1. Received with pleasure and hospitality into one's company or home: a welcome guest.
2. Giving pleasure or satisfaction; agreeable or gratifying: a welcome respite from hard work.
3. Cordially or willingly permitted or invited: You are welcome to join us.
4. Used in the expression you're welcome to acknowledge an expression of gratitude.
1. A cordial greeting or hospitable reception given to an arriving person.
2. A reception upon arrival: gave the stranger an unfriendly welcome.
3. The state of being welcome: Don't overstay your welcome.
tr.v. wel·comed, wel·com·ing, wel·comes
1. To greet, receive, or entertain (another or others) cordially or hospitably.
2. To receive or accept gladly: would welcome a little privacy.
Used to greet cordially a visitor or recent arrival.
wear out (one's) welcome
To visit so often or stay so long as to become a nuisance.
[Middle English, alteration (influenced by wel, well) of Old English wilcuma, welcome guest, welcome; see gwā- in Indo-European roots.]
wel′come·ly adv.
wel′come·ness n.
wel′com·er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. gladly and cordially received or admitted: a welcome guest.
2. bringing pleasure or gratitude: a welcome gift.
3. freely permitted or invited: you are welcome to call.
4. under no obligation (only in such phrases as you're welcome or he's welcome, as conventional responses to thanks)
sentence substitute
an expression of cordial greeting, esp to a person whose arrival is desired or pleasing
5. the act of greeting or receiving a person or thing; reception: the new theory had a cool welcome.
6. wear out one's welcome to come more often or stay longer than is acceptable or pleasing
vb (tr)
7. to greet the arrival of (visitors, guests, etc) cordially or gladly
8. to receive or accept, esp gladly
[C12: changed (through influence of well1) from Old English wilcuma (agent noun referring to a welcome guest), wilcume (a greeting of welcome), from wil will2 + cuman to come]
ˈwelcomely adv
ˈwelcomeness n
ˈwelcomer n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈwɛl kəm) interj., n., v. -comed, -com•ing,
adj. interj.
1. (a word of kindly greeting, as to one whose arrival gives pleasure): Welcome, stranger!
n.2. a kindly greeting or reception: to give someone a warm welcome.
v.t.3. to greet the arrival of (a person, guests, etc.) with pleasure or kindly courtesy.
4. to receive or accept with pleasure: to welcome a change.
5. to meet, accept, or receive (an action, challenge, person, etc.) in a specified, esp. unfriendly, manner: They welcomed him with hisses and catcalls.
adj.6. gladly received: a welcome visitor.
7. agreeable: a welcome rest.
8. given permission or consent: She is welcome to try it.
9. without obligation for the courtesy or favor received (used as a conventional response to expressions of thanks): You're quite welcome.
Idioms:wear out one's welcome, to make one's presence undesirable, as by visiting too often or by misbehaving.
[before 900; Middle English < Scandinavian; compare Old Norse velkominn=vel well1 + kominn come (past participle)]
wel′come•ly, adv.
wel′come•ness, n.
wel′com•er, n.
usage: “You're welcome,” the customary polite response to “thank you,” has been falling out of favor in recent years. More common replies are now an emphatic “Thank you,” or an outright denial of the favor such as “It's nothing,” or in especially informal use, “No problem.” The decline of “You're welcome” is apparently the result of a courteous desire on the part of the thanked person to minimize the importance of the favor done.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Welcome can be a verb, a noun, or an adjective. It can also be a greeting.
1. used as a verb
If you welcome someone, you greet them in a friendly way when they arrive at the place where you are.
He went to the door to welcome his visitor.
2. used as a noun
If you want to describe the way in which someone is welcomed to a place, you can use welcome as a noun. For example, you can say that someone is given a warm welcome.
He was given a warm welcome by the President himself.
We always get a friendly welcome from the hotel staff.
3. 'you're welcome'
You can say 'you're welcome' as a response when someone thanks you.
'Thanks for the coffee.' – 'You're welcome.'
You can say that someone is welcome to do something or is welcome to something, meaning that you are happy for them to do it or have it if they want.
She is welcome to stay with us while she finds a place to live.
