DVD and Blu-ray Releases for May 21st, 2013 - The Numbers

  • ️Thu May 23 2013

Note: This Blu-ray made its home market debut on the 16th of April.

Disneynature: Wings of Life - Buy from Amazon: Blu-ray Combo Pack or Video on Demand
Every year, Disneynature releases a nature documentary on Earth day. This year, that film was released direct-to-DVD. Is it that much weaker than previous offerings? Or will fans of the other films want to check out this film as well? Read our review to find out.

Hayao Miyazaki Double-Shot - Buy from Amazon: Howl's Moving Castle or My Neighbor Totoro
These two Blu-rays arrived, but they arrived a day late, and a day after my Blu-ray player died. I will be buying a replacement tomorrow, assuming I'm not up till noon trying to get all of my work done.

The Last Stand - Buy from Amazon: DVD or Blu-ray Combo Pack
Arnold Schwarzenegger's first starring role in more than a decade failed to make an impact. That's an understatement. Now that it is out on the home market, will it find an audience? Or was there a good reason it was ignored by moviegoers? Read our review for my opinion.

Laverne & Shirley: Season Six - Buy from Amazon
This TV on DVD release is part of our current box office prediction contest, but if you don't win, it is still worth picking up.

LEGO Batman: The Movie - DC Super Heroes Unite - Buy from Amazon: DVD or Blu-ray Combo Pack
This franchise is aimed at kids, but it has a goofy sense of humor that will entertain many adults as well. Extras are better than expected, especially given the target audience, and it is worth picking up.

Mel Brooks: Make A Noise - Buy from Amazon
A 90-minute documentary on the career of Mel Brooks. It is part of the American Masters, which is a PBS show that has been going on for nearly 30 years now and have an excellent reputation for quality.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Quest for the Crystal Mickey - Buy from Amazon
I'm not getting this screener to review, but I've reviewed enough of them in the past to know this show is better than most that are aimed at preschoolers.

Parker - Buy from Amazon: DVD or Blu-ray
A by-the-numbers action film, but that's what you've come to expect from Jason Statham. There is a relatively good selection of extras on the Blu-ray, including a couple exclusive extras, but that's not enough to lift it passed the rental level.

Perception: The Complete First Season - Buy from Amazon
A police procedural starring Eric McCormack, Rachael Leigh Cook, among others. The reviews are pretty good, but not great. Then again, this is better than a lot of summer shows earn.

Saving Hope: The Complete First Season - Buy from Amazon
A Canadian drama set in a hospital. It stars Erica Durance as a surgeon whose fiancee and fellow surgeon, Michael Shanks, falls into a coma. The reviews are only mixed, but it's a summer show, so that is to be expected. Erica Durance did earn a Gemini Awards nomination for her performance, while it won one for Best Supporting Actress for Wendy Crewson, so it might be worth checking out.

Side Effects - Buy from Amazon: DVD or Blu-ray Combo Pack
Still waiting for the screener for this film. The reviews were amazing, so I'm really looking forward to seeing it.

Stand Up Guys - Buy from Amazon: DVD or Blu-ray
This film had three Oscar-winning actors in the main three roles. Despite this, it failed to gain an audience when it open in select cities. Will it perform better on the home market? Or will it struggle here as well? Check out our review for my opinion.

Struck By Lightning - Buy from Amazon: DVD or Blu-ray
Written and starring Chris Colfer. It's about a high school student who is struck by lightning and we flashback to see his life as it led up to his death. The reviews were weak, but even some of the negative reviews said Chris Colfer might have a future as a screenwriter, with a little more experience.

Teen Wolf: Season Two - Buy from Amazon
Not the disaster I thought it would be, but there are too many similar shows on TV at the moment. Hell, the CW has three of them at the moment. The direct competition is too intense and this show just can't stand out.

True Blood: The Complete Fifth Season - Buy from Amazon: DVD or Blu-ray Combo Pack
This show saw its ratings dip for the first time during its run. Is this a sign that the quality it also dipping? If so, has it dipped so far that it is no longer worth checking out? Read our review for my opinion.

Note: This DVD made its home market debut on the 30th of April.

Wagner and Me - Buy from Amazon
A documentary about separating a flawed artist from their amazing work. Will it appeal to fans of Wagner and / or Stephen Fry? Will it have wider appeal? Read our review to find out.
