all right

all right

satisfactory; safe and sound: I’m feeling all right now.; expressing consent or assent: It is all right to leave the table.

Not to be confused with:

all-right – acceptable: He’s an all-right kind of guy.

alright – nonstandard for all right; often used in informal writing: I’m alright, thank you.

Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree

all right



a. In proper or satisfactory condition: checked to see if the tires were all right.

b. Acceptable; allowable: Delaying the repair is all right by me.

c. all-right (ôl′rīt′) Informal Satisfactory; good: an all-right fellow; an all-right movie.

2. Correct: Your answers are all right.

3. Average; mediocre: The performance was just all right, not remarkable.

4. Not in danger or difficulty; safe or uninjured: The passengers were shaken up but are all right.

5. In good physical or mental condition; healthy or untroubled: I am feeling all right again.


1. In a satisfactory way; adequately: I held up all right under pressure.

2. Very well; yes. Used as a reply to a question or to introduce a declaration: All right, I'll go.

3. Without a doubt: It's cold, all right.


Used to express great satisfaction, approval, or happiness.

Usage Note: Despite the frequent use of the form alright the single word spelling is still widely viewed as nonstandard. In our 2009 survey, more than two-thirds of the Usage Panel rejected alright in examples like Don't worry. Everything will be alright, whereas over 90 percent accepted all right in the same examples. This resistance may seem peculiar, since similar fusions incorporating all, such as already and altogether, have never raised any objections. The difference may lie in the fact that already and altogether became single words back in the Middle Ages, whereas alright has only been around for a little more than a century and was called out by language critics as a misspelling. Readers may view the use of alright, especially in formal writing, as an error or a willful breaking of convention.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

all right

adj (postpositive except in slang use)

1. adequate; satisfactory

2. unharmed; safe

3. all-right slang

a. acceptable: an all-right book.

b. reliable: an all-right guy.

sentence substitute

very well: used to express assent


4. satisfactorily; adequately: the car goes all right.

5. without doubt: he's a bad one, all right.

Also: alright

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

all` right′


1. yes; very well: All right, I'll go with you.

2. (used as an interrogative) do you agree?: We'll meet tomorrow, all right?

3. satisfactorily; acceptably: Her work is coming along all right.

4. without fail; certainly: You'll hear about this, all right!


5. safe; sound: Are you all right?

6. acceptable; passable: His performance was all right.

7. reliable; good: That fellow is all right.




very good; excellent: an all-right guy.


Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

all right

If you say that something is all right, you mean that it is satisfactory or acceptable.

Is everything all right, sir?

All right is the usual spelling. Alright is sometimes used, but many people think this spelling is incorrect.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Adj.1.all right - being satisfactory or in satisfactory conditionall right - being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition; "an all-right movie"; "the passengers were shaken up but are all right"; "is everything all right?"; "everything's fine"; "things are okay"; "dinner and the movies had been fine"; "another minute I'd have been fine"

colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech

satisfactory - giving satisfaction; "satisfactory living conditions"; "his grades were satisfactory"

Adv.1.all right - an expression of agreement normally occurring at the beginning of a sentence
2.all right - without doubt (used to reinforce an assertion); "it's expensive all right"
3.all right - in a satisfactory or adequate mannerall right - in a satisfactory or adequate manner; "she'll do okay on her own"; "held up all right under pressure"; (`alright' is a nonstandard variant of `all right')

colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

all right


1. satisfactory, O.K. or okay (informal), average, fair, sufficient, standard, acceptable, good enough, adequate, so-so (informal), up to scratch (informal), passable, up to standard, up to the mark, unobjectionable, ALrIt (S.M.S.) 'How was the school you attended?' 'It was all right.'
satisfactory bad, poor, inadequate, unacceptable, unsatisfactory, not good enough, objectionable, not up to scratch (informal)

2. well, O.K. or okay (informal), strong, whole, sound, fit, safe, healthy, hale, unharmed, out of the woods, uninjured, unimpaired, up to par, ALrIt (S.M.S.) Are you all right now?
well bad, poorly, ill, injured, sick, crook (Austral. & N.Z. informal), ailing, unhealthy, sickly, unwell, out of sorts, off colour

3. permitted, O.K. or okay (informal), sanctioned, acceptable, legal, proper, legitimate, authorized, lawful, permissible, allowable, kosher (informal), admissible, legit (slang), licit, ALrIt (S.M.S.) Would it be all right if I waited here?


1. O.K. or okay (informal), right, yes, agreed, fine, very good, roger, very well, ya (S. African), yebo (S. African informal), F.A.B. (Brit. informal), ALrIt (S.M.S.) `I think you should go now.' `All right.' see alright

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

all right


Of moderately good quality but less than excellent:


The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


v pořádkudobřesouhlasím

fintgodti ordenjaO.K.

hyvä onihan hyvä

dobaru redu

allt lagi, jæja òáí lagi





tạm ổntốt

all right



1. (= satisfactory) it's all right (= it's fine) → todo está bien; (= passable) → no está mal; (= don't worry) → no te preocupes
the film was all rightla película no estuvo mal
yes, that's all rightsí, de acuerdo or vale
are you all right?¿estás bien?
well, he's all right (= not bad) → bueno, es regular
he's all right as a goalkeepercomo portero vale
it's all right by meyo, de acuerdo, lo que es por mí, no hay problema
it's all right for you!a ti ¿qué te puede importar?
it's all right for some! (iro) → ¡los hay con suerte!
it's all right for you to smiletú bien puedes sonreír
is it all right for me to go at four?¿me da permiso para or puedo marcharme a las cuatro?
is it all right for me to take the dog?¿se me permite llevar al perro?
is that all right with you?¿te parece bien?
it's all right with meyo, de acuerdo, lo que es por mí, no hay problema
is he all right with the girls?¿se comporta bien con las chicas?
it'll be all right on the nighttodo estará listo para el estreno
she's a bit of all right¡está buenísima!

2. (= safe, well) → bien
I'm/I feel all right nowya estoy bien
it's all right, you can come out again nowestá bien, puedes salir ya
do you think the car will be all right there overnight?¿tú crees que le pasará algo al coche allí toda la noche?
she's all right again nowestá mejor, se ha repuesto ya

4. (= available)
are you all right for Tuesday?¿te viene bien el martes?


1. (= satisfactorily, without difficulty) → bien
everything turned out all righttodo salió bien
I can see all right, thanksveo bien, gracias
he's doing all right for himselfno le van nada mal las cosas

2. (= without doubt) he complained all right!¡ya lo creo que se quejó!
you'll get your money back all rightse te devolverá tu dinero, eso es seguro

C. EXCL (in approval) → ¡bueno!, ¡muy bien!; (in agreement) → ¡de acuerdo!, ¡vale!, ¡okey!; (introducing a new subject) → bueno; (in exasperation) → ¡se acabó! (esp US) (in triumph) → ¡olé!, ¡sí señor!
all right, let's get startedbueno, vamos a empezar
all right, who's in charge here?muy bien ¿quién manda aquí?
"we'll talk about it later" - "all right"-lo hablamos después -vale

Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

all right

adj pred

(= satisfactory)in Ordnung, okay (inf); it’s all right (= not too bad)es geht; (= working properly)es ist in Ordnung; that’s or it’s all right (after thanks) → schon gut, gern geschehen; (after apology) → schon gut, das macht nichts; it’s all right, you don’t have toschon gut, du musst nicht unbedingt; to taste/look/smell all rightganz gut schmecken/aussehen/riechen; is it all right for me to leave early?kann ich früher gehen?; it’s all right by meich habe nichts dagegen, von mir aus gern; it’s all right for youdu hasts gut; it’s all right for you (to talk)du hast gut reden; it’s all right for him to laugher hat gut lachen; I made it all right with himich habe das (mit ihm) wieder eingerenkt; I saw him all right (inf, for petrol, money etc) → ich hab ihn (dafür) entschädigt; it’ll be all right on the nightes wird schon klappen, wenn es darauf ankommt; he’s all right (inf: = is a good guy) → der ist in Ordnung (inf)

(= safe, unharmed) person, machinein Ordnung, okay (inf); object, building, tree etcheil, ganz, okay (inf); are you all right? (= healthy)geht es Ihnen gut?; (= unharmed)ist Ihnen etwas passiert?; are you feeling all right?fehlt Ihnen was?; (iro)sag mal, fehlt dir was?; he’s all right againes geht ihm wieder gut, er ist wieder in Ordnung (inf); are you all right (in there)?ist alles in Ordnung (da drin)?; the bomb damaged half the street but our house was all rightdie Bombe hat die halbe Straße zerstört, aber unserem Haus ist nichts passiert; is it all right for us to come out now?können wir jetzt rauskommen?; it’s all right now, Susi’s herejetzt ist alles wieder gut, Susi ist ja da; it’s all right, don’t worrykeine Angst, machen Sie sich keine Sorgen; we’re all right for the rest of our liveswir haben für den Rest des Lebens ausgesorgt


(= satisfactorily)ganz gut, ganz ordentlich; (= safely)gut; did I do it all right?habe ich es recht gemacht?; did you get home all right?bist du gut nach Hause gekommen?; did you get/find it all right?haben Sie es denn bekommen/gefunden?

(= certainly)schon; he’ll come all righter wird schon kommen; that’s the boy all rightdas ist der Junge; he’s a clever man all righter ist schon intelligent; oh yes, we heard you all righto ja, und ob wir dich gehört haben

interjgut, schön, okay (inf); (in agreement) → gut, in Ordnung; may I leave early? — all rightkann ich früher gehen? — ja; all right that’s enough!okay or komm, jetzt reichts (aber)!; all right, all right! I’m comingschon gut, schon gut, ich komme ja!

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

all right

adv (feel, work) → bene; (as answer) → va bene

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(oːl) adjective, pronoun

1. the whole (of). He ate all the cake; He has spent all of his money.

2. every one (of a group) when taken together. They were all present; All men are equal.


1. entirely. all alone; dressed all in white.

2. (with the) much; even. Your low pay is all the more reason to find a new job; I feel all the better for a shower.

ˌall-ˈclear noun

(usually with the) a signal or formal statement that a time of danger etc is over. They sounded the all-clear after the air-raid.

ˈall-out adjective

using the greatest effort possible. an all-out attempt.

ˈall-round adjective

1. including or applying to every part, person, thing etc. an all-round pay rise.

2. good at all parts of a subject etc. an all-round sportsman.

ˌall-ˈrounder noun

a person who is good at many kinds of work, sport etc.

all-terrain vehicle (ˌoːl təˈrein ˈviːəkl) noun

(also ATV) a small vehicle, looking like a small tractor, that can travel fast on rough ground.

all along

the whole time (that something was happening). I knew the answer all along.

all at once

1. all at the same time. Don't eat those cakes all at once!

2. suddenly. All at once the light went out.

all in

with everything included. Is that the price all in?

all in all

considering everything. We haven't done badly, all in all.

all over

1. over the whole of (a person, thing etc). My car is dirty all over.

2. finished. The excitement's all over now.

3. everywhere. We've been looking all over for you!

all right

1. unhurt; not ill or in difficulties etc. You look ill. Are you all right?

2. an expression of agreement to do something. `Will you come?' `Oh, all right.'

in all

in total, when everything is added up. I spent three hours in all waiting for buses last week.

Write all right (not alright).

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.

all right

طَيِّب, عَلَى ما يُرام v pořádku godt, O.K. ganz gut, gut εντάξει bien, bueno hyvä on, ihan hyvä convenable, ok dobar, u redu bello, va bene まあまあの, 申し分なく, 훌륭한 acceptabel, in orde greit, OK w porządku bom, está bem, tudo bem порядок, хорошо okay, okej น่าพอใจ, อย่างน่าพอใจ iyi, orta karar tạm ổn, tốt 尚可的, 良好

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

all right

adj bien; Are you all right?..¿Estás bien?

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.