Top Domestic Leading Stars for Spin-Off Movies

Rank Name Domestic
Box Office
Movies Average
101 Justin Fletcher $19,375,982 1 $19,375,982
102 Gaia Wise $9,158,572 1 $9,158,572
103 Brian Cox $9,158,572 1 $9,158,572
104 Li Chen $309,297 1 $309,297
105 Michael Chen $309,297 1 $309,297
106 Angelababy $309,297 1 $309,297
107 Ryan Cheng $309,297 1 $309,297
108 Wang Baoqiang $309,297 1 $309,297
109 Cho-lam Wong $309,297 1 $309,297
110 Susan Sarandon $18,169 2 $9,085
111 Audrey Tautou $18,169 1 $18,169
112 Bobby Cannavale $18,169 1 $18,169
113 John Turturro $18,169 1 $18,169
114 Christopher Walken $18,169 1 $18,169
115 Sanae Loutsis $7,301 1 $7,301

The Domestic Market is defined as the North American movie territory (consisting of the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam).

This table is updated daily to reflect the latest studio reports.

Note: This chart is not adjusted for inflation.