The Numbers - Weekend Box Office Chart for January 24, 1992

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  Movie TitleDistributorGross%LWTheatersTheaters
Weekends In
1 (1) The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Walt Disney $8,007,691 -32% 1,722 +55 $4,650 $32,082,708 3
2 (-) Fried Green Tomatoes Universal $5,235,940   673   $7,780 $7,781,959 5
3 (5) Father of the Bride Walt Disney $3,778,307 -41% 1,712 +23 $2,207 $63,839,097 6
4 (7) Grand Canyon 20th Century… $3,668,638 -39% 1,044 +241 $3,514 $15,682,564 5
5 (3) Hook Sony Pictures $3,524,010 -49% 2,037 -40 $1,730 $103,185,526 7
6 (8) JFK Warner Bros. $3,515,815 -39% 1,370 +20 $2,566 $50,249,971 6
7 (6) The Prince of Tides Sony Pictures $3,442,789 -43% 1,545 +20 $2,228 $52,396,029 5
8 (9) Beauty and the Beast Walt Disney $3,255,721 -38% 1,761 -44 $1,849 $99,234,492 11
9 (4) Freejack Warner Bros. $2,831,753 -58% 1,560 +9 $1,815 $10,646,674 2
10 (2) Juice Paramount Pi… $2,706,504 -67% 1,100 +11 $2,460 $11,794,533 2
11 (11) Daughters of the Dust Kino Interna… $14,357 -21% 1 n/c $14,357 $65,811 4
12 (12) 35 Up Samuel Goldw… $10,974 -20% 1 n/c $10,974 $33,292 2
13 (13) Mindwalk Triton Pictures $9,091 -30% 7 n/c $1,299 $306,292 16
13 $40,001,590
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