
However, the instability of the situation gives these new structures and modes of governance a character of temporality and unfixity, which shapes how state-making can be pursued.

In many ways, the physical unfixity of the Line of Control between India and Pakistan is what has rendered this border line fixed in the minds of politicians and citizens alike, whereby the borders of Bollywood and cricket remain firmly outlined for Pakistanis.

This chapter argues for the "categorical unfixity" of early modern boys in order to point out the difficulty of defining early modern pederasty, and the way in which the latter "overlaps with, slides into, and sometimes becomes or comes from" other kinds of desires (114), a point Masten deepens through brilliant readings of John Fletcher's Philaster and an impressive archive of printed images of boys in emblems and historiated initials.

While mathematics allows access to an essence (the root of "entity"), the eidolon is as a meta-essence of sorts, combining both the temporary fixity of an arithmetical equation as well as the metaphysical unfixity of Whitman's not-yet- and no-longer-physical.

Laclau and Mouffe maintain that the unfixity of the social space is a key component of the articulation of hegemonic practices.

After under-stage music subsequently symbolizes the departure of his guiding spirit Hercules, he perceives an unfixity in the air that reflects Iris own dissolving identity:

(274.) See Clark, supra note 32, at 476 ("By requiring a writing between the parties to a transaction, unfixity [i.e.

In addition to choice and altruism as two clear and present discourses that mask reproductive injustice, undoubtedly at stake within the narrative of gestational surrogacy is the relative unfixity of motherhood, family, and kin.

It then becomes apparent that the dialectical model epitomized by the sonata form, with its constant gravitational pull toward a tonal nucleus, cannot adequately represent a reality both characterized and shaped by unfixity. "Most people"--Said concludes--"are principally aware of one culture, one setting, one home; exiles are aware of at least two, and this plurality of vision gives rise to an awareness of simultaneous dimensions, an awareness that--to borrow a phrase from music--is contrapuntal" (172, emphasis in the original).

Rosalind's epilogue certainly presents a concluding gesture towards the unfixity of identity.

For Laclau, the floating signifier is the signifier which 'results from the unfixity introduced by a plurality of discourses' (Laclau, 2000: 305).

Unfixity has become the condition of every social identity.