Man on Fire (2004) - Financial Information

  • ️Thu Aug 05 2004

Full financial estimates for this film, including domestic and international box office, video sales, video rentals, TV and ancillary revenue are available through our research services. For more information, please contact us at

Sharks Sink but Still Stay on Top

October 27th, 2004

Despite a 45% drop in its weekend haul, Shark Tale was able easily able to earn it third first place finish on the international charts. Still early in its run, the film took home $16.2 million in 4,368 theatres in 24 markets pushing its total to $80.3 million internationally. Without any openings the film relied on strong holdovers like in the U.K. where it drop 39%, in France it was off 32% and 35% in Germany. More...

Sharks do a Double-Take

October 20th, 2004

Thanks to mostly unopposed openings several more markets, Shark Tale was able to repeat as the international box office champ this week. Not only that, but its $29.6 million more than doubled its international tally prior to the start of the weekend as the film now sits at $56.2 million. The best opening of the weekend, and most likely of its international run, was in the U.K. where the film managed to take in $9.1 million, ($13.6 million if you include last week's previews.) In France the result was strong with $4.2 million but in the face of local competition, it could only manage $3.4 million in Germany. More...

Shark Attack

October 13th, 2004

With openings in nearly a dozen new markets, Shark Tale was able to take top spot on the international charts with $9.4 million in 16 markets, pushing its early total to $19.2 million internationally and over $100 million worldwide. Highlights include $4.4 million in the U.K., (including previews) and $2.05 million in Mexico. How happy the studio is with these results depends on their expectations. Compared to the average film, Shark Tale is a massive hit. But compared to Dreamworks previous digitally animated film, Shrek 2, it is a large drop. More...

Village's Population Grows

September 14th, 2004

The Village again was the weekend champ in the international box office with $15.3 million on nearly 3,500 screens in 31 markets. Highlights for the weekend include and impressive debut in Germany at $5.5 million and a less spectacular $3.1 million in Japan. The film also suffered a 55% drop-off in its second weekend in Australia while it held up much better in Brazil. So far the film has earned $63.2 million internationally and is well on its way to matching its $112 million domestic total. More...

DVD Releases for September 14, 2004

September 13th, 2004

Every week films get a second chance at success from the home market; or, in some cases, a first chance at success. Here is a list of wide releases, limited releases and a few from the growing TV on DVD section, including the winner of the DVD Pick of the Week. This week was a strong week for independent films with Baadasssss! - Buy from Amazon, THX 1138 - The George Lucas Director's Cut - Buy from Amazon and Slacker - The Criterion Collection - Buy from Amazon all coming out on DVD. All worth picking up, but if I have to limit myself to just one of them, (and after last week's spending spree, I have to) it would be THX 1138 - The George Lucas Director's Cut - Buy from Amazon. More...

Robot Takes Gold

August 17th, 2004

It's a little early to say what effect the 2004 Summer Olympics will have on the box office, but the early indication is that Eurocup 2004 had a larger effect. I, Robot hit its first international milestone topping the $100 million mark and now sits at $107.7 million. It accomplished this feat by taking in $18.8 million on more than 5,300 screens in 34 markets over the weekend. With Japan and Italy still ahead, $300 million worldwide is almost guaranteed while $200 million internationally is not out of the question. More...

Robot Tops Very Light Competition

August 10th, 2004

With the summer juggernauts mostly wrapping up their runs, and very little in the way of new competition, I, Robot easily finished first on the international box office charts. Its weekend earnings of $31.3 million on more than 6,000 screens in 29 markets was nearly triple what the nearest competitor could take in. The film opened number one in the U.K. (8.7 million), Germany ($5.3 million) and Russia ($2.4 million) as well as strong holdovers in France ($2.6 million) and other nations. The film has already earned $71.2 million internationally, and should top its domestic numbers within a few weeks. More...

Panic Mode - Disengaged

May 25th, 2004

Finally, we have something to celebrate this summer. The lone wide release this week, Shrek 2 had a multi-record breaking opening, and that meant a huge 51% increase in the overall box office from last weekend. And that lead to a huge increase over the same weekend last year, right? Well not quite, the increase was rather minimal at just 3.6%, inline with estimated ticket price increases. However, this weekend last year was the Memorial Day long weekend, so the comparison is not quite fair. Further more, 2004 has again slipped behind 2003 year-to-date, albeit by the narrowest of narrow margins $3.125 billion to $3.119 billion based on Sunday's estimates. More...

Is it Time to Panic?

