Never Back Down (2008) - Financial Information

Full financial estimates for this film, including domestic and international box office, video sales, video rentals, TV and ancillary revenue are available through our research services. For more information, please contact us at

DVD Sales - Island Paradise

August 19th, 2008

New releases were rather weak, as they have been nearly every week this summer. But we did have a new number one film on this week's sales chart in Nim's Island, as it managed $8.74 million from 466,000 units sold. More...

DVD Rentals - Nim's Not Alone on the Rental Chart

August 19th, 2008

There were only a trio of new releases to chart this week, including Nim's Island, which earned first place. More...

DVD Sales - Harold and Kumar Escape to the Home Market

August 13th, 2008

New releases dominated the sales chart this week, taking 5 of the top 6 spots. This included the new number one film, Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay, which sold 406,000 units for $9.49 million consumer spending. More...

DVD Rentals - 21 Lets It Ride

August 13th, 2008

There were more than a few new releases that reached the top 30 on this week's rental chart, but 21 remained in first place. More...

DVD Releases for July 29, 2008 - Part I

July 29th, 2008

Another slow week without a single first run release that was a must have, or even a contender for DVD Pick of the Week. Granted, many will find Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay worth picking up, but it is not a top-notch release. There are also a couple of special edition releases that are easily worth picking up: Dark City - Director's Cut - Buy from Amazon: DVD or Blu-ray and WarGames - 25th Anniversary Edition. But the best of the best, and the DVD Pick of the Week is Stargate - Continuum - Buy from Amazon: DVD or Blu-ray. But I am also giving an honorable mention to Two Fat Ladies - Buy from Amazon. On a side note, it is another week where we had to split the list into two due to the size. Part II can be found here. More...

International Details - Goodbye to the Top Five

April 27th, 2008

Bienvenue Chez les Ch'its, a.k.a. Welcome to the Sticks, remained in first place in France with $4.79 million on 867 screens over the weekend for a total of $175.67 million after 8. However, it fell out of the top five internationally with $5.33 million on 963 screens in 4 markets for a total of $187.13 million. In its native market, the film has ticket sales of 19.25 million putting it about three weeks away from topping Titanic's record of 20.64 million while it is closing in on $200 million internationally. Both of those are amazing records, and the film is hardly showing signs of slowing down. More...

International Details - 10,000 Scores a Solid Sixth Place

April 13th, 2008

No new openings left 10,000 B.C. tumbling from second to sixth, but it still pulled in $5.83 million on 4302 screens in 61 markets for a total of $155.16 million. This is substantially more than it made stateside while it is about a week away from $250 million worldwide. More...

Funny Brings in the Money over Bunny Weekend

March 25th, 2008

Easter Weekend is not regarded as a long weekend and expectations were not unreasonably high. However, a few films missed expectations and this left the box office on the south side of predictions. Overall, films earned $113 million over the weekend, which was down 6% from last weekend. More importantly, it was down nearly 16% from the same weekend last year. Hopefully things will turn around in April, because I don't see that happening next weekend. More...

Who Helps End Slump

March 18th, 2008

The slump is over after four weeks. During the weekend, the overall box office was $121 million, which was 12% more than last weekend and 3% more than the same weekend last year. Paradoxically, 2008 slipped behind 2007's pace when it comes to ticket sales, albeit by less than 1%. More...

Weekend Estimates: Who's on First

March 16th, 2008

Movie Website Reviews for Weekend of March 14, 2008

March 15th, 2008

The biggest hit of the year so far opened this weekend in Horton Hears a Who and fortunately the studio put together an Official Site that matches its box office strength. More...

Who Will Win at the Box Office

March 14th, 2008

2008 is in danger of slipping below 2007's pace this weekend, at least when it comes to ticket sales. Fortunately, this time last year, the three new releases were rather weak while this year, Horton Hears a Who is tracking to become the biggest opening of the year so far. Even so, it will be tough for 2008 to keep pace with 2007. More...

Contest - One for the Road

March 7th, 2008

Plenty of prizes this week, including what is likely the last HD DVD disc we will ever give away. In order to win, one must simply predict Horton Hears a Who's three-day, opening weekend box office. Whoever comes the closest to predicting the film's opening 3-day weekend box office (Friday to Sunday), without going over, will win 3 Pigs and a Baby on DVD, as well as Day Zero on DVD. Meanwhile, whoever comes the closest to predicting the film's opening 3-day weekend box office (Friday to Sunday), without going under, will also win win 3 Pigs and a Baby on DVD, as well as Day Zero on DVD. Also, whoever is the absolute closest of those two will win the City of Men poster, CD Soundtrack, and TV series on DVD. Additionally, the person who came the closest to winning one of the above prizes, but didn't, will take home a copy of Beowulf on HD DVD. (If you don't have an HD DVD player, keep it shrink-wrapped, it could be collector's item in a few years.) Finally, all three winners will take home Never Back Down posters, both the full size, and the mini-posters. Entries must be received by 10 a.m., Pacific Time on Friday to be eligible, so don't delay! More...

2008 Preview: March

March 1st, 2008

2008 stumbled last month and there doesn't seem to be many potential blockbusters this month. By the end of March last year, there were three films releases that would reach $100 million, including one that reached $200 million, and two others that missed that milestone by less than $5 million. This year, we could enter April without a single $100 million movie. More...

Oscar Contest - Category Highlight - Supporting Acting Roles

February 17th, 2008

With our annual Oscar Prediction contest underway, now is the best time to look at the nominees and try and figure out who the favorites are and which films should just feel honored to be nominated. Today we look at Best Female Actor in a Supporting Role and Best Male Actor in a Supporting Role. More...

Cast Updates - December 20, 2007

December 20th, 2007

This week's round of new casting information contains updates for Four Christmases, My Sister's Keeper, Quarantined, and more! More...

New Movie Announcements, Stars and Directors - December 18, 2007

December 18th, 2007

This week another number of upcoming movies, new stars and directors have been added to our archive! More...

New Movie US Release Dates - December 16, 2007

December 16th, 2007

This week's round of new movie release information contains not only the general weekly update, but also an a number of release updates we had missed earlier. More...