Swing Vote (2008) - Financial Information

Full financial estimates for this film, including domestic and international box office, video sales, video rentals, TV and ancillary revenue are available through our research services. For more information, please contact us at

DVD Releases for January 27, 2009 - Part II

January 27th, 2009

One of the longest lists in a while this week, but there's a lack of quality at the top. There are a number that are of interest, like Zodiac on Blu-ray, The Bourne Trilogy on Blu-ray, and others, none rise to the level of DVD Pick of the Week. The list was long enough that it has to be split up, and the second part can be found here. More...

DVD Sales - Sales Don't Have a Prayer

January 26th, 2009

There were plenty of new releases to reach the top 30 on the sales chart this week, but none were particularly strong. The best was The Family that Preys, but it failed to crack a half million units with 491,000 units and $10.78 million for the week. More...

DVD Rentals - Pineapple Leftovers

January 26th, 2009

While there were five new releases to chart this week, we were left with a holdover on top as Pineapple Express remained champion. More...

DVD Releases for January 13, 2009

January 13th, 2009

It's still early in the year and people are dealing with the bills from their Christmas shopping, which means they don't have as much disposable income. This reduces the demand for DVDs, and studios are hesitant to put out marquee releases. Looking at this week's selection, you can really tell. At the top of the list, Supercop - 2-Disc Special Edition is probably the best bet, but Appaloosa on either DVD or Blu-ray is up there as well. More...

DVD Releases for January 6, 2009

January 6th, 2009

The new year starts off like most on the home market, rather weak. There are few first run releases coming out this week, most of which are terrible. We do have one top-notch release though, Duckman - Season Three and Four, which is clearly the DVD Pick of the Week. More...

Olympic-Sized Box Office Haul

August 11th, 2008

Four. The Dark Knight has reigned on top of the box office charts for four weekends now. The last film to last on top so long was Return of the King, which opened more than four years ago. That said, while The Dark Knight is dominating, the new releases are not pulling their weight and the overall box office slipped to $120 million over the weekend, which was 21% lower than last weekend, and 22% lower than the same weekend last year. Year-to-date, 2008 has earned $6.14 billion, which is lower than 2007's pace but by less than 1%, as this time last year movies had earned $6.17 billion at the box office. More...

Dark Knight Continues to Light Up Box Office

August 4th, 2008

For the third weekend in a row, The Dark Knight came out on top at the box office -- the first time this year we've had a three-time champ. Unfortunately, the film didn't come out on top because it beat expectations by a massive margin, but because The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor missed expectations. That led to a drop at the overall box office by just over 15% from last weekend to $153 million. This is also lower than the same weekend last year by just under 14%. Meanwhile, 2008's and 2007's year-to-date numbers are nearly identical at $5.93 billion, with this year a tiny, tiny amount lower. More...

Movie Website Reviews for Weekend of August 1, 2008

August 2nd, 2008

The first week of August did not bring a bumper crop of new releases. Furthermore, only two sites on this week's list even stood out as above average. However, one of those sites, The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor - Official Site stood out as worthy of the Weekly Website Award. More...

2008 Preview: August

August 1st, 2008

Summer usually comes screeching to a halt early in August, usually by the second weekend in August. However, this year we could have a $100 million hit opening each of the first three weeks. Or we could have no $100 million hits opening during the whole month. On the other end, there are a number of releases that probably looked good on paper, but failed to live up to their potential, not to mention a few that could not have looked good, even on paper. (I'm looking at you, Disaster Movie.) More...

Dark Days for New Releases? - Correction

July 31st, 2008

Two more new wide releases make their debut tomorrow, but we could have the first threepeat winner of the year as the new number one movie of the year, The Dark Knight, is still going strong. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor does have a slight edge going into this weekend, but it could be close. There is a troubling sign as neither film looks likely to match last year's number one film and with 2008 barely ahead of 2007, any weakness could result in 2008 losing its lead. More...

Cast Updates - July 25, 2008

July 25th, 2008

This week's round of new casting information contains updates for Alpha and Omega, The Crusaders, Madea Goes To Jail, and more! More...

New Movie US Release Dates - January 27, 2008

January 27th, 2008

This week's round of new movie release information contains release dates for The Night Watchman, High School Musical 3, Toy Story 3 and more! More...

Cast Updates - August 30, 2007

August 30th, 2007

This week's round of new casting information contains updates for American Gangster, The Informers, Nothing but the Truth, and more! More...