Matthew Fox - Box Office
Career Summary
Movies | Domestic Box Office | International Box Office | Worldwide Box Office | ||
As an Actor | Supporting | 5 | $351,748,984 | $409,742,691 | $761,491,675 |
Leading | 4 | $75,612,570 | $93,005,769 | $168,618,339 | |
(Unclassified) | 1 | $3,218,882 | $0 | $3,218,882 |
Career Trend
This graph shows Matthew Fox’s score on our annual analysis of leading stars at the box office. The Star Score represents points assigned to each of the leading stars of the top 100 movies (based on box office) in the current year and two preceding years. For appearing in the number one movie in a year a star gets 100 points, the number two movie 99 points and so on..
Latest Ranking on Selected Box Office Record Lists
Record | Rank | Amount |
Top 100 Stars in Leading Roles at the Domestic Box Office (Rank 1,801-1,900) | 1,888 | $75,612,570 |
Top Stars at the Domestic Box Office (Rank 3,701-3,800) | 3,703 | $430,580,436 |
Top 100 Stars in Leading Roles at the International Box Office (Rank 1,901-2,000) | 1,923 | $93,005,769 |
Top Stars at the International Box Office (Rank 4,701-4,800) | 4,795 | $502,748,460 |
Top 100 Stars in Leading Roles at the Worldwide Box Office (Rank 1,801-1,900) | 1,894 | $168,618,339 |
Top Stars at the Worldwide Box Office (Rank 4,201-4,300) | 4,283 | $933,328,896 |
See the Acting Credits tab for all Acting Box Office Records and the Technical Credits tab for all Technical Box Office Records.
Featured Blu-ray / DVD Review: Alex Cross
February 3rd, 2013
Tyler Perry has been a money making machine, but while he, or more accurately, Madea, has a dedicated following, he hasn't been able to generate a lot of crossover appeal. Alex Cross was his first attempt to truly get away from his iconic character. It didn't go so well. The film opened in fifth place and quickly disappeared from there. Is is as bad as its box office numbers would indicate? Or does Tyler Perry just need more time to distance himself from Madea before moviegoers who don't like that character are willing to accept him in a role like this?
Weekend Wrap-Up: Paranormal Inactivity
October 22nd, 2012
As everyone was expecting, Paranormal Activity 4 led the way on the box office chart this past weekend; however, it did so with much weaker than expected numbers. The other new release, Alex Cross, also missed expectations. On the other hand, the holdovers held on a lot better than expected. The overall box office was still weaker than last weekend, but only by 0.9%. We can call that a tie. Compared to last year, the overall box office rose by 6%. That's not a huge amount, but considering this weekend last year saw Paranormal Activity 3 break the record for biggest October opening, a victory by any margin is worth celebrating. Year-to-date, 2012 is maintaining its lead over 2011. 2012 currently has a 3.9% advantage over 2011's pace at $8.59 billion to $8.26 billion. Since 2011 didn't have a strong winter run, 2012 should be able to maintain, if not expand, its lead.
2012 Preview: October
October 1st, 2012
2012 continues its downward path. After a record-breaking spring, thanks to The Hunger Games, and a record-breaking start to the summer, thanks to The Avengers, the box office hasn't been able to maintain any real momentum. For most of the month, September was no better than August and now the year-over-year gains are just a little more than inflation. October will need to improve or 2012 will be in real trouble. Unfortunately, that might be tough. There's not a single film coming out in October that looks like it will be a guaranteed $100 million hit and there are only two films with a realistic chance, Taken 2 and Paranormal Activity 4. (There's also Cloud Atlas, which is a wild card. That movie could bomb or be the biggest hit of the month and I wouldn't be surprised either way.) There is a chance all three will get to the century mark, but there's a better chance none of them will. Last October, two films cracked $100 million: Paranormal Activity 3 and Puss in Boots, with the latter nearly reaching $150 million. I don't see any film coming close to matching that figure. On the other hand, last year there were six films that one could accurately describe as bombs. So while 2012 is weaker at the top, it could have better depth than 2011 did. Let's hope so, because we can't afford more bad news.
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