Hardbodies (1984) - Financial Information


Theatrical Performance
Domestic Box Office $7,121,000Details
Home Market Performance
Est. Domestic Blu-ray Sales $31,916 Details
Total Est. Domestic Video Sales $31,916
Further financial details...


Opening Weekend:$2,684,599 (37.7% of total gross)
Legs:2.65 (domestic box office/biggest weekend)
Domestic Share:100.0% (domestic box office/worldwide)
Theater counts:1,538 opening theaters/1,594 max. theaters, 2.5 weeks average run per theater
Infl. Adj. Dom. BO $22,846,539

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Movie Details

Domestic Releases: May 4th, 1984 (Wide) by Sony Pictures
Video Release: January 15th, 2019 by Mill Creek Entertainment
MPAA Rating: R
Running Time: 87 minutes
Comparisons: Create your own comparison chart…
Keywords: Sex Comedy, Romance, Relationships Gone Wrong, Mid-Life Crisis
Source:Original Screenplay
Production Method:Live Action
Creative Type:Contemporary Fiction
Production Countries: United States
Languages: English

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Domestic Cumulative Box Office Records

Weekend Box Office Performance

DateRankGross% ChangeTheatersPer TheaterTotal GrossWeek
May 4, 1984 5 $2,684,599   1,538 $1,746   $2,684,599 1
May 11, 1984 7 $1,840,580 -31% 1,594 $1,155   $5,257,965 2
May 18, 1984 16 $532,834 -71% 505 $1,055   $6,464,922 3
May 25, 1984 16 $326,148 -39% 296 $1,102   $7,031,405 4

Daily Box Office Performance

Weekly Box Office Performance

DateRankGross% ChangeTheatersPer TheaterTotal GrossWeek
May 4, 1984 6 $3,417,385   1,538 $2,222   $3,417,385 1
May 11, 1984 7 $2,514,703 -26% 1,594 $1,578   $5,932,088 2
May 18, 1984 15 $773,169 -69% 505 $1,531   $6,705,257 3

The bold credits above the line are the "above-the-line" credits, the other the "below-the-line" credits.

Home Market Releases for January 15th, 2019

January 16th, 2019

Madeline’s Madeline

The big fall releases are starting to come out on the home market. This week we get Halloween, which was a $100 million domestic hit. However, it is not among the best films on this week’s list. There are three Pick of the Week contenders on the week’s list. There’s the award-nominated Indie film, Madeline’s Madeline, the classic Notorious, and Bad Times at the El Royale, for which I finally got the review done. It was a coin-toss, but in the end, Madeline’s Madeline on Blu-ray won. More...

  1. Summary
  2. News
  3. Box Office
  4. International
  5. Video Sales
  6. Cast & Crew
  7. Trailer


Opening Weekend:$2,684,599 (37.7% of total gross)
Legs:2.65 (domestic box office/biggest weekend)
Domestic Share:100.0% (domestic box office/worldwide)
Theater counts:1,538 opening theaters/1,594 max. theaters, 2.5 weeks average run per theater
Infl. Adj. Dom. BO $22,846,539

Latest Ranking on Cumulative Box Office Lists

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Movie Details

Domestic Releases: May 4th, 1984 (Wide) by Sony Pictures
Video Release: January 15th, 2019 by Mill Creek Entertainment
MPAA Rating: R
Running Time: 87 minutes
Comparisons: Create your own comparison chart…
Keywords: Sex Comedy, Romance, Relationships Gone Wrong, Mid-Life Crisis
Source:Original Screenplay
Production Method:Live Action
Creative Type:Contemporary Fiction
Production Countries: United States
Languages: English

The bold credits above the line are the "above-the-line" credits, the other the "below-the-line" credits.

Home Market Releases for January 15th, 2019

January 16th, 2019

Madeline’s Madeline

The big fall releases are starting to come out on the home market. This week we get Halloween, which was a $100 million domestic hit. However, it is not among the best films on this week’s list. There are three Pick of the Week contenders on the week’s list. There’s the award-nominated Indie film, Madeline’s Madeline, the classic Notorious, and Bad Times at the El Royale, for which I finally got the review done. It was a coin-toss, but in the end, Madeline’s Madeline on Blu-ray won. More...

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Domestic Cumulative Box Office Records

Weekend Box Office Performance

DateRankGross% ChangeTheatersPer TheaterTotal GrossWeek
May 4, 1984 5 $2,684,599   1,538 $1,746   $2,684,599 1
May 11, 1984 7 $1,840,580 -31% 1,594 $1,155   $5,257,965 2
May 18, 1984 16 $532,834 -71% 505 $1,055   $6,464,922 3
May 25, 1984 16 $326,148 -39% 296 $1,102   $7,031,405 4

Daily Box Office Performance

Weekly Box Office Performance

DateRankGross% ChangeTheatersPer TheaterTotal GrossWeek
May 4, 1984 6 $3,417,385   1,538 $2,222   $3,417,385 1
May 11, 1984 7 $2,514,703 -26% 1,594 $1,578   $5,932,088 2
May 18, 1984 15 $773,169 -69% 505 $1,531   $6,705,257 3