Home Market Releases for February 20th, 2018 - The Numbers

  • ️Mon Feb 19 2018

Loving Vincent - Reviews - Buy from Amazon: Blu-ray
This animated film is entirely painted. Each frame is hand-painted and this is the first feature-length film ever produced this way. The film’s Tomatometer Score is excellent, but a lot of critics do admit their reviews are positive in part due to the admiration of the effort it took to make the movie, so the average review isn’t as positive as its Tomatometer Score would indicate. Extras include making of featurettes, interviews, and more. It even includes four postcards featuring Vincent Van Gogh’s art. It is easily worth picking up, and even a Pick of the Week contender.

Mom & Dad - Reviews - Buy from Amazon: DVD or Blu-ray Combo Pack
Video on Demand
Selma Blair and Nicolas Cage star as the titular Mom and Dad. In the movie, something causes parents to become murderously violent towards their kids. This is one of the best Nicolas Cage movies in the past few years, which sounds like a back-handed compliment, but it is worth checking out. There are no extras, so I would start with a rental.

The Perfect Bride - No Reviews - Buy from Amazon: DVD
Video on Demand
It’s a Hallmark Channel Original Movie. Enough said.

Same Kind of Different as Me - Reviews - Buy from Amazon: DVD or Blu-ray
Video on Demand
A faith-based film with a better cast than most, but the end result is the same. It just isn’t good enough to have any crossover appeal.

The Star - Reviews - Buy from Amazon: DVD, Blu-ray
Video on Demand
A Christmas movie that is thoroughly mediocre. It’s something you only want to watch if you have younger kids, and even then I would suggest only a rental.

Steve McQueen: American Icon - Reviews - Buy from Amazon: DVD
Video on Demand
This film only has two reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and it is only coming out on DVD. Normally, I wouldn’t even mention it, but this is a really slow week.

Tell Them We Are Rising: The Story of Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Reviews - Buy from Amazon: DVD
A PBS documentary about historical Black colleges and their importance to the country as a whole. There are only five reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, but all five reviews are positive, enthusiastically positive. So not only is it worth picking up, it is a contender for Pick of the Week.

Blu-ray Releases - Buy from Amazon:
An Actor's Revenge: The Criterion Collection - Reviews - Buy from Amazon: DVD or Blu-ray
ALL OUT!!: Part One - Reviews - Buy from Amazon: Blu-ray Combo Pack
The Covered Wagon - Reviews - Buy from Amazon: DVD or Blu-ray
Eaten Alive! - Reviews - Buy from Amazon: DVD or Blu-ray
Farewell, My Lovely / The Big Sleep