The Numbers - Weekend Box Office Chart for February 14, 1992

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  Movie TitleDistributorGross%LWTheatersTheaters
Weekends In
1 N Wayne's World Paramount Pi… $18,122,710   1,768   $10,250 $18,122,710 1
2 (1) Medicine Man Walt Disney $8,915,971 +5% 1,368 +64 $6,518 $19,746,093 2
3 (4) Fried Green Tomatoes Universal $7,058,930 +15% 1,306 +77 $5,405 $34,263,454 8
4 (2) The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Walt Disney $6,880,132 +6% 1,750 -9 $3,932 $59,814,471 6
5 (3) Final Analysis Warner Bros. $6,291,854 -2% 1,599 +95 $3,935 $14,556,023 2
6 (-) The Great Mouse Detective Walt Disney $4,126,855   1,408   $2,931 $4,126,855 294
7 (6) Father of the Bride Walt Disney $3,280,200 +18% 1,574 -71 $2,084 $76,306,938 9
8 (5) Shining Through 20th Century… $3,180,388 -14% 1,417 -16 $2,244 $15,824,320 3
9 (8) Beauty and the Beast Walt Disney $3,144,519 +36% 1,500 -80 $2,096 $110,162,677 14
10 (7) Grand Canyon 20th Century… $2,354,398 -4% 1,144 -79 $2,058 $27,001,352 8
11 (11) 35 Up Samuel Goldw… $74,284 +102% 6 +3 $12,381 $178,624 5
12 (12) Mindwalk Triton Pictures $42,201 +120% 14 +4 $3,014 $404,035 19
13 (13) Daughters of the Dust Kino Interna… $23,201 +35% 1 n/c $23,201 $160,200 7
13 $63,495,643
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