One Night with the King (2006) - Financial Information

One Night with the King

Theatrical Performance
Domestic Box Office $13,395,961Details
International Box Office $329,071Details
Worldwide Box Office $13,725,032
Home Market Performance
Est. Domestic DVD Sales $20,765,898 Details
Total Est. Domestic Video Sales $20,765,898
Further financial details...


Born into poverty, Hadassah grows up to become a beauty who catches the eye of the powerful King Xerxes - and ultimately becomes his bride. But despite her position, Hadassah's life is in danger, as the state has decreed that all Jews will be put to death. Defying warnings to remain silent, however, Hadassah struggles to save her people, even as she attempts to hide her heritage, in this exciting and inspiring story about courage, faith and destiny.


Opening Weekend:$4,106,862 (30.7% of total gross)
Legs:3.26 (domestic box office/biggest weekend)
Domestic Share:97.6% (domestic box office/worldwide)
Production Budget:$20,000,000 (worldwide box office is 0.7 times production budget)
Theater counts:909 opening theaters/909 max. theaters, 4.6 weeks average run per theater
Infl. Adj. Dom. BO $23,131,031

Latest Ranking on Cumulative Box Office Lists

All Time Domestic Box Office (Rank 4,801-4,900) 4,826 $13,395,961
All Time International Box Office (Rank 14,801-14,900) 14,834 $329,071
All Time Worldwide Box Office (Rank 6,801-6,900) 6,827 $13,725,032

See the Box Office tab (Domestic) and International tab (International and Worldwide) for more Cumulative Box Office Records.

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Movie Details

Domestic Releases: October 13th, 2006 (Wide) by Rocky Mountain Pictures
Video Release: January 23rd, 2007 by Fox Home Entertainment, released as One Night With the King
MPAA Rating: PG for violence, some sensuality and thematic elements
Running Time: 123 minutes
Comparisons: vs. The Light Between Oceans
Create your own comparison chart…
Keywords: Faith-Based Drama, Religious, Bible Epic
Source:Based on Religious Text
Production Method:Live Action
Creative Type:Historical Fiction
Production Countries: United States
Languages: English

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Domestic Cumulative Box Office Records

All Time Domestic Box Office (Rank 4,801-4,900) 4,826 $13,395,961
All Time Domestic Inflation Adjusted Box Office (Rank 4,801-4,900) 4,836 $23,131,031
All Time Domestic Non-Sequel Box Office (Rank 4,101-4,200) 4,104 $13,395,961
Top-grossing movies at the domestic box office first released in 2006 (Rank 101-200) 139 $13,395,961
All Time Domestic Box Office for Based on Religious Text Movies 22 $13,395,961
All Time Domestic Box Office for Live Action Movies (Rank 4,301-4,400) 4,307 $13,395,961
All Time Domestic Box Office for Historical Fiction Movies (Rank 401-500) 497 $13,395,961
All Time Domestic Box Office for Drama Movies (Rank 901-1,000) 925 $13,395,961
All Time Domestic Box Office for PG Movies (Rank 1,001-1,100) 1,045 $13,395,961
All Time Domestic Box Office for Rocky Mountain Pictures Movies 2 $13,395,961

Weekend Box Office Performance

DateRankGross% ChangeTheatersPer TheaterTotal GrossWeek
Oct 13, 2006 9 $4,106,862   909 $4,518   $4,106,862 1
Oct 20, 2006 13 $2,377,203 -42% 908 $2,618   $7,684,854 2
Oct 27, 2006 17 $1,556,293 -35% 823 $1,891   $10,040,187 3
Nov 3, 2006 16 $1,075,334 -31% 701 $1,534   $11,729,479 4
Nov 10, 2006 22 $579,480 -46% 440 $1,317   $12,712,034 5
Nov 17, 2006 27 $222,588 -62% 229 $972   $13,130,422 6
Nov 24, 2006 40 $100,015 -55% 83 $1,205   $13,329,757 7
Dec 1, 2006 49 $36,917 -63% 67 $551   $13,391,174 8

