Candy (1968) - Financial Information


Domestic Share:100.0% (domestic box office/worldwide)

Latest Ranking on Cumulative Box Office Lists

Movie Details

Domestic Releases: December 17th, 1968 (Wide)
MPAA Rating: R for pervasive depiction of drug addiction, disturbing images, language, sexual content and nudity
Running Time: 115 minutes
Comparisons: Create your own comparison chart…
Keywords: Sex Comedy, Sex Crimes, Dysfunctional Family, Twins, Medical and Hospitals
Source:Based on Fiction Book/Short Story
Production Method:Live Action
Creative Type:Fantasy
Production Countries: France, Italy, United States
Languages: English, Welsh

For a description of the different acting role types we use to categorize acting perfomances, see our Glossary.

Production and Technical Credits

  1. Summary
  2. News
  3. Box Office
  4. International
  5. Video Sales
  6. Cast & Crew
  7. Trailer


Domestic Share:100.0% (domestic box office/worldwide)

Latest Ranking on Cumulative Box Office Lists

Movie Details

Domestic Releases: December 17th, 1968 (Wide)
MPAA Rating: R for pervasive depiction of drug addiction, disturbing images, language, sexual content and nudity
Running Time: 115 minutes
Comparisons: Create your own comparison chart…
Keywords: Sex Comedy, Sex Crimes, Dysfunctional Family, Twins, Medical and Hospitals
Source:Based on Fiction Book/Short Story
Production Method:Live Action
Creative Type:Fantasy
Production Countries: France, Italy, United States
Languages: English, Welsh

For a description of the different acting role types we use to categorize acting perfomances, see our Glossary.

Production and Technical Credits