Caché (2005) - Financial Information

Full financial estimates for this film, including domestic and international box office, video sales, video rentals, TV and ancillary revenue are available through our research services. For more information, please contact us at

DVD Releases for June 27, 2006

June 26th, 2006

It's an absolutely horrid week for DVD releases with six or seven contenders for DVD Pick of the Week, I have no idea how I'm going to afford to buy them all. But I will buy them all. Oh yes, I will buy them all. While the latest Masters of Horror collection was high on my list, as was Why We Fight - Buy from Amazon and Imagine Me & You - Buy from Amazon, (but for widely different reasons), I went with the criminally underrated Yellowbeard - Buy from Amazon as my DVD Pick of the Week. Maybe one day it will get the Special Edition treatment it so richly deserves. More...

Per Theatre Chart addicted to Smoking

March 21st, 2006

Thank You for Smoking was the only film to top the $10,000 per theatre average this weekend. It blew away the competition with just over $260,000 in 5 theatres for an average of $52,585. More...

Night Watched

February 22nd, 2006

The Russian Vampire movie, Nochnoy dozor, a.k.a. Night Watch, opened in first place on the Per Theatre Charts with nearly $87,000 in 3 theatres over the weekend for an per theatre average of $28,995. More...

Shandy's Start's no Bull

January 31st, 2006

Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story topped the per theatre charts this week after earned more than $60,000 in just 3 theatres for an average of $20,295. The only other regular format film to crack the $10,000 market was Rang De Basanti with and average of $11,503 in 61 theatres, however, it is a niche market film and that usually means steep declines. More...

Holidays Help Holdovers Hold On

January 18th, 2006

There were three films that topped $10,000 on the Per Theatre Charts this week, and not one of them was a new release. Cache (Hidden) continued to lead the way earning nearly $120,000 in 10 theatres for a $11,732 average. Not far behind was Fateless, which dropped less than 15% to $10,805 in its lone theatre. Rounding out the list was Transamerica, which dropped less than 1% to $10,108 despite increasing its theatre count from 6 to 9. More...

Hidden Finds Success

January 10th, 2006

Cache (Hidden) shot back to the top of the per theatre charts thanks to a tiny 4.68% decline, as the film earned an average of $13,851 in its 5 theatres. Second place went to Fateless with $12,680 in its lone theatre, while Brokeback Mountain maintained is per theatre average with $11,856 despite a very healthy growth in its theatre count. Word of mouth is helping Transamerica, as the film climbed above the $10,000 mark for the first time in a few weeks. It saw its average grow to $10,191. More...

Game, Set, Match - Updated

January 3rd, 2006

Match Point was the clear winner on this week's per theatre average charts, as it earned nearly $400,000 in just 8 theatres for an average of $49,824. The second placed film, The New World, was well back with an average of $19,383 during its first full weekend of release. The Matador, which was the only other new film of the weekend, earned $69,000 in 4 theatres for a per theatre average of $17,275. Last week's number one film, Cache (Hidden), slipped to fourth place with a still healthy $14,532. Brokeback Mountain climbed back above the $10,000 market with $3.6 million in 269 theatres for an amazing average of $13,455 during its fourth week of release. Lastly, Casanova made $400,000 in 37 theatres during its first full weekend of release for an average of $10,963. More...

Hidden Treasures

December 28th, 2005

There was just one film in the $10,000 club this was weekend as Cache (Hidden) opened with $57,000 in 5 theatres for a $11,402 per theatre average. More...

Movie Website Updates for December 16 - December 22

December 22nd, 2005

This week's list of movie site is abridged and only contains the films that are opening this week, unfortunately, of those eleven films, only one had any significant updates this week. That site was Munich - Official Site, but I can't say its an award-winning site. I guess that means the Weekly Website Award is taking a vacation over the holidays. More...

Limited Releases: Master of the Golden Statues

December 21st, 2005

There's not much time for films looking for a little Oscar glory, so there's no surprise that a few films are trying to squeak in under the wire. However, outside a near certain Best Foreign Language nod to Master of the Crimson Armor, it doesn't seem like any of the films on this week's list are destined for Oscar glory. More...

Movie Website Updates for December 9 - December 15

December 15th, 2005

During the past week promotional websites for several movies were launched and some older ones added additional content. We've hit another slow patch for movie websites, which is not unexpected since the most of the new site on this list are for films that open months from now so there's hardly any content, or open during the dead zone that is January. I would say the best of the rest would be King Kong - Official Site, but it is not strong enough to win the Weekly Website Award. More...

Surprise Twist on the International Charts

October 30th, 2005

Oliver Twist opened in two major markets over the weekend, placing second in both France with $2.4 million on 547 screens and Italy with $1.3 million on 301 screens. Other markets include $360,000 in the U.K. for a $3.6 million total there and $140,000 in Poland for $1.1 million. Add it up and you have $4.2 million for the weekend and $9.6 million in total. More...

Brothers are not so Grimm

October 23rd, 2005

The Brothers Grimm dropped just 35% during its second weekend in France adding $2.1 million to its $5.7 million total there. In Germany, the film performed a nearly the same level falling 36% to $950,000 over the weekend and $2.9 million during its run. Overall the film made $4 million for a $27.8 million runny tally and that places it fourth on this week's charts. While the film struggled domestically, it is doing quite a bit better on the international scene, and could show a profit sometime during its home market run. More...

Internationl Round-up: Company Nine Reaches $14 Million

October 16th, 2005

Company 9 remained in first place in Russia, its home market, down just 13% to $4.3 million for a running total of $14.3 million, which is well ahead of Revenge of the Sith's final box office in the market (which was just shy of $10 million). More...