May 21st, 2004

Shrek 2 didn't get off to as solid a start as predicted and without any other wide releases this week we could be in trouble. But there may be mitigating circumstances that will help the box office this weekend. More...

Slight Setback at the Top of the Charts

May 17th, 2004

Both opening films were unable to reach expectations and because of this we saw a relatively flat performance week-to-week of just 6.8%. And compared to last year's monster opening for The Matrix Reloaded this year was down an amazing 26.5%. Year to date now has 2004 up by just 1.2%, half the estimated ticket price inflation and unless Shrek 2 opens huge next weekend this year will dip below last year's pace. More...

Summer Should Start to Simmer

May 14th, 2004

This week looks reasonably stronger than last week, but nothing like this time last year when The Matrix Reloaded opened. Still, as long as we can see significant growth each weekend in May, then 2003 should maintain its lead on 2004. More...

Slower Start to Summer

May 10th, 2004

Summer got off to a really, really slow start this year. Last year the first weekend in May resulted in an incredible 66% week-to-week increase but this year that increase was only 7.1%. And while this weekend last year was the slowest of the summer box office season (May to mid-August), but this year it was actually 1.4% lower. If we don't see a dramatic increase next weekend the year-to-date increase could drop below the inflation. More...


May 7th, 2004

Finally, the summer season at the box office is starting. While it isn't until Memorial Day that Summer Official starts in the movie industry, the first full weekend in May has become increasingly important. This year doesn't look as strong as last year, but it still should be a mile above anything we saw in April. More...

Nice Guys may Finish Last but Mean Girls Finish First

May 3rd, 2004

Five movies opening wide in one weekend is just too many for one weekend. Combined with the horrible reviews and its no wonder all but one film flopped. Fortunately that one film had one of the best April openings ever so we saw a pretty good increase from last weekend at 4%. However, this time last year was the beginning of May, which marks the official start of the Summer Blockbuster season, so it is no surprising that this weekend is down a huge 33% from last year. In fact X-Men United opening was just shy of the top 10's total. And if you add in The Lizzie McGuire Movie and their combined debuts are higher than the weekend's total box office. More...

At Least Next Week Looks Good

April 30th, 2004

It's a busy last weekend in April with five movies opening wide. However, it is uncertain if any of these films can take top spot. This is partly due to the competition but it is also due to the weakness of the reviews; just one film has overall positive reviews and the other four films have combined reviews under 15% positive. More...

Fire on Top as Two Films have $20 million Openings

April 26th, 2004

This was a weird weekend. We had a record-breaking event when two movies opened with $20 million and that's the first time that's ever happened in April. However, the total box office was still down more than 5% from last weekend. It was up 6% from the same time last year, sort of. It's getting really confusion doing the yearly comparisons because last year April had four weekends, while this year it has five. More...

Is any Movie Going to set the Box Office on Fire?

April 23rd, 2004

Just the two wide releases this week targeting two entirely different audiences. So we could have two break out hits this week. Then again, probably not. April started out ok, but it has really started to suffer and it doesn't look better next weekend. Summer can't start too soon. More...

Movie Websites Launches for Aril 16 - April 22

April 23rd, 2004

During the past week promotional websites for several movies were launched and some older ones added additional content. Here the list of this week's releases, a couple of new sites and few updates including the winner for the week, Van Helsing - Official Site. If you know of any new movie websites not on this list feel free to e-mail me with the details. More...

2004 Summer Preview - Part 1: April

March 28th, 2004

With summer just around the corner ... Yes I know Spring started a week ago, but this is the movie industry, we do things differently. So with Summer just around the corner it's time for the Summer Movie Preview, Part 1 - April. In April we have nearly 20 films opening wide over 5 weekends, or almost 4 per weekend. That much variety should please moviegoers, but that much competition will kill the chances of half the movies released. More...

Movie Websites Launches for March 19 - March 25

March 25th, 2004

During the past week promotional websites for several movies were launched and some older ones added additional content. Here the list of this week's releases, a couple of new sites and few updates including the winner for the week, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Official Site . If you know of any new movie websites not on this list feel free to e-mail me with the details. More...

Movie Websites Launches for January 2 - January 8

January 8th, 2004

During the past week promotional websites for several movies were launched and some older ones added additional content. This week we have a larger list to make up for the holidays, but a winter storm took out my internet access on Tuesday / Wednesday so the column is a little late today. Here the list of new releases, updated sites, and some upcoming releases that slipped through the cracks, including the winner for the week Along Came Polly - Official Site . If you know of any new movie websites not on this list feel free to e-mail me with the details. More...

Movie Websites Launches for December 5 - December 11

December 11th, 2003