Fastest Movies to Earn $500 Million at the Domestic Box Office
Box Office Records > Domestic > All Movies > Fastest > Fastest to $500m
Other Domestic Fastest records: Fastest to $50m - Fastest to $100m - Fastest to $150m - Fastest to $200m - Fastest to $250m - Fastest to $300m - Fastest to $350m - Fastest to $400m - Fastest to $600m - Fastest to $650m - Fastest to $700m - Fastest to $750m - Fastest to $800m - Fastest to $850m - Fastest to $900m
This chart contains the movies that reached $500 Million at the domestic box office, ranked first by the number of days they took to reach the milestone, and second by their total gross on the day they exceeded the milestone.
The Domestic Market is defined as the North American movie territory (consisting of the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam).
This table is updated daily to reflect the latest studio reports.
Note: This chart is not adjusted for inflation.