The Gong Show Movie (1980) - Financial Information

Theatrical Performance
Domestic Box Office $6,621,520Details
Home Market Performance
Est. Domestic Blu-ray Sales $106,081 Details
Total Est. Domestic Video Sales $106,081
Further financial details...


Opening Weekend:$1,476,425 (22.3% of total gross)
Legs:4.48 (domestic box office/biggest weekend)
Domestic Share:100.0% (domestic box office/worldwide)
Theater counts:775 opening theaters/775 max. theaters, 1.0 weeks average run per theater
Infl. Adj. Dom. BO $26,535,304

Latest Ranking on Cumulative Box Office Lists

All Time Domestic Box Office (Rank 6,101-6,200) 6,196 $6,621,520
All Time Worldwide Box Office (Rank 9,201-9,300) 9,262 $6,621,520
All Time Domestic Box Office for Comedy Movies (Rank 1,201-1,300) 1,278 $6,621,520
All Time Worldwide Box Office for Comedy Movies (Rank 1,801-1,900) 1,860 $6,621,520

See the Box Office tab (Domestic) and International tab (International and Worldwide) for more Cumulative Box Office Records.

Movie Details

Domestic Releases: May 23rd, 1980 (Wide) by Universal
Video Release: March 29th, 2016 by Shout Factory
Running Time: 89 minutes
Comparisons: Create your own comparison chart…
Keywords: Farcical / Slapstick Comedy, Fictionalized Version of Yourself, Famously Bad, TV Industry, Directing Yourself, Screenplay Written By the Star
Source:Based on TV
Production Method:Live Action
Creative Type:Contemporary Fiction
Production Countries: United States

Ranking on other Records and Milestones

Days In
Memorial Day (All Movies, 3-Day, Inflation Adjusted) 272 $6,031,938 May 23, 1980 3
Memorial Day (Opening, 3-Day) 108 $1,476,425 May 23, 1980 3
Memorial Day (Opening, 3-Day, Inflation Adjusted) 103 $6,031,938 May 23, 1980 3

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Domestic Cumulative Box Office Records

Weekend Box Office Performance

DateRankGross% ChangeTheatersPer TheaterTotal GrossWeek
May 23, 1980 2 $1,476,425   775 $1,905   $1,476,425 1

Daily Box Office Performance

Weekly Box Office Performance

For a description of the different acting role types we use to categorize acting perfomances, see our Glossary.

Production and Technical Credits

  1. Summary
  2. News
  3. Box Office
  4. International
  5. Video Sales
  6. Cast & Crew
  7. Trailer


Opening Weekend:$1,476,425 (22.3% of total gross)
Legs:4.48 (domestic box office/biggest weekend)
Domestic Share:100.0% (domestic box office/worldwide)
Theater counts:775 opening theaters/775 max. theaters, 1.0 weeks average run per theater
Infl. Adj. Dom. BO $26,535,304

Latest Ranking on Cumulative Box Office Lists

All Time Domestic Box Office (Rank 6,101-6,200) 6,196 $6,621,520
All Time Worldwide Box Office (Rank 9,201-9,300) 9,262 $6,621,520
All Time Domestic Box Office for Comedy Movies (Rank 1,201-1,300) 1,278 $6,621,520
All Time Worldwide Box Office for Comedy Movies (Rank 1,801-1,900) 1,860 $6,621,520

See the Box Office tab (Domestic) and International tab (International and Worldwide) for more Cumulative Box Office Records.

Movie Details

Domestic Releases: May 23rd, 1980 (Wide) by Universal
Video Release: March 29th, 2016 by Shout Factory
Running Time: 89 minutes
Comparisons: Create your own comparison chart…
Keywords: Farcical / Slapstick Comedy, Fictionalized Version of Yourself, Famously Bad, TV Industry, Directing Yourself, Screenplay Written By the Star
Source:Based on TV
Production Method:Live Action
Creative Type:Contemporary Fiction
Production Countries: United States

Ranking on other Records and Milestones

Days In
Memorial Day (All Movies, 3-Day, Inflation Adjusted) 272 $6,031,938 May 23, 1980 3
Memorial Day (Opening, 3-Day) 108 $1,476,425 May 23, 1980 3
Memorial Day (Opening, 3-Day, Inflation Adjusted) 103 $6,031,938 May 23, 1980 3

For a description of the different acting role types we use to categorize acting perfomances, see our Glossary.

Production and Technical Credits

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Domestic Cumulative Box Office Records

Weekend Box Office Performance

DateRankGross% ChangeTheatersPer TheaterTotal GrossWeek
May 23, 1980 2 $1,476,425   775 $1,905   $1,476,425 1

Daily Box Office Performance

Weekly Box Office Performance