Sex Drive (2008) - Financial Information

Full financial estimates for this film, including domestic and international box office, video sales, video rentals, TV and ancillary revenue are available through our research services. For more information, please contact us at

DVD Sales - Going Out of Business is Good Titles

March 11th, 2009

A combination of terrible new releases and two massive store sales (including the Circuit City Going out of Business sale) meant this week's sales chart was dominated by some of the biggest hits from last year. However, the number one DVD remained High School Musical 3 - Senior Year, which sold an additional 543,000 units for the week to give it a total of 2.05 million units sold and $36.14 million in consumer retail spending. More...

DVD Rentals - New Releases Barely Haunt the Top 30

March 11th, 2009

There were only three new releases to reach the top 30 this past week on the rental chart, and only one of those reached the top five. This left Body of Lies in first place, again close to 20% ahead of the second place film, Changeling. More...

DVD Releases for February 24, 2009 - Part II

February 24th, 2009

Is it national drug dealer week and no one told me? I have four, count them, four spotlight reviews this week dealing with drug dealers. This includes The French Connection, which is making its debut on Blu-ray this week and is a clear contender for DVD Pick of the Week. The other main contender is Futurama - Into the Wild Green Yonder on either DVD or Blu-ray. I can't decide which is better, so both are awarded the DVD Pick of the Week. As is the case more often than not, this week's list of reviews has to be split into two with part two found here. More...

DVD Releases for February 24, 2009 - Part I

February 24th, 2009

Is it national drug dealer week and no one told me? I have four, count them, four spotlight reviews this week dealing with drug dealers. This includes The French Connection, which is making its debut on Blu-ray this week and is a clear contender for DVD Pick of the Week. The other main contender is Futurama - Into the Wild Green Yonder on either DVD or Blu-ray. I can't decide which is better, so both are awarded the DVD Pick of the Week. As is the case more often than not, this week's list of reviews has to be split into two with part two found here. More...

High School is Box Office Valedictorian

October 27th, 2008

The weekend proved profitable, with the overall box office $133 million, which was more than 33% greater than last weekend. More importantly, it was more close to 33% greater than the same weekend last year. Year-to-date 2008 has increased its lead over 2007, but it is still up by less than 1% at $7.67 billion to $7.63 billion. However, next weekend could be tricky as Halloween lands on a Friday, and Halloween is one of the worst days at the box office. More...

Box Office is not in Payne, but not Exactly Healthy Either

October 20th, 2008

It was a mixed weekend at the box office. The new releases were not able to match modest expectations, which caused the overall box office to drop 2% to $100 million compared to last weekend. However, this was close to 4% higher than the same weekend last year. Even better, year-to-date, 2008 has now just over $7.51 billion in ticket sales while at the same point in 2007, total receipts were just under $7.51 billion. With High School Musical 3 and Saw V opening this Friday, we could see continued growth at the box office. More...

Weekend Estimates: Max Payne Makes Explosive Debut

October 19th, 2008

Fox broke a dry spell over the weekend with two strong opening weekends. Video game adaptation Max Payne scored a good $18 million opening. That's not exactly blockbuster territory, but a good result for this time of year. Searchlight's The Secret Life of Bees also scored well. Beverly Hills Chihuahua continued its good run, falling 36% to an estimated $11.2 million, and $69 million in total. Two other openers were third and fourth, although both were close enough to Chihuahua that the rankings could easily be reversed when final results are announced on Monday. More...

Movie Website Reviews for Weekend of October 17, 2008

October 19th, 2008

As we've seen already on the box office, the movies that came out this weekend were not strong, and neither were their sites. The best of the list was Passchendaele - Official Site, which was the winner of the Weekly Website Award. More...

Maximum Box Office or Payneful Weekend?

October 16th, 2008

Another week, another four movies opening wide. At least the four films are widely different (violent action film, teenage sex comedy, political drama, and female-centric movie) and they shouldn't steal too many moviegoers from each other. On the other hand, none are doing particularly well with the critics, nor are they tracking well at the box office. Back to the original hand, five of seven wide releases from last year bombed, so this year has a shot at pulling ahead for the first time in a while. More...

2008 Preview: October

October 1st, 2008

September ends, and for that we are all very grateful. However, while we are entering the final push for 2008 at the box office, things don't look too rosy for the upcoming month. First of all, there are way too many films opening, including eight that are opening or expanding on the first weekend. Of those two, maybe three will thrive. Most will sink without being noticed, which could negatively affect the overall box office going forward. On the other hand, there are a few films opening this month that could be players come Awards Season, which is just around the corner. Perhaps this will help a few mid-level hits rise above the crowd. More...

New Movie US Release Dates - August 24, 2008

August 24th, 2008

This week's round of new movie release information contains release dates for The International, Youth in Revolt, Fame and more! More...

Cast Updates - July 17, 2008

July 17th, 2008

This week's round of new casting information contains updates for Humboldt County, Nine, The Perfect Game, and more! More...

Movie Website Reviews for Weekend of April 4, 2008

April 5th, 2008

Only 11 movies on this week's list, and nearly half of them had no site for the North American release. This made it rather dull reviewing the sites this week, but it did give me a chance to waste an hour or so playing Seashell Shuffle on Nim's Island's Official Site. But despite the addictive nature of that game, the winner of the Weekly Website Award was Leatherheads - Official Site. More...

Cast Updates - February 24, 2008

February 24th, 2008

This week's round of new casting information contains updates for Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, Hoodwinked 2, Shanghai, and more! More...

Cast Updates - December 20, 2007

December 20th, 2007

This week's round of new casting information contains updates for Four Christmases, My Sister's Keeper, Quarantined, and more! More...

New Movie Announcements, Stars and Directors - December 18, 2007

December 18th, 2007

This week another number of upcoming movies, new stars and directors have been added to our archive! More...

New Movie US Release Dates - December 16, 2007

December 16th, 2007

This week's round of new movie release information contains not only the general weekly update, but also an a number of release updates we had missed earlier. More...