The Numbers - Weekend Box Office Chart for December 20, 1985

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  Movie TitleDistributorGross%LWTheatersTheaters
Weekends In
1 (1) Rocky IV MGM $8,445,197 +17% 2,232 +899 $3,784 $68,681,860 4
2 (2) The Jewel of the Nile 20th Century… $4,703,895 -29% 1,106 n/c $4,253 $14,779,006 2
3 (3) Spies Like Us Warner Bros. $4,258,082 -22% 1,700 +144 $2,505 $22,324,469 3
4 N Out of Africa Universal $3,637,290   922   $3,945 $3,696,534 1
5 (5) Santa Claus Sony/TriStar $3,246,211 +19% 1,585 +269 $2,048 $18,241,098 4
6 (4) White Nights Sony Pictures $2,757,227 -12% 1,047 +158 $2,633 $14,577,537 5
7 (-) 101 Dalmatians Walt Disney $2,389,226   1,097   $2,178 $2,389,226 1,300
8 N The Color Purple Warner Bros. $1,710,333   192   $8,908 $1,775,828 1
9 N Enemy Mine 20th Century… $1,594,702   703   $2,268 $1,594,702 1
10 (13) A Chorus Line Sony Pictures $1,503,564 +574% 617 +598 $2,437 $1,898,827 2
11 (7) Young Sherlock Holmes Paramount Pi… $1,439,127 -9% 1,502 +578 $958 $7,521,337 3
12 (6) Clue Paramount Pi… $1,409,154 -30% 1,022 +16 $1,379 $4,077,462 2
13 (10) Back to the Future Universal $905,454 +29% 801 +84 $1,130 $187,167,149 25
14 (8) One Magic Christmas Walt Disney $548,935 -50% 657 -170 $836 $12,437,284 5
15 (9) King Solomon's Mines Cannon $327,210 -56% 492 -362 $665 $13,895,639 5
16 (11) Jagged Edge Sony Pictures $296,354 -43% 417 -295 $711 $36,896,147 12
17 (12) To Live and Die in L.A. MGM $99,677 -68% 167 -381 $597 $15,416,254 8
18 (16) Kiss of the Spider Woman Island/Alive $80,940 -29% 60 -18 $1,349 $11,785,251 22
19 (15) Once Bitten Goldwyn Ente… $69,774 -51% 85 -262 $821 $9,556,315 6
20 (17) The Gods Must Be Crazy 20th Century… $68,082 -31% 88 -37 $774 $25,789,765 76
21 (20) Fool For Love Cannon $40,210 +20% 6 +4 $6,702 $170,748 3
22 (19) The Journey of Natty Gann Walt Disney $33,808 -13% 131 -31 $258 $7,582,543 13
23 N Brazil Universal $30,099   1   $30,099 $37,593 1
24 (21) Runaway Train Cannon $27,669 -11% 4 +2 $6,917 $134,614 3
25 N The Trip to Bountiful Island $8,387   1   $8,387 $8,387 1
26 (23) Wetherby MGM/UA Classics $2,137 -63% 4 -7 $534 $1,077,990 23
26 $39,632,744
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