Leaflets against war criminals anger Jamaat-Shibir men

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  • ️Mon Dec 22 2008

Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:00 AM
Last update on: Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:00 AM

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Election 2008Face To Face With Voters In C'nawabganj

Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:00 AM
Last update on: Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:00 AM

Our Correspondent, C'nawabganj

Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:00 AM Last update on: Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:00 AM

Two candidates out of three in Chapainawabganj-3 (Sadar) constituency yesterday appeared on the same dais for a 'face to face programme with voters' and pledged to work for development of Chapainawabganj, if voted.
Former lawmaker and BNP nominee Harunur Rashid and former lawmaker and Jamaat-e-Islami nominee Latifur Rahman also
promised to make Chapainawabganj free of corruption, violence, terrorism and drugs.
Awami League nominee Abdul Odud Biswas was not present as he was in the capital, party sources said.
As the programme started, a local NGO distributed leaflets urging people not to vote for war criminals. This angered Jamaat-Shibir activists who shouted and asked for withdrawing the leaflets and departure of the NGO men.
Amid the trouble, Jamaat candidate Latifur Rahman urged party men to calm down and saved the situation.
Sachetan Nagarik Committee, a unit of Transparency International, Bangladesh (TIB), Shushashoner Janney Nagarik (Shujon) and Committee for Resisting Corruption jointly organized the programme held at Birshreshta Jahangir Mukto Mancha in the town. Over 400 voters attended the programme that continued till 1 pm from 10 am.
Prof Dr. Sirazul Islam, president of the local corruption rsistance committee presided over the meeting.
Both of the contestants also promised two build pakka roads and ensure smooth power supply in char area covering seven unions.

Election 2008Face To Face With Voters In C'nawabganj

Leaflets against war criminals anger Jamaat-Shibir men

Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:00 AM
Last update on: Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:00 AM

Our Correspondent, C'nawabganj

Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:00 AM Last update on: Tue Dec 23, 2008 12:00 AM

Two candidates out of three in Chapainawabganj-3 (Sadar) constituency yesterday appeared on the same dais for a 'face to face programme with voters' and pledged to work for development of Chapainawabganj, if voted.
Former lawmaker and BNP nominee Harunur Rashid and former lawmaker and Jamaat-e-Islami nominee Latifur Rahman also
promised to make Chapainawabganj free of corruption, violence, terrorism and drugs.
Awami League nominee Abdul Odud Biswas was not present as he was in the capital, party sources said.
As the programme started, a local NGO distributed leaflets urging people not to vote for war criminals. This angered Jamaat-Shibir activists who shouted and asked for withdrawing the leaflets and departure of the NGO men.
Amid the trouble, Jamaat candidate Latifur Rahman urged party men to calm down and saved the situation.
Sachetan Nagarik Committee, a unit of Transparency International, Bangladesh (TIB), Shushashoner Janney Nagarik (Shujon) and Committee for Resisting Corruption jointly organized the programme held at Birshreshta Jahangir Mukto Mancha in the town. Over 400 voters attended the programme that continued till 1 pm from 10 am.
Prof Dr. Sirazul Islam, president of the local corruption rsistance committee presided over the meeting.
Both of the contestants also promised two build pakka roads and ensure smooth power supply in char area covering seven unions.