Corey Stoll - Box Office
Career Summary
Movies | Domestic Box Office | International Box Office | Worldwide Box Office | ||
As an Actor | Supporting | 19 | $474,415,426 | $642,745,723 | $1,117,161,149 |
Lead Ensemble Member | 6 | $285,341,055 | $387,891,407 | $673,232,462 | |
Leading | 1 | $0 | $103,065 | $103,065 | |
(Unclassified) | 2 | $1,252,960 | $588,696 | $1,841,656 |
Career Trend
This graph shows Corey Stoll’s score on our annual analysis of leading stars at the box office. The Star Score represents points assigned to each of the leading stars of the top 100 movies (based on box office) in the current year and two preceding years. For appearing in the number one movie in a year a star gets 100 points, the number two movie 99 points and so on..
Latest Ranking on Selected Box Office Record Lists
Record | Rank | Amount |
Top 100 Stars in Leading Roles at the Domestic Box Office (Rank 801-900) | 808 | $285,341,055 |
Top Stars at the Domestic Box Office (Rank 1,701-1,800) | 1,776 | $761,009,441 |
Top 100 Stars in Leading Roles at the International Box Office (Rank 801-900) | 828 | $387,994,472 |
Top Stars at the International Box Office (Rank 1,601-1,700) | 1,680 | $1,031,328,891 |
Top 100 Stars in Leading Roles at the Worldwide Box Office (Rank 801-900) | 808 | $673,335,527 |
Top Stars at the Worldwide Box Office (Rank 1,601-1,700) | 1,678 | $1,792,338,332 |
See the Acting Credits tab for all Acting Box Office Records and the Technical Credits tab for all Technical Box Office Records.
Featured Blu-ray and DVD Review: Ant-Man and the Wasp
October 15th, 2018
Ant-Man and the Wasp is the second film in the Ant-Man franchise and the 20th film in the MCU. I liked the first film more than the average critic, because I’m a huge fan of heist movies. This film won’t have the same heist angle, so will it not work with me as much?
Featured Blu-ray and DVD Review: Avengers: Infinity War - Spoiler / Detail Free Review
August 14th, 2018
Like we did with The Force Awakens, we are going to do a spoiler-free, detail-free review for Avengers: Infinity War. In other words, we are going to rate all of the movies in the MCU to see where Infinity War and the rest fit into place.
Featured Blu-ray / DVD Review: Ant-Man
December 6th, 2015
Ant-Man had the fourth worst global box office for a film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It earned over $500 million and was still the fourth worst in the franchise's run. That's impressive. One of the reasons for the franchise's success is the quality. No MCU film has earned a Tomatometer Score below the overall positive level, this includes Ant-Man. Is it worthy of this? Or is this the first MCU film I didn't like?
2015 Preview: July
July 1st, 2015
June was a much better month than expected due to two films, Jurassic World and Inside Out. Had those two films merely matched expectations, then 2015 would have likely fallen behind 2014. As for this coming month, there are five weekends in July and each week there is at least one film with the potential to reach $100 million. Most weeks there are two films that at least have a shot at getting to the century mark. The biggest hit of the month will likely be Minions, which has already opened in several international markets and it's ahead of Despicable Me 2 at the same point. That film made more than $300 million and nearly $1 billion worldwide, so any growth would be fantastic. There are also a number of potential $200 million films, led by Ant-man. Ant-man is the latest release in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a franchise that has averaged $300 million domestically over eleven films and all of the past six films have reached at least $200 million. I'm not saying this one is guaranteed to do the same, but you can't dismiss that possibility. Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation and Pixels have smaller chances to get to $200 million, but you have to at least entertain the possibility. Additionally, last July was a lot weaker than this July looks to be, so 2015 should win in the year-over-year comparison most weeks. Or I might have let the box office success of June cloud my judgment. We will soon find out.
All Acting Credits
Announced (Undated)
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