Distributors Movie Breakdown for 1996

Market Charts > 1996 > Distributors

Market Share for Each Distributor in 1996

Note: This chart ranks distributors by the amount they earned at the domestic box office during 1996. It includes movies released in previous years that earned money during 1996. For example, a movie released over Thanksgiving in 1995 will most likely earn money in 1995 and 1996.

Top Grossing of 1996

RankDistributorMovies1996 GrossTicketsShare
1 Walt Disney 37 $1,197,737,813 270,981,385 20.75%
2 Warner Bros. 29 $912,082,330 206,353,453 15.80%
3 Paramount Pictures 24 $740,924,146 167,629,885 12.84%
4 20th Century Fox 16 $731,004,909 165,385,717 12.67%
5 Sony Pictures 39 $613,455,899 138,790,908 10.63%
6 Universal 18 $482,379,703 109,135,672 8.36%
7 New Line 20 $298,030,516 67,427,710 5.16%
8 MGM 19 $292,208,554 66,110,524 5.06%
9 Miramax 40 $243,612,779 55,115,992 4.22%
10 Gramercy 14 $83,450,697 18,880,240 1.45%
11 Sony Pictures Classics 17 $40,200,823 9,095,201 0.70%
12 Orion Pictures 5 $35,023,932 7,923,964 0.61%
13 Miramax/Dimension 1 $25,728,961 5,821,031 0.45%
14 Fox Searchlight 4 $19,043,456 4,308,473 0.33%
15 Goldwyn Entertainment 7 $15,985,241 3,616,567 0.28%
16 October Films 9 $10,876,842 2,460,819 0.19%
17 Fine Line 7 $9,076,896 2,053,595 0.16%
18 First Look 4 $4,545,458 1,028,382 0.08%
19 BET Pictures 1 $2,291,255 518,383 0.04%
20 Warren Miller Entertainment 1 $2,035,470 460,513 0.04%
21 Kit Parker Films 1 $1,229,715 278,216 0.02%
22 Cinepix Film Properties 5 $1,185,497 268,209 0.02%
23 Orion Classics 2 $1,080,501 244,456 0.02%
24 Northern Arts Entertainment 4 $974,407 220,453 0.02%
25 Lionsgate 1 $852,362 192,842 0.01%
26 FM Entertainment International 1 $684,351 154,830 0.01%
27 Alliance Atlantis 1 $575,001 130,090 0.01%
28 Filmopolis Pictures 1 $555,900 125,769 0.01%
29 Rainbow Releasing 1 $510,271 115,445 0.01%
30 Palm Pictures 1 $443,579 100,357 0.01%
31 Columbia 1 $378,678 85,673 0.01%
32 New Yorker 2 $343,987 77,824 0.01%
33 Artistic License 1 $337,560 76,371 0.01%
34 Discovery/IMAX 1 $321,070 72,640 0.01%
35 Strand Releasing 3 $314,602 71,176 0.01%
36 Roxie Releasing 1 $295,493 66,853 0.01%
37 Legacy Releasing 3 $269,399 60,949 0.00%
38 Paulist Pictures 1 $225,161 50,941 0.00%
39 Seventh Art Releasing 1 $209,935 47,496 0.00%
40 Savoy 1 $197,322 44,642 0.00%
41 Spelling Films 1 $185,170 41,893 0.00%
42 Zeitgeist 1 $44,774 10,129 0.00%
43 PFM 1 $19,982 4,520 0.00%
44 Kino International 2 $12,096 2,736 0.00%
45 PlanePlanet Pictures 1 $8,868 2,006 0.00%
46 Trimark 1 $5,000 1,131 0.00%
47 Castle Hill Productions 1 $5,000 1,131 0.00%
48 JeTi Films 1 $527 119 0.00%

Our Theatrical Market pages are based on the Domestic Theatrical Market performance only. The Domestic Market is defined as the North American movie territory (consisting of the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Guam).

The yearly amounts on our Theatrical Market pages are based on box office years. Each box office year starts on the first Monday of the year, so the previous year ends on the Sunday before the first Monday. For example, the "2017 box office year" started on January 2, 2017 so the "2016 box office year" ended on Sunday, January 1, 2017.