Trimark Movies Index
Find below a breakdown of all Trimark movies by year and first letter.
The table below lists the top-grossing Trimark movie released in each calendar year (based on worldwide box office). Click on the year number for a list of all the Trimark films released that year. The "Annual Stats" links will take you to a summary of the domestic film business for Trimark movies for the year in question (this part of our archive starts in 1995). Click on the movie name to see information on the individual film.
Year | Annual Stats | Total Movies | Average Production Budget | Combined Worldwide Box Office | No. 1 Movie |
2000 | Annual Stats | 2 | $8,000,000 | $4,975,450 | Held Up |
1999 | Annual Stats | 4 | $3,915,639 | Better Than Chocolate | |
1998 | Annual Stats | 8 | $4,000,000 | $13,762,583 | Star Kid |
1997 | Annual Stats | 7 | $4,000,000 | $31,309,924 | Eve's Bayou |
1996 | Annual Stats | 1 | $5,000 | Blue Juice | |
1995 | Annual Stats | 5 | $2,061,967 | Separate Lives | |
1994 | 4 | $4,103,640 | Leprechaun 2 | ||
1993 | 3 | $3,000,000 | $12,678,596 | Leprechaun | |
1991 | 6 | $7,000,000 | $11,247,545 | Warlock | |
Total | 40 | $4,625,000 | $84,060,344 | Eve's Bayou |
The table below shows the highest-grossing Trimark movie that begins with each letter of the alphabet. Click on the name of the film to go to its page. Or click on the letter at the beginning of each row for a list of all the Trimark movies beginning with that letter.
Index | Total Movies | Average Production Budget | Combined Worldwide Box Office | No. 1 Movie |
A | 2 | $1,239,408 | Another Day in Paradise | |
B | 5 | $5,019,031 | Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss | |
C | 2 | $7,000,000 | $2,572,043 | Chinese Box |
D | 5 | $3,000,000 | $1,979,710 | Death Wish V: The Face of Death |
E | 1 | $5,000,000 | $14,843,425 | Eve's Bayou |
F | 2 | $179,979 | Federal Hill | |
H | 1 | $8,000,000 | $4,714,090 | Held Up |
J | 1 | $60,279 | Joe the King | |
K | 3 | $3,000,000 | $6,034,402 | Kama Sutra |
L | 2 | $10,750,531 | Leprechaun | |
M | 2 | $4,078,582 | Meet Wally Sparks | |
P | 1 | $5,000 | Phoenix | |
R | 1 | $1,585,642 | Romance | |
S | 7 | $1,000,000 | $16,999,122 | Sprung |
T | 1 | $258,464 | Twice Upon a Yesterday | |
U | 1 | $5,000 | Underworld | |
W | 3 | $5,000,000 | $13,735,636 | Warlock |