The Numbers - On This Day - April 14
Record Day
The chart below contains the top 10 movies based on daily domestic revenue recorded on April 14.
Year | Title | Day of Week |
Day | Domestic Box Office |
2017 | The Fate of the Furious | Friday | $45,695,015 | $225,764,765 |
2023 | The Super Mario Bros. Movie | Friday | $22,656,585 | $574,934,330 |
2006 | Scary Movie 4 | Friday | $19,017,001 | $90,710,620 |
2018 | Rampage | Saturday | $13,884,589 | $101,028,233 |
2018 | A Quiet Place | Saturday | $13,494,901 | $188,024,361 |
2012 | The Hunger Games | Saturday | $9,317,258 | $408,010,692 |
2007 | Disturbia | Saturday | $8,817,968 | $80,818,974 |
2006 | Ice Age: The Meltdown | Friday | $7,956,060 | $195,330,621 |
2019 | Shazam! | Sunday | $7,104,956 | $140,371,656 |
2013 | 42 | Sunday | $7,085,264 | $95,020,213 |
Record Opening Day
The chart below contains the top movies based on domestic opening day on April 14.
Year | Title | Day of Week |
Opening Day |
Domestic Box Office |
2017 | The Fate of the Furious | Friday | $45,695,015 | $225,764,765 |
2006 | Scary Movie 4 | Friday | $19,017,001 | $90,710,620 |
2006 | The Wild | Friday | $4,180,525 | $37,384,046 |
2000 | 28 Days | Friday | $3,686,400 | $37,035,515 |
2023 | The Pope’s Exorcist | Friday | $3,465,715 | $20,009,380 |
2023 | Renfield | Friday | $3,185,120 | $17,297,895 |
2000 | Keeping the Faith | Friday | $2,848,880 | $37,036,404 |
2023 | Suzume (すずめの戸締まり) | Friday | $2,143,020 | $10,932,037 |
2000 | American Psycho | Friday | $1,845,792 | $15,070,285 |
2023 | Mafia Mamma | Friday | $868,978 | $3,496,761 |
Record Weekend
The chart below contains the top 10 movies based on domestic revenue recorded on a weekend where Friday, Saturday or Sunday was April 14.
Year | Title | Weekend | Domestic Box Office |
2017 | The Fate of the Furious | $98,786,705 | $225,764,765 |
2023 | The Super Mario Bros. Movie | $92,347,190 | $574,934,330 |
2006 | Scary Movie 4 | $40,222,875 | $90,710,620 |
2018 | Rampage | $35,753,093 | $101,028,233 |
2018 | A Quiet Place | $32,970,049 | $188,024,361 |
2013 | 42 | $27,487,144 | $95,020,213 |
2024 | Civil War | $25,537,368 | $68,757,539 |
2019 | Shazam! | $24,453,514 | $140,371,656 |
2007 | Disturbia | $22,224,982 | $80,818,974 |
2012 | The Hunger Games | $21,096,824 | $408,010,692 |
Born and Died
Born on this day in history: John Gielgud (1904, died on May 21, 2000 at the age of 96), Valerie Hobson (1917, died on November 13, 1998 at the age of 81), Joseph Ruskin (1924, died on December 28, 2013 at the age of 89), Philip Stone (1924, died on June 15, 2003 at the age of 79), Rod Steiger (1925, died on July 9, 2002 at the age of 77), Dany Robin (1927, died on May 25, 1995 at the age of 68), Victor J. Kemper (1927, died on November 27, 2023 at the age of 96), Raymond Danon (1930, died on October 10, 2018 at the age of 88), Bradford Dillman (1930, died on January 16, 2018 at the age of 87), Jay Robinson (1930, died on September 27, 2013 at the age of 83), James Kisicki (1938, died on November 27, 2017 at the age of 79), Julie Christie (1940, turns 85 this year), Roger Frappier (1945, turns 80 this year), Claudio Rissi (1947, died on February 2, 2024 at the age of 76), Berry Berenson (1948, turns 77 this year), John Shea (1949, turns 76 this year), Chris Langham (1949, turns 76 this year), Lynda Obst (1950, died on October 22, 2024 at the age of 74), Katsuhiro Otomo (1954, turns 71 this year), Chris Ellis (1956, turns 69 this year), Lothaire Bluteau (1957, turns 68 this year), Peter Capaldi (1958, turns 67 this year), Marie-Therese Fortin (1959, turns 66 this year), Mark Pillow (1959, turns 66 this year), Brad Garrett (1960, turns 65 this year), Daniel Clowes (1961, turns 64 this year), Robert Carlyle (1961, turns 64 this year), Gina McKee (1964, turns 61 this year), Bob Clendenin (1964, turns 61 this year), Gregory Sporleder (1964, turns 61 this year), Tom Dey (1965, turns 60 this year), Catherine Dent (1965, turns 60 this year), Lloyd Owen (1966, turns 59 this year), Julia Zemiro (1967, turns 58 this year), Anthony Michael Hall (1968, turns 57 this year), James Gray (1969, turns 56 this year), Adrien Brody (1973, turns 52 this year), Langley Kirkwood (1973, turns 52 this year), Quentin Dupieux (1974, turns 51 this year), Antwon Tanner (1975, turns 50 this year), Georgina Chapman (1976, turns 49 this year), Sarah Michelle Gellar (1977, turns 48 this year), Rob McElhenney (1977, turns 48 this year), Claire Coffee (1980, turns 45 this year), Tom Franco (1980, turns 45 this year), Natalie Knepp (1983, turns 42 this year), Adam DiMarco (1990, turns 35 this year), Nick Krause (1992, turns 33 this year), Graham Phillips (1993, turns 32 this year), Vivien Cardone (1993, turns 32 this year), Skyler Samuels (1994, turns 31 this year), Abigail Breslin (1996, turns 29 this year)
Died on this day in history: Fredric March (1975, at the age of 77), Burl Ives (1995, at the age of 85), Anthony Newley (1999, at the age of 67), Hiroshi Teshigahara (2001, at the age of 74), Jonathan Frid (2012, at the age of 87), Christine White (2013, at the age of 86), Percy Sledge (2015, at the age of 73), Dan Ireland (2016, at the age of 67), Hank Steinbrenner (2020, at the age of 63), Mario Donatone (2020, at the age of 86), Rio Hackford (2022, at the age of 51), Murray Melvin (2023, at the age of 90)
Note: The charts on this page are not adjusted for inflation.