Daily Box Office Performance

DateRankGross% ChangeTheatersPer TheaterTotal GrossDays
Oct 13, 2006 9 $1,599,840   908 $1,762   $1,599,840 1
Oct 14, 2006 9 $1,476,216 -8% 908 $1,626   $3,076,056 2
Oct 15, 2006 9 $1,030,806 -30% 908 $1,135   $4,106,862 3
Oct 16, 2006 10 $310,000 -70% 909 $341   $4,417,000 4
Oct 17, 2006 10 $290,000 -6% 909 $319   $4,707,000 5
Oct 18, 2006 10 $255,000 -12% 909 $281   $4,962,000 6
Oct 19, 2006 9 $320,000 +25% 909 $352   $5,307,651 7

Weekly Box Office Performance

DateRankGross% ChangeTheatersPer TheaterTotal GrossWeek
Oct 13, 2006 9 $5,307,651   909 $5,839   $5,307,651 1
Oct 20, 2006 14 $3,176,243 -40% 908 $3,498   $8,483,894 2
Oct 27, 2006 16 $2,170,251 -32% 823 $2,637   $10,654,145 3
Nov 3, 2006 16 $1,478,409 -32% 701 $2,109   $12,132,554 4
Nov 10, 2006 22 $775,280 -48% 440 $1,762   $12,907,834 5
Nov 17, 2006 32 $322,908 -58% 229 $1,410   $13,230,742 6
Nov 24, 2006 42 $124,081 -62% 83 $1,495   $13,354,823 7
Dec 1, 2006 53 $41,138 -67% 67 $614   $13,395,961 8

International Cumulative Box Office Records

Worldwide Cumulative Box Office Records

Weekly US DVD Sales

% ChangeTotal
Jan 28, 20072954,929 54,929$1,043,102$1,043,1021
Feb 4, 20077146,108+166% 201,037$2,774,591$3,817,6932
Feb 18, 200722139,147 361,976$2,642,402$6,873,9254
Feb 25, 20072678,752-43% 440,728$1,495,500$8,369,4255
Mar 4, 20072662,407-21% 503,135$1,185,109$9,554,5346
Mar 11, 20072659,501-5% 562,636$1,129,924$10,684,4587
Mar 18, 20072756,803-5% 619,439$1,078,689$11,763,1478
Mar 25, 20072844,184-22% 663,623$839,054$12,602,2019
Apr 1, 20072867,942+54% 731,565$1,193,062$13,795,26310

Full financial estimates for this film, including domestic and international box office, video sales, video rentals, TV and ancillary revenue are available through our research services. For more information, please contact us at

Leading Cast

For a description of the different acting role types we use to categorize acting perfomances, see our Glossary.

Production and Technical Credits

Open on Fire on the Home Market

February 10th, 2007

Open Season led a large group of new releases this week, at least on the sales chart. On the rental chart it had to settle for a close second behind The Marine $6.32 million to $6.00 million. More...

DVD Releases for January 30, 2007

January 29th, 2007

I'm still waiting for the first "Must Have" DVD of the year (the first one of those doesn't show up until mid-February), but at least there are more that nearly make the grade this week than so far this year. Flyboys - Collector's Edition is better than the reviews would indicate, as long as you are in the right frame of mind. Lucky Louie - The Complete First Season is a great show but a little demented for a mainstream audience, and the same can be said for Viva Pedro - Pedro Almodovar Classics Collection - Buy from Amazon. But in the end I went with Red Doors - Buy from Amazon as the DVD Pick of the Week. Perhaps an unexpected choice, but it's a movie that should be seen by more. More...

Prestige Powers to Number One as Flags Falter

October 24th, 2006

There was no breakout hit this week with even the pleasant surprises merely able to match expectations. This left the overall box office down 5% to $106 million over the weekend; however, that was still 18% more than the same weekend last year when all four new releases flopped to one degree or another. More...

Saturday the 14th Turns Out to be the Really Unlucky Day for The Grudge

October 17th, 2006

It is reported that Friday the 13th costs the American economy $500 million as there are some people so afraid of that day that they are too scared to leave the house. That doesn't seem to be true for the movies, as Friday was the only day to outpace last weekend. Overall the box office managed $110 million, 1% lower than last weekend. However, that was 25% more than the same weekend last year when all three new releases bombed. More...

Movie Website Updates for October 7 - October 13, 2006

October 14th, 2006

With more and more Oscar contenders getting ready to start their theatrical runs, it is fitting that a satire of such films, For Your Consideration - Official Site, takes home the Weekly Website Award. More...

Grudge Hopes to Take it Out on the Competition

October 12th, 2006

There's little doubt which film will take top spot this weekend as there is almost no serious competition for The Grudge 2. However, analysts are divided on exactly how much it will earn on its way to the top. More...

  1. Summary
  2. News
  3. Box Office
  4. International
  5. Video Sales
  6. Full Financials
  7. Cast & Crew
  8. Trailer


Born into poverty, Hadassah grows up to become a beauty who catches the eye of the powerful King Xerxes - and ultimately becomes his bride. But despite her position, Hadassah's life is in danger, as the state has decreed that all Jews will be put to death. Defying warnings to remain silent, however, Hadassah struggles to save her people, even as she attempts to hide her heritage, in this exciting and inspiring story about courage, faith and destiny.


Opening Weekend:$4,106,862 (30.7% of total gross)
Legs:3.26 (domestic box office/biggest weekend)
Domestic Share:97.6% (domestic box office/worldwide)
Production Budget:$20,000,000 (worldwide box office is 0.7 times production budget)
Theater counts:909 opening theaters/909 max. theaters, 4.6 weeks average run per theater
Infl. Adj. Dom. BO $23,131,031

Latest Ranking on Cumulative Box Office Lists

All Time Domestic Box Office (Rank 4,801-4,900) 4,826 $13,395,961
All Time International Box Office (Rank 14,801-14,900) 14,834 $329,071
All Time Worldwide Box Office (Rank 6,801-6,900) 6,827 $13,725,032

See the Box Office tab (Domestic) and International tab (International and Worldwide) for more Cumulative Box Office Records.

Watch Now On

Movie Details

Domestic Releases: October 13th, 2006 (Wide) by Rocky Mountain Pictures
Video Release: January 23rd, 2007 by Fox Home Entertainment, released as One Night With the King
MPAA Rating: PG for violence, some sensuality and thematic elements
Running Time: 123 minutes
Comparisons: vs. The Light Between Oceans
Create your own comparison chart…
Keywords: Faith-Based Drama, Religious, Bible Epic
Source:Based on Religious Text
Production Method:Live Action
Creative Type:Historical Fiction
Production Countries: United States
Languages: English

Leading Cast

For a description of the different acting role types we use to categorize acting perfomances, see our Glossary.

Production and Technical Credits

Open on Fire on the Home Market

February 10th, 2007

Open Season led a large group of new releases this week, at least on the sales chart. On the rental chart it had to settle for a close second behind The Marine $6.32 million to $6.00 million. More...

DVD Releases for January 30, 2007

January 29th, 2007

I'm still waiting for the first "Must Have" DVD of the year (the first one of those doesn't show up until mid-February), but at least there are more that nearly make the grade this week than so far this year. Flyboys - Collector's Edition is better than the reviews would indicate, as long as you are in the right frame of mind. Lucky Louie - The Complete First Season is a great show but a little demented for a mainstream audience, and the same can be said for Viva Pedro - Pedro Almodovar Classics Collection - Buy from Amazon. But in the end I went with Red Doors - Buy from Amazon as the DVD Pick of the Week. Perhaps an unexpected choice, but it's a movie that should be seen by more. More...

Prestige Powers to Number One as Flags Falter

October 24th, 2006

There was no breakout hit this week with even the pleasant surprises merely able to match expectations. This left the overall box office down 5% to $106 million over the weekend; however, that was still 18% more than the same weekend last year when all four new releases flopped to one degree or another. More...

Saturday the 14th Turns Out to be the Really Unlucky Day for The Grudge

October 17th, 2006

It is reported that Friday the 13th costs the American economy $500 million as there are some people so afraid of that day that they are too scared to leave the house. That doesn't seem to be true for the movies, as Friday was the only day to outpace last weekend. Overall the box office managed $110 million, 1% lower than last weekend. However, that was 25% more than the same weekend last year when all three new releases bombed. More...

Movie Website Updates for October 7 - October 13, 2006

October 14th, 2006

With more and more Oscar contenders getting ready to start their theatrical runs, it is fitting that a satire of such films, For Your Consideration - Official Site, takes home the Weekly Website Award. More...

Grudge Hopes to Take it Out on the Competition

October 12th, 2006

There's little doubt which film will take top spot this weekend as there is almost no serious competition for The Grudge 2. However, analysts are divided on exactly how much it will earn on its way to the top. More...

Compare this performance with other movies…

Domestic Cumulative Box Office Records

All Time Domestic Box Office (Rank 4,801-4,900) 4,826 $13,395,961
All Time Domestic Inflation Adjusted Box Office (Rank 4,801-4,900) 4,836 $23,131,031
All Time Domestic Non-Sequel Box Office (Rank 4,101-4,200) 4,104 $13,395,961
Top-grossing movies at the domestic box office first released in 2006 (Rank 101-200) 139 $13,395,961
All Time Domestic Box Office for Based on Religious Text Movies 22 $13,395,961
All Time Domestic Box Office for Live Action Movies (Rank 4,301-4,400) 4,307 $13,395,961
All Time Domestic Box Office for Historical Fiction Movies (Rank 401-500) 497 $13,395,961
All Time Domestic Box Office for Drama Movies (Rank 901-1,000) 925 $13,395,961
All Time Domestic Box Office for PG Movies (Rank 1,001-1,100) 1,045 $13,395,961
All Time Domestic Box Office for Rocky Mountain Pictures Movies 2 $13,395,961

Weekend Box Office Performance

DateRankGross% ChangeTheatersPer TheaterTotal GrossWeek
Oct 13, 2006 9 $4,106,862   909 $4,518   $4,106,862 1
Oct 20, 2006 13 $2,377,203 -42% 908 $2,618   $7,684,854 2
Oct 27, 2006 17 $1,556,293 -35% 823 $1,891   $10,040,187 3
Nov 3, 2006 16 $1,075,334 -31% 701 $1,534   $11,729,479 4
Nov 10, 2006 22 $579,480 -46% 440 $1,317   $12,712,034 5
Nov 17, 2006 27 $222,588 -62% 229 $972   $13,130,422 6
Nov 24, 2006 40 $100,015 -55% 83 $1,205   $13,329,757 7
Dec 1, 2006 49 $36,917 -63% 67 $551   $13,391,174 8

Daily Box Office Performance

DateRankGross% ChangeTheatersPer TheaterTotal GrossDays
Oct 13, 2006 9 $1,599,840   908 $1,762   $1,599,840 1
Oct 14, 2006 9 $1,476,216 -8% 908 $1,626   $3,076,056 2
Oct 15, 2006 9 $1,030,806 -30% 908 $1,135   $4,106,862 3
Oct 16, 2006 10 $310,000 -70% 909 $341   $4,417,000 4
Oct 17, 2006 10 $290,000 -6% 909 $319   $4,707,000 5
Oct 18, 2006 10 $255,000 -12% 909 $281   $4,962,000 6
Oct 19, 2006 9 $320,000 +25% 909 $352   $5,307,651 7

Weekly Box Office Performance

DateRankGross% ChangeTheatersPer TheaterTotal GrossWeek
Oct 13, 2006 9 $5,307,651   909 $5,839   $5,307,651 1
Oct 20, 2006 14 $3,176,243 -40% 908 $3,498   $8,483,894 2
Oct 27, 2006 16 $2,170,251 -32% 823 $2,637   $10,654,145 3
Nov 3, 2006 16 $1,478,409 -32% 701 $2,109   $12,132,554 4
Nov 10, 2006 22 $775,280 -48% 440 $1,762   $12,907,834 5
Nov 17, 2006 32 $322,908 -58% 229 $1,410   $13,230,742 6
Nov 24, 2006 42 $124,081 -62% 83 $1,495   $13,354,823 7
Dec 1, 2006 53 $41,138 -67% 67 $614   $13,395,961 8

International Cumulative Box Office Records

Worldwide Cumulative Box Office Records

Weekly US DVD Sales

% ChangeTotal
Jan 28, 20072954,929 54,929$1,043,102$1,043,1021
Feb 4, 20077146,108+166% 201,037$2,774,591$3,817,6932
Feb 18, 200722139,147 361,976$2,642,402$6,873,9254
Feb 25, 20072678,752-43% 440,728$1,495,500$8,369,4255
Mar 4, 20072662,407-21% 503,135$1,185,109$9,554,5346
Mar 11, 20072659,501-5% 562,636$1,129,924$10,684,4587
Mar 18, 20072756,803-5% 619,439$1,078,689$11,763,1478
Mar 25, 20072844,184-22% 663,623$839,054$12,602,2019
Apr 1, 20072867,942+54% 731,565$1,193,062$13,795,26310

Full financial estimates for this film, including domestic and international box office, video sales, video rentals, TV and ancillary revenue are available through our research services. For more information, please contact us at