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The theory and practice of abstract art.

ab·strac′tion·ist n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun1.abstractionist - a painter of abstract picturesabstractionist - a painter of abstract pictures  

painter - an artist who paints

suprematist - an artist of the school of suprematism

Adj.1.abstractionist - not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of natureabstractionist - not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature; "a large abstract painting"

nonrepresentational - of or relating to a style of art in which objects do not resemble those known in physical nature

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She punishes abstractionists, and will only forgive an induction which is rare and casual.

But the tension does not emerge as irresolution; on the contrary, Anderson foregrounds his process of working between seemingly antithetical genres--the toggle between rendering nature and freeing a mark from the burden of mimesis; the clash of the landscapist's mandate to limn deep space with the abstractionist's to invert or annul figure-ground relationships--lending conceptual consequence to what is undeniably prepossessing work.

As the legendary American artist Frank Stella was said to have emerged an abstractionist full-blown as if from the brow of Zeus, the same can be said for Joy Rojas, who was formally educated as a lawyer and not as a classical painter.

To see the world through the kaleidoscope eyes of prominent abstractionist Raul Isidro is to see a world vibrant and pulsating with life.

Paulina Luz Sotto's line of thought !-- -- She may be the granddaughter of the National Artist Arturo Luz, but Paulina Luz Sotto did not set herself up to follow in the footsteps of the master abstractionist. She recalls a normal childhood growing up.

"He is not a landscape painter, not an abstractionist in the ordinary sense but a painter of metamorphosis."

"Raza sahab had a very plural idea of art, and despite being an abstractionist, he was open to figurative and non-figurative art.

Mansoor Rahi is the leading abstractionist painter of Pakistan and his teaching and influence has led to the emergence of a larger number of prominent artists than any other master artist.

Mansoor Rahi is the leading abstractionist painter of Pakistan and his teaching and influence have led to the emergence of a larger number of prominent artists than any other master artist.

Buehler Library permanently houses an unparalleled collection of Chicago Imagist and Abstractionist Art, which explores the vibrant, often outrageous, yet precisely crafted works of Chicago artists between 1950 and the present.

At the same time, he has usually depicted those things--if depicted is even the right word--with the eye of an abstractionist, even a kind of small-m minimalist, a parer-down rather than an elaborator.

Abstractionist Aesthetics: Artistic Form and Social Critique in African American Culture.

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