The Numbers - Blu-ray Sales Chart for Week Ending March 7, 2010

1 new 2012 556,432   556,432  $12,734,201  $12,734,201 1
2 new Where the Wild Things Are 168,488   168,488  $3,902,173  $3,902,173 1
3 new Ponyo 64,268   64,268  $1,606,055  $1,606,055 1
4 (18) The Hurt Locker 24,706 +28% 305,237  $568,722  $7,208,820 8
5 (1) Law Abiding Citizen 24,539 -81% 453,452  $417,648  $8,029,193 3
6 (-) X-Men Origins: Wolverine 24,316 +1,519% 1,360,094  $387,300  $30,344,654 25
7 (-) Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs 22,925 +801% 501,420  $877,697  $15,693,239 19
8 (-) Pirates of the Caribbean - At World's End 21,979   21,979  $378,079  $378,079 118
9 (-) Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Blac… 21,868   21,868  $316,864  $316,864 327
10 (-) Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest 20,477   20,477  $277,459  $277,459 170
- (-) Blazing Saddles 16,402 +8% 100,495  $335,732  $2,051,506 866
11 (-) Quantum of Solace 14,690 +5,261% 149,839  $292,033  $2,578,073 50
12 (12) Zombieland 14,412 -35% 448,687  $339,537  $10,736,243 5
13 (-) National Treasure 12,854   12,854  $269,797  $269,797 253
14 (-) National Treasure: Book of Secrets 11,852   11,852  $178,610  $178,610 94
- new Kikis Delivery Service 11,291 -39% 64,106  $417,767  $2,699,311 1
15 (16) Couples Retreat 10,628 -50% 295,935  $269,162  $6,719,725 4
16 (4) Star Trek 10,572 -81% 3,036,421  $203,417  $63,461,122 16
17 (-) Rocky 10,517 +884% 66,445  $147,653  $893,524 265
18 (2) Up 10,405 -82% 2,073,073  $311,472  $50,545,477 17

Our DVD and Blu-ray sales estimates are based on weekly retail surveys, which we use to build a weekly market share estimate for each title we are tracking. The market share is converted into a weekly sales estimate based on industry reports on the overall size of the market, including reports published in Media Play News.

For example, if our weekly retail survey estimates that a particular title sold 1% of all units that week, and the industry reports sales of 1,500,000 units in total, we will estimate 15,000 units were sold of that title. The consumer spending estimate is based on the average sales price for the title in the retailers we survey.

We refine our estimates from week to week as more data becomes available. In particular, we adjust weekly sales figures for the quarter once the total market estimates are published by the Digital Entertainment Group. Figures will therefore fluctuate each week, and totals for individual titles can go up or down as we update our estimates.

Because sales figures are estimated based on sampling, they will be more accurate for higher-selling titles.