The Numbers - Weekly Box Office Chart for October 1, 1982

Weekly (Fri-Thu) Domestic Chart Starting on October 1, 1982

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  Movie TitleDistributorGross%LWTheatersTheaters
Weeks In
1 (1) ET: The Extra-Terrestrial Universal $5,257,330 +2% 1,278 -2 $4,114 $265,388,507 17
2 (3) An Officer and a Gentleman Paramount Pi… $4,331,794 -12% 967 n/c $4,480 $66,952,462 11
3 (2) Amityville II: The Possession Orion Pictures $3,340,661 -35% 1,185 -15 $2,819 $8,453,500 2
4 (5) Fast Times at Ridgemont High Universal $1,983,324 +4% 697 +54 $2,846 $24,038,024 8
5 (8) The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas Universal $1,749,391 +44% 649 -131 $2,696 $68,698,515 11
6 (7) The Incubus Artists Rele… $1,563,624 +9% 342 +58 $4,572 $7,728,630 5
7 (6) Pink Floyd: The Wall MGM $1,449,168 -21% 499 -82 $2,904 $10,888,862 9
8 (4) Tempest Sony Pictures $1,270,814 -40% 624 -35 $2,037 $3,653,610 8
9 (-) Jekyll and Hyde... Together Again Universal $1,063,502   300   $3,545 $1,063,502 6
10 (11) Poltergeist MGM $979,025 n/c 368 -72 $2,660 $70,137,225 18
11 (10) Rocky 3 MGM $861,100 -15% 541 -99 $1,592 $116,120,500 19
12 (-) Yes, Giorgio MGM $815,616   424   $1,924 $965,200 2
13 (13) Night Shift Warner Bros. $734,775 -19% 418 -71 $1,758 $19,429,020 10
14 (18) The Concrete Jungle Pentagon Rel… $585,414 n/c 139 -2 $4,212 $2,712,092 5
15 (12) The Last American Virgin Cannon $541,220 -41% 141 -74 $3,838 $5,302,583 10
16 (17) Annie Sony Pictures $517,987 -14% 380 -10 $1,363 $55,917,761 20
17 (16) Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Paramount Pi… $453,842 -26% 226 -79 $2,008 $78,082,299 18
18 N My Favorite Year MGM $382,312   52   $7,352 $382,312 1
19 (19) Six Pack 20th Century… $380,802 -28% 364 -67 $1,046 $19,552,810 12
20 (20) Young Doctors in Love 20th Century… $379,334 -23% 339 -39 $1,119 $29,935,429 12
21 N I, The Jury 20th Century… $253,476   67   $3,783 $253,476 1
21 $28,894,511
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