105 +49 $1,423 $18,196,170 7
20 $61,067,338
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