We don't have a bath, only a shower, but you're welcome to it.
In different contexts, and with different intonation, you can say that someone is welcome to something to mean that they can have it because you do not want it and are happy to get rid of it.
If he wants my job, he's welcome to it!
4. used as a greeting
When someone arrives at the place where you are, you can greet them by saying 'Welcome' to them.
Welcome to Beijing.
Welcome home, Marta.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: welcomed
Gerund: welcoming
Imperative |
welcome |
welcome |
Present |
I welcome |
you welcome |
he/she/it welcomes |
we welcome |
you welcome |
they welcome |
Preterite |
I welcomed |
you welcomed |
he/she/it welcomed |
we welcomed |
you welcomed |
they welcomed |
Present Continuous |
I am welcoming |
you are welcoming |
he/she/it is welcoming |
we are welcoming |
you are welcoming |
they are welcoming |
Present Perfect |
I have welcomed |
you have welcomed |
he/she/it has welcomed |
we have welcomed |
you have welcomed |
they have welcomed |
Past Continuous |
I was welcoming |
you were welcoming |
he/she/it was welcoming |
we were welcoming |
you were welcoming |
they were welcoming |
Past Perfect |
I had welcomed |
you had welcomed |
he/she/it had welcomed |
we had welcomed |
you had welcomed |
they had welcomed |
Future |
I will welcome |
you will welcome |
he/she/it will welcome |
we will welcome |
you will welcome |
they will welcome |
Future Perfect |
I will have welcomed |
you will have welcomed |
he/she/it will have welcomed |
we will have welcomed |
you will have welcomed |
they will have welcomed |
Future Continuous |
I will be welcoming |
you will be welcoming |
he/she/it will be welcoming |
we will be welcoming |
you will be welcoming |
they will be welcoming |
Present Perfect Continuous |
I have been welcoming |
you have been welcoming |
he/she/it has been welcoming |
we have been welcoming |
you have been welcoming |
they have been welcoming |
Future Perfect Continuous |
I will have been welcoming |
you will have been welcoming |
he/she/it will have been welcoming |
we will have been welcoming |
you will have been welcoming |
they will have been welcoming |
Past Perfect Continuous |
I had been welcoming |
you had been welcoming |
he/she/it had been welcoming |
we had been welcoming |
you had been welcoming |
they had been welcoming |
Conditional |
I would welcome |
you would welcome |
he/she/it would welcome |
we would welcome |
you would welcome |
they would welcome |
Past Conditional |
I would have welcomed |
you would have welcomed |
he/she/it would have welcomed |
we would have welcomed |
you would have welcomed |
they would have welcomed |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun | 1. | ![]() acceptance - the state of being acceptable and accepted; "torn jeans received no acceptance at the country club" |
2. | ![]() greeting, salutation - (usually plural) an acknowledgment or expression of good will (especially on meeting) cordial reception, hospitality - kindness in welcoming guests or strangers inhospitality - unkind and inconsiderate welcome; "he was taken aback by such inhospitality" glad hand - a warm welcome; may be insincere | |
Verb | 1. | welcome - accept gladly; "I welcome your proposals" accept, take, have - receive willingly something given or offered; "The only girl who would have him was the miller's daughter"; "I won't have this dog in my house!"; "Please accept my present" |
2. | ![]() say farewell - say good-bye or bid farewell | |
3. | ![]() receive, take in, invite - express willingness to have in one's home or environs; "The community warmly received the refugees" | |
Adj. | 1. | welcome - giving pleasure or satisfaction or received with pleasure or freely granted; "a welcome relief"; "a welcome guest"; "made the children feel welcome"; "you are welcome to join us" wanted - desired or wished for or sought; "couldn't keep her eyes off the wanted toy"; "a wanted criminal"; "a wanted poster" unwelcome - not welcome; not giving pleasure or received with pleasure; "unwelcome publicity"; "unwelcome interruptions"; "unwelcome visitors" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. greet, meet, receive, embrace, hail, usher in, say hello to, roll out the red carpet for, offer hospitality to, receive with open arms, bid welcome Several people came out to welcome me.
greet refuse, reject, slight, exclude, turn away, snub, spurn, rebuff
2. accept gladly, appreciate, embrace, approve of, be pleased by, give the thumbs up to (informal), be glad about, express pleasure or satisfaction at They welcomed the move but felt it did not go far enough.
1. greeting, welcoming, entertainment, reception, acceptance, hail, hospitality, salutation There was a wonderful welcome waiting for him when he arrived.
greeting slight, rejection, exclusion, snub, rebuff, cold shoulder, ostracism
1. pleasing, wanted, accepted, appreciated, acceptable, pleasant, desirable, refreshing, delightful, gratifying, agreeable, pleasurable, gladly received a welcome change from the usual routine
pleasing unacceptable, unpleasant, unwelcome, undesirable, disagreeable
3. free, invited Non-residents are welcome to use our facilities.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
adjectiveTo one's liking:
An expression, in words or gestures, marking a meeting of persons:
1. To address in a friendly and respectful way:
2. To receive (something given or offered) willingly and gladly:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
byde velkommenvelkomstvelkommenblive glad for
tervetulluttoivottaa tervetulleeksivastaanotto
fogadfogadtatásIsten hozottIsten hoztaIsten hozta!
bjóîa velkominn, taka vel á mótimóttökurvelkominn
galėti laisvaimielai sutiktinėra už kąsveiki atvykę!
apsveiktEsiet sveicināti!gaidītslabprāt satiktLaipni lūdzu!
dobrodošlicalepo koga sprejetisprejetidobrodošel
sự đón tiếptiếp đón
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
to be welcome to do sth (in polite offers) → être cordialement invité(e) à faire qch
New members are always welcome to join
BUT Les nouveaux membres sont toujours les bienvenus.
you're welcome to try (= do if you like) → vous pouvez essayer si vous voulez
(= be glad of) [+ news, decision, action] → se réjouir de
This legislation is particularly welcomed
BUT Cette législation est particulièrement bienvenue.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
1. adj (gen) → gradito/a
welcome! → benvenuto/a!
welcome to Britain! → benvenuti in Gran Bretagna!
to be welcome (person) → essere il/la benvenuto/a
welcome back! → bentornato/a!
you will always be welcome here → qui sarai sempre il benvenuto
to make sb welcome → accogliere bene qn
you're welcome (after thanks) → prego
you're welcome to try → prova pure
you're welcome to (borrow) it → prendilo pure
it's a welcome change → è un piacevole cambiamento
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(ˈwelkəm) adjectivereceived with gladness and happiness. She will make you welcome; He is a welcome visitor at our house; The extra money was very welcome; The holiday made a welcome change.
nounreception; hospitality. We were given a warm welcome.
verbto receive or greet with pleasure and gladness. We were welcomed by our hosts; She will welcome the chance to see you again.
interjectionused to express gladness at someone's arrival. Welcome to Britain!
ˈwelcoming adjectivea welcoming smile.
be welcome toto be gladly given permission to (have, do or accept something). You're welcome to stay as long as you wish.
you're welcome!(especially American) that's quite all right, no thanks are necessary. `Thanks !' `You're welcome!'
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ تَرْحِيب, يُرَحِّبُ بِ přivítání, vítat byde velkommen, velkomst begrüßen, Willkommen καλωσορίζω, καλωσόρισμα dar la bienvenida, recibimiento toivottaa tervetulleeksi, vastaanotto accueillir, bienvenue dobrodošlica, dočekati accoglienza, accogliere 歓迎, 歓迎する 환영, 환영하다 verwelkomen, welkomst ønske velkommen, velkomst powitać, powitanie boas-vindas, dar as boas-vindas приветствие, приветствовать välkomna, välkomnande การต้อนรับ, ต้อนรับ karşılama, karşılamak sự đón tiếp, tiếp đón 欢迎Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n. bienvenida;
v. dar la bienvenida, recibir con agrado;
You are ___ → De nada; para servirle; no hay de que;
a ___ surprise → una sorpresa agradable;
a. bienvenido-a; agradable; deseado-a.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009