out of order


(ˈoːdə) noun

1. a statement (by a person in authority) of what someone must do; a command. He gave me my orders.

2. an instruction to supply something. orders from Germany for special gates.

3. something supplied. Your order is nearly ready.

4. a tidy state. The house is in (good) order.

5. a system or method. I must have order in my life.

6. an arrangement (of people, things etc) in space, time etc. in alphabetical order; in order of importance.

7. a peaceful condition. law and order.

8. a written instruction to pay money. a banker's order.

9. a group, class, rank or position. This is a list of the various orders of plants; the social order.

10. a religious society, especially of monks. the Benedictine order.


1. to tell (someone) to do something (from a position of authority). He ordered me to stand up.

2. to give an instruction to supply. I have ordered some new furniture from the shop; He ordered a steak.

3. to put in order. Should we order these alphabetically?

ˈorderly adjective

well-behaved; quiet. an orderly queue of people.

nounplural ˈorderlies

1. a hospital attendant who does routine jobs.

2. a soldier who carries an officer's orders and messages.

ˈorderliness nounˈorder-form noun

a form on which a customer's order is written.

in order

1. correct according to what is regularly done, especially in meetings etc. It is quite in order to end the meeting now.

2. in a good efficient state. Everything is in order for the party.

in order (that)

so that. He checked all his figures again in order that the report might be as accurate as possible.

in order to

for the purpose of. I went home in order to change my clothes.

made to order

made when and how a customer wishes. curtains made to order.

on order

having been ordered but not yet supplied. We don't have any copies of this book at the moment, but it's on order.

order about

to keep on giving orders (to someone). I'm tired of him ordering me about all the time.

out of order

1. not working (properly). The machine is out of order.

2. not correct according to what is regularly done, especially in meetings etc. He was out of order in saying that.

a tall order

a difficult job or task. Asking us to finish this by Friday is a bit of a tall order.



1. adverb, adjective not in a building etc; from inside a building etc; in(to) the open air. The children are out in the garden; They went out for a walk.

2. adverb from inside (something). He opened the desk and took out a pencil.

3. adverb, adjective away from home, an office etc. We had an evening out; The manager is out.

4. adverb, adjective far away. The ship was out at sea; He went out to India.

5. adverb loudly and clearly. He shouted out the answer.

6. adverb completely. She was tired out.

7. adverb, adjective not correct. My calculations seem to be out.

8. adverb, adjective free, known, available etc. He let the cat out; The secret is out.

9. adverb, adjective (in games) having been defeated. The batsman was (caught) out.

10. adverb, adjective on strike. The men came out in protest.

11. adverb, adjective no longer in fashion. Long hair is definitely out.

12. adverb, adjective (of the tide) with the water at or going to its lowest level. The tide is (going) out.

13. adjective unacceptable. That suggestion is definitely out.

(as part of a word)

1. not inside or near, as in out-lying.

2. indicating outward movement, as in outburst.

3. indicating that the action goes further or beyond a normal action, as in outshine.

ˈouter adjective

outside; far from (the centre of) something. outer space.

ˈoutermost adjective

nearest the edge, outside etc. the outermost ring on the target.

ˈouting noun

a usually short trip, made for pleasure. an outing to the seaside.

ˈoutward adjective

1. on or towards the outside; able to be seen. Judging by his outward appearance, he's not very rich; no outward sign of unhappiness.

2. (of a journey) away from. The outward journey will be by sea, but they will return home by air.

ˈoutwardly adverb

in appearance. Outwardly he is cheerful, but he is really a very unhappy person.

ˈoutwards adverb

towards the outside edge or surface. Moving outwards from the centre of the painting, we see that the figures become smaller.

ˈout-and-out adjective

very bad. an out-and-out liar.

out-of-datedateout-of-pocket adjective

paid in cash; paid out of your own pocket. out-of-pocket expenses.

be out of pocket

to have no money; to lose money. I can't pay you now as I'm out of pocket at the moment.

out of printprintout of sight

1. no longer visible; where you cannot see something or be seen. They watched the ship sailing until it was out of sight; Put it out of sight.

2. an old expression meaning wonderful, fantastic. The show was out of sight.

out of sight, out of mind

an expression describing a situation in which someone is forgotten when he/she is not around. They used to be close friends, but since he left it has become a case of out of sight, out of mind.

ˌout-of-the-ˈway adjective

difficult to reach or arrive at. an out-of-the-way place.

be out for

to be wanting or intending to get. She is out for revenge.

be out to

to be determined to. He is out to win the race.

out of

1. from inside. He took it out of the bag.

2. not in. Mr Smith is out of the office; out of danger; out of sight.

3. from among. Four out of five people like this song.

4. having none left. She is quite out of breath.

5. because of. He did it out of curiosity/spite.

6. from. He drank the lemonade straight out of the bottle.

out of doors

outside. We like to eat out of doors in summer.

out of it

1. not part of a group, activity etc. I felt a bit out of it at the party.

2. no longer involved in something. That was a crazy scheme – I'm glad to be out of it.

out of orderorderout of the way

unusual. There was nothing out of the way about what she said.

out of this worldworldout of workwork

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