Something New (2006) - Financial Information

Full financial estimates for this film, including domestic and international box office, video sales, video rentals, TV and ancillary revenue are available through our research services. For more information, please contact us at

Home Market Brings in a Ringer

May 27th, 2006

It was a very close race for the top of the rental charts between two new releases. The Ringer won that race with a surprising $6.32 million while When a Stranger Calls had to settle for second best with $6.18 million. More...

DVD Releases for May 16, 2006

May 15th, 2006

It's a pretty average week for DVD releases with a handful of DVDs worth checking out. That said, there wasn't many that were in competition for DVD Pick of the Week and in the end Home Movies - Season Four was the only one in serious contention. The only other DVD on this week's list than I would rate as a must have is These Girls, but I admit, that is partially due to my pro-Canada bias. More...

Contest - Something Old, Something New

May 8th, 2006

It's the start of wedding season, maybe. Or maybe not. Why would I know when wedding season is? Stop pestering me! ... Moving on. To celebrate the alleged beginning of Wedding Season, this week's contest is the Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue contest. To win the contest you just need to predict the opening box office of Poseidon. Whoever comes closest to predicting the opening 3-day weekend (Friday to Sunday), without going over, will win That Girl - Season One, which is the something old. Secondly, whoever comes closest to predicting the opening 3-day weekend (Friday to Sunday), without going under, will win Something New on DVD, which is something new, obviously. As for the something borrow and something blue, I don't know, maybe I'll find something blue in my room and mail to one random entrant, but they have to mail it back or it's not borrowed. Entries must be received by 10 a.m., Pacific Time on Friday to be eligible, so don't delay! More...

Strange Weekend at the Box Office

February 6th, 2006

For the second weekend a row a critically panned film was able to beat expectations while topping the box office chart. While most of the rest of the top five missed expectations, it was still a good weekend at the box office. Granted, at $105 million, the overall box office was down 16.6% from last week, but that can be explained by the Super Bowl weekend. However, it was up 2.7% from last year, which is much more important. More...

Will Momma Stay Big or will Something New Finish First?

February 3rd, 2006

January saw 2006 start on a positive note and everyone hopes February can continue the winning streak. While the two films opening this weekend don't have box office smash written all over them, and no one film seems as strong as Boogeyman, the overall box office could still top last year's, but it will be a close race. More...

Movie Website Updates for January 27 - February 2

February 2nd, 2006

During the past week promotional websites for several movies were launched and some older ones added additional content. It was another slow week with nothing really grabbing my attention and nothing award-winning, (although there are a couple of sites that show promise). Hopefully some of the summer blockbusters will start launching flash sites so this slump can end. More...

2006 Preview: February

February 1st, 2006

Looking at the new crop of movies coming out this month, one has to wonder if January's dumping ground wasn't extended a month. Of the roughly dozen movies on this list, none look like they have what it takes to be a major hit, although there should be a few midlevel ones. There are also a couple of interesting stories to keep track of. For instance, will Firewall be Harrison Ford's triumphant return to the top of the box office charts? Will Night Watch earn a wide release? Just how bad will The Pink Panther be? More...

Sick Selection for End of Month

January 27th, 2006

Three more films open wide this weekend, but only one of them will crack the 2,000 theater mark. This means that, while January will likely end on a soft note, there could be an interesting race or two in the top five. On a side note, this column was unfortunately delayed because I am really, really sick. How sick am I? Too sick to come up with a punch line for that joke. But I am starting to like the taste of NyQuil, if you can imagine. More...

Movie Website Updates for January 20 - January 26

January 26th, 2006

During the past week promotional websites for several movies were launched and some older ones added additional content. The winner this week was Curious George - Official Site, which was extremely well done, although it is aimed at a very young audience. More...

New Releases go Underground

January 20th, 2006

Just the one real wide release this weekend, but there are three other films either opening or expanding into what some might consider a wide release. Only the one film has any shot at the number one spot, and two might not even make the top ten. More...

Movie Website Updates for January 13 - January 19

January 19th, 2006

During the past week promotional websites for several movies were launched and some older ones added additional content. It's busier on this week's list than it has in a while, but there was only one site that was in contention to win the award, Underworld: Evolution - Official Site. More...

Movie Website Updates for December 23 - December 29

December 29th, 2005

This week's list of movie site is abridged and only contains the two films that are opening this week plus more than a dozen site that have never appeared on this list before. However, it was one of the two new openings, Match Point - Official Site, that took the weekly website award. More...