case agreement

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: agreement - agreement in grammatical case between words in the same construction

concord, agreement - the determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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(46) One way continuity of care can be accomplished is through a single case agreement. Single case agreements are contracts between the insurer and the out-of-network provider that allow the consumer to see his or her out-of-network provider, usually at a negotiated in-network rate.

In case agreement is reached, the framework for the reform of the current insolvency regime will also be tabled before the Cabinet for approval next Monday.

Requiring no capital expenditure, TrakRap works on an innovative cost per case agreement, making the technology available to all, and exceeds the Courtaulds 2 Agreement as well as the EEC Waste Directive.

Age y Clinical History Diagnosis 1 44 Menometrorrhagia EIN 2 50 Menorrhagia EIN 3 68 PMB EIN 4 45 Menorrhagia Benign 5 56 PMB, prior disordered proliferative EIN 6 38 DUB EIN 7 61 Endometrial polyp EIN 8 59 Endometrial polyp EIN 9 53 Endometrial polyp Polyp 10 48 Menometrorrhagia Benign 11 61 PMB Benign 12 34 Anovulation EIN 13 61 Tamoxifen, DUB Polyp 14 58 PMB Polyp 15 48 PMB Benign 16 59 Estrogen replacement Benign 17 43 DUB EIN 18 31 Primary infertility Polyp Case Agreement, % No.

case agreement between the attribute and noun (Tikka 1992 : 141).

Regardless of network status, potential patients' benefits are verified in advance and if they have out-of-network benefits, we have been successful in accommodating a large number of these individuals using these benefits or achieving a single case agreement. The point is that we're willing to suffer the pain to accommodate mote individuals seeking treatment.

In case agreement cannot be reached on the square root system or on maintaining the current system, "the discussion will be postponed until the intergovernmental conference".

In some languages this case agreement extends to other adnominal NPs also.

The borough council, though, has issued notice of its intention to make 41 compulsory purchase orders, in case agreement is not reached